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Daedalus Mortality

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Posts posted by Daedalus Mortality

  1. [quote]I think you kinda offened Wild_Child cuz I think he's black...[/quote]
    How did that offend black people? the only thing it offended are people that say that the abbility to rap has to do whit youre race and were you are from and stuff I dunno, not black people tough
  2. Whahaha I was just looking around the other polls and this has to be the funniest comment ive ever seen:
    Re: If 50 Cent and Jay-Z battled, who do you think would win
    by ms.50 on Feb 05, 2004 - 05:57 PM
    (User info | Send a message)

    [b]50 would be da winner[/b] b/c he has the whole package.

    2.[b]body & FINE!!!!![/b]
    4[u].[b]money [/b][/u][/quote]
    lmao I wanted to bold the funny parts but they all are lmao
  3. I understand that will isnt on it I kind of understand that 50 is on it but I offcourse dont think he deserves it.

    And we should be happy will isnt on it or he would be there whit like 4 votes :P and that would be way more embaracing. :kekeke:

    I voted for KRS-ONE btw even tough nobody cares
  4. Dear Uncle Phil,

    The simple awnser to your'e question is No! deffinently not. Only males of the Negro race can rap. They seem to be born whit a natural talent to create sentancs that rhyme, and besides that the abbility to recite them rhytmicly to a beat. Tough Scientists can not explain why only Poor negro males can rap, wich seems to be the case. For some reason these talents only get unlocked when the individual has been exposed to alot of poverty and crime in the earlier stages of life, thus keeping it real.

    Youre Kind regards,

    Daedalus Mortality
  5. most rappers are in a downword spiral after their first album bcomes a hit, becouse they dont have anything to rhyme for since they are allready a hit. I heard an eminem Mix tape a while back tough wre he had like that Slim Shady vibe again, whit like witty ****, so I hope his next album will be like that agin ven tough i doubt it becouse of the uber wackness d12 is bringing. Seriously 40oz made me feel ashamed for him as a human being.
  6. I personaly think its like this:

    You have Will smith for suburban white kids
    You have Eminem for suburban white kids
    You have 50 cent for suburban white kids

    that really the biggest pat of any rap artists buyers :P

    An to whoever said Eminem is an avarage rapper should listen to the Slim Shady LP again.

    [quote]Hero1 Posted on May 11 2004, 12:27 AM
      i dont think the commercial rap artists are very diverse at all..most of the talent lies in the underground...

    dilated peoples/jurassic 5/blackalicious etc came from the underground... [/quote]
    EMinem came from the undground also, so did 50cent
  7. @ Prince,
    (1)I feel sorry for you that you not only watch shows such as "the real world" but then even start to judge people on not being like the idiots that get recruited for that stupid program. In My REAL life I try to disten myself from people lik the ones in that show as much as possible actually.
    (2) YOU say I said I can't respect other peoples opinion, but I never said I CAN't, I respect alot of people's opinion, I just dont HAVE to respect them all.

    (1)I don't act like I am god, and neither does AJ.
    I (I cant speak for AJ) do think I am smarter then SOME people becouse I actually am. And you cant deny that, everyone on this forum is smarter then ATLEASE SOMEONE on this planet.
    (2) And you say I can't really say someone's opinion is stupid, but ofcourse I can. Why couldn't I? Stupid people's opinions are more stupid then smart people's opinions. (please excuse me as I say "DUhh"

    Another example for you all:
    Hitler said "All people that don't have blonde hair and blue yes are bad and should die." This is opinion. Should we respect this opinion?

    And the final blow to youre weak reasoning I shall give whit this, the definition of respect:

    noun: an attitude of admiration or esteem
    Example: "She lost all respect for him"

    I do not Admire Stupid opinions, and niether should you.

    (and I really am being serious Prince, when I say that I don't have any anger (wich is hard to show on Internet) I am just discussing this point wich I think you understood wrongly. (as do you do for me) So plase dont mock that :P
  8. Do you know what respecting is Lamberj? seriously? YOU CAN DESIDE WHAT OR WHO YOU RESPECT YOURSELF, everyone is the master of what he or she respects you can respect whatever you want, and you dont have to respect opinions you think are stupid.
  9. Nah, AJ I think you got it wrong:
    [quote]What's your least favorite song of all
    time?[/quote] is the subject

    And I kinda agee, I mean personally I think there are alot of songs that I like less, but it was a petty crappy song, I allways found that. And I think the main reason it is on here is becouse alot of the fans of the original song hated the way Will sampled it (I saw intervieuws about it.)

    And the person who said "boom shake the room" should be up there sooner, I agree whit you, but do you say this becouse Will said it was wack in the recent interview? or did you allways think it was? if the fist, I pray that you will one day be able to form youre own opinion.

    And @ the person who said Will2k shouldn't be up there becouse it got played alot? :confused: Since when did airplay means something is good music?
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