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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Daedalus Mortality

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Posts posted by Daedalus Mortality

  1. I hav nothing against you prince, but you said:
    [quote]People, we each have our own opinions and you have to respect that...[/quote]
    And I hav somthing against that :P

    And I never said Tupac wasnt a legend, im just saying he is not in a league of his own and he is verry much comparable to any other MC.
  2. Haha omg man, that must be dope as hell, in RL i have a big mouth alot of the time but I know that if I met will I wouldnt be able to talk or barelly.

    But Enlighten us! What [b]did[/b] you talk about?

    And as a bit of psonal advice from me to everyone that said: tell him about this site!": IF YOU MEET WILL SMITH DONT GO SCREAMING ABOUT HI! IM U BIGGST FAN AND I GO TO THIS WEBSITE [url="http://jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum"]http://jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum[/url] AND WE ALL LUVVVVV U COME TO ALSO??!!
  3. I don't have to respect stupid opinions... you only think that bcouse you allways hear people whit stupid opinions saying "ewww everyone has his own opinion and you have to respect that"you dont if everyone espects everyones opinion we will never proceed in life

  4. [quote]By the way 50 cent and g-unit dosen't suck they along with everyone on aftermath is the hottest team out right now. Check the billboard charts for proof gggggg-unit![/quote]
    I feel sorry for your parents :nhawong:

    But eminem I like verry much, i totally agree whit what AJ said tough I liked him until he started to act all tough and serious on the eminem show, the slim shady LP songs are lyricly great and funny aswell. But mainly ever since he got to succsfull he started to get worse, and getting 50cent on his team didnt help either. And about wanting fun? uhmm... eminem is based moe on fun then any othe MC i know you all just take the things he says to serious, I mean I dont know how old you are, when i was 12 and he first came out I dint like him either but I think from lik 15 you should undstand that it are jokes and jsut rhymes not ment serious and it wont influence anyone in his right mind to become agresive
  5. why do you all guess sony wantd that song? why couldnt will hav made that song becouse he likes the music? And releasing so fresh as the second single? So fsh did get released as a single wich was a mistak in my eys, maybe will wantd to film a video or soemthing but as a singl it wouldnt work ( singles are made to promote and be comercially succesfull, not as art)
  6. [quote]Now if I want to stick to a lyrical point of view, there's no rapper in history that could talk about anything and everything going on in the world with more emotion than 2Pac[/quote]

    And I never said Tupac was bad I never even said Will was a better actor then him you should just chill lol Tupac is a great rapper, but everyone is just making him into some kind of God wich he wasnt he is not in a class by his own, he had girl bashing, money flaunting, violant music more then he made the deep music, lyricly he was good yes but not the best ever, the reason why everyone digs Tupac is becouse he was the real gangsta (or atleast coused everyone to believe so, i dont know) had a big mouth and got shot leaving behind alot of music... (and also ofcourse becouse he wrote some beautifull meaningfull raps)
  7. [quote]Don't come at me like I don't know what I'm talkin' about, put yourself in 2Pac's shoes, he was able to stay focused on his career in the middle of getting shot and going to jail! Do u really think u'd think about makin' music and studying scripts when u were almost killed and knowing that someone out there's trying to gun you down and express all your emotions of your heart through your art like that?!! He was an inspiration for many people, even those that don't like rap so don't tell me that I'm crazy for saying that 2Pac's the greatest! I know that if he were alive he would have as many leading roles if not more than Will Smith has currently 'cause he was respected for his acting as well![/quote]

    :nhawong: wow that sounded stupid again.

    HOW THE HELL would somebody be the best rapper becouse he does movies?! Being the best rapper has NOTHING to do whit how good an actor you are o how commercially succesfull you are as an actor or how good you can balance youre acting career.
  8. first of all: this is obviously a joke

    second of al, you should al stop whining about eminem, and profanity in general, and like will would never do anything that has to do whit it h just doesnt curse in his own music, he DOES IN RL and he does in MOVIES and he does LISTEN to other artist that do cus.

    And eminem actually is a great lyricist (now much less then before but stil) You all should just go and get a sence of humor and stopping crying about unimpotant things all day, if you really want to be schoked about things be schoked about the way the Isaeli gouverment handles their conflict whit the palastinian people, be shoked about bilions of animals getting killed every year just becouse some people want to eat their boddies. Be shokd about the way christians don't understand their own religion, dont be shoked about some guy saying words taht you think have a bad meaning while he raps a song.


    And did Will really produce bad guys allways die? thats a hot track actually specially the beat and the choruses
  9. You see this is why you can't tell people youré a will smith fan whitout getting laughed at, its not becouse they don't like Will its becouse Will fans are idiots OFCOURSE IT IS BASED ON OPINION wtf did you expect? I'm actually quit surprised JJFP was listed that high, becouse they (and will solo also ) havnt been populair for a long time. Mtv type wise Will is 100% it. If you think Mtv you think WIll Smith, anyone saw that south park episode? "son: hey mom guess what?! its amazing! mom: What, Mtv played a video that isnt will smiths?" but that besides the point Mtv doesnt like artists becouse they had an historical influence for their station or music in general, they like them becouse the people who watch it like them and right now Mtv type people dont like will.

    And people should stop whining about 2pac all day aswel, he was nice but he wasnt the best ever, yall just following the hype, and everyone does why do you think he sold like 3 milion before he died and 30 after he died? :dunno: ?

    And everyone one here blah blahing about putting Rakim in someones Top list should close his or her mouth becouse you dont have anything todo whit what people think are the best rappers, its their own opinion, If youre gona have to make a top 10 best musicians of all time im not gona put Bach and Mozart in it, im gona people init I like to listen to, the people I like, not the people everyone else likes or thingk have had moe of an historical influence

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