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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Daedalus Mortality

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Posts posted by Daedalus Mortality

  1. [quote]He's in a Hip-Hop group that desides 2 go gangsta since their old skool, feel good vybe isn't gettin' them anywhere[/quote]


    But seriously you should al stop whining about doing oldskool music NO ONE should make old skool music, they should make NICE new skool music, or else your're just backward. Don't live in the past! live in the future!
  2. It is great to hear yes, but I agree whit AJ. I ofcourse don't know what the movie is like excacly but, I don't think there should be a song lyterly about the movie, maybe just a song in that type of style. Also from what I have seen the movie isn't really a "Hiphop type movie" but i'm not sure about that.
  3. Hero1? you ask Enki if he/she is a prophet while Gabrial speaks to me?

    Gabrial actually also spoke to Muhamad and recited to him the Qu'ran.

    He didn't tell me anything interesting yet tough he only spoke about rivers of fire, Boiling oceans, the moon turning to blood, the chosen one and things like that alot of standard hollywood stuff

    Also the thing about the dawn of time? that is nonsence perhaps sincen the prophecy that there shall be a second commming :P but not since the dawn of time
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