Aight, Hero1 lets spell that shall we: heroone//
Really? or does it stand for the heroine your on?//
Probably, couse to me you seem delerious//
Go read aaaal my posts again, wich did I take serious?//
Well ofcourse the thing its that//
Its hard to get your feelings across on the internet//
But for reall, when I posted I didnt get mad//
So the money for anger manegment would be missspent//
And I will tell you my opinion, big or small on any topic//
but dont take that personal its just the way I talk, kid//
And I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings//
I never ment to do that, I just tell you what the deal is//
What what I think and what I feel is//
dude I guess im just a realist//
And if you just can't handle that//
Battle me again, Ill battle back//
Becouse I like battlin you just as much my bud//
As I like Arguing for the sake of argument, and thats alot//