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Everything posted by Kimmie
[color=purple][B]Hate makes the world go round (June 21st 2004) Hate makes the world go round, There’s no more time for love. Focus has fallen upon disagreement; Who rules the heaven above? Religion’s caused a deadly divide, Throughout a dying world. No more time for fun and games, A gun for boys and girls. Suffer at the hand of “justice,” No more time for peace. “Follow our way, or you die,” No chance for release. Mutilation, pain and death, Both in body and in mind. Is there hope for a hating world? Is there hope for mankind? Government invest in nuclear arms, “Lets blast them ‘till they’re dead.” No more money for the NHS, Innocents die instead. “No more war” the protesters shout, but it falls upon deaf ears. The power that the government wants, Costs us all our tears. Bush and Blair lead us to war, Justice or revenge? Will their greed ever stop? Or are we fighting till the end? Do we wait till the buttons pressed? Do we continue to be violent? If we don’t stop now the consequence; Our earth ends. Eternally silent.[/B[/color]]
[color=purple]aw thanx very much! that made me smile :thumb: :clap: [/color]
[color=purple] thanx :) definately! go 4 it! poems mean alot to me coz i write them when something had effected me really bad whther its good or bad, usually rejection or love lol![/color]
[color=purple]i wrote one about you julie....best friends![/color]
[color=purple]yeh good luck fellow uni student! :roll: [/color]
[color=purple][quote]I actually have some poems I've written. might but some up sometime[/quote] put them up, put them up! :rock: thanx breaks! :thumb: [/color]
[color=purple][quote]theres a helluVa lot of talent on this board[/quote] yeh i know there is and thats what scared me lol! [b]Soft Tears (4th August 2004) Soft Tears caress my skin as I think of you, All my pain swells and then it flows freely. Freed with the gentle release of a single tear Trickling across warm skin, holding its cold feelings. I’m losing myself in an ocean of bitter salt Drowning helplessly with no one to save me I wish I could sail away from my problems But I’m marooned on this island of grief. The memory will dry up just like the tear But will always remain, ready to escape again An echo of heartbreak falls along with the tear Tempted and taken in by the lips to leave an embittered taste I consume my own grief. The droplet of pain becomes a part of me again, And the memory will never leave me, neither will the tears The cycle begins again and I start to feel numb I sit alone just thinking. It’s so hard to be alone. Staring into a flame makes the pain settle It allows for a pause in time to reflect on life. I have come to the conclusion that life it like a candle flame And once it’s blown out, it’s gone forever We can never get our lives back when we are gone What’s important is what we leave behind What happens to a candle when it’s gone? The important thing is what it did in the short time it was here. Tears help me to appreciate what I have I am thankful that I am alive That I have family and friends around me And that I will always be loved I hope the paths I take in life are right for me And that the tears will decrease in time I want to live a long and happy life And look back at the end and smile.[/b] i wrote this after my cousin died[/color]
[color=purple]well done :roll:[/color]
[color=purple]aw thanx cookies that made me feel ebtter. it is nice to hear positive feed back! :) i may post some more sometime. :grouphug:[/color]
[color=purple]but yeh, tell me what you think...honestly! i know its nothing like the stuff thats usually on here 1) im not as talented as u guys 2) its reaaaaaaaally short 3) it was only written to get my feelings somewhere apart from my head! [/color]
[color=purple]i do... but only if you ask nicely, mwhahahaha...oh poo there isnt a vampire emoticon :[[/color]
[color=purple] :peace: thanx :happysad: i had to make a huuuuuuuge commentary on it for my friends music teacher who was interested in it...i was like, meh! i only wrote it coz i couldnt get my feelings out and tell anyone, and now you want me to analyse it lol [/color]
[color=purple]Yes prince made me do this...ok he didnt make me but he persuaded me! :dunno: Its my poem thats getting published and the book comes out christmas/early next yearish time. the books called "the hearts content" if your interested lol. [u]My love for you[/u] [b]My love for you is held inside, Waiting to be free. All my emotion kept inside You are all I see. Like a droplet of water yearning for release, To flow and unite with the sea, My love for you is gradually flowing, Letting me be me. Telling you is difficult, It’s the hardest thing to do, Revealing all my secrets, All exposed and true. Sitting alone and thinking, Makes a lonely heart feel pain, But telling you how I feel, Has lifted all that strain. My love for you has matured, Into a love that’s new. Are you holding a river inside? Do you love me too?[/b][/color]
[color=purple]on holiday some dude claimed to be one of MC Hammers backing dancers on the video...me and ju didnt really believe it[/color]
[color=purple]"Three years of betrayal I suffered from you, being thoughtlessly disloyal // Three years I was tormented not knowing what to do, being heavily embroiled // We were close once but now that's gone, between us a rift grows strong // My way of coping through song, I aim to find out why you did me wrong // A mind filled with growing doubt, I find myself wanting an easy way out // You can scream and shout, but its obvious that you I'm better without // I tried talking to you once but my questions you continue to evade // The truth is I got tired of you and your continuous masquerade… //" <3<3<3 :clap: and i love the last verse [/color]
[color=purple]didnt realise religious stuff got locked here too. i shall cease weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee its so cold in here my hands are freezing[/color]
[color=purple]if its what im thinking it is then... :daedulus: [/color]
im probably postin this in the wrong place but....julie i saw a giant poster advertising jeff in lpool...:'( have u tried everywhere for tickets?
[color=purple]oh im pretty useless today, but there are also things about a french or spanish town....prophecies thatwere given to a few girls and are still happening now. its been a while since i read about it but....these people kept seeing mary and mary was telling them 10 secrets i think, and these secrets get worse and worse as they go on, there are a selected number in this group of people and only when all of them have learnt the 10 secrets, will these horrible things start to happen. there is also another one quite similar, and the pope knows the last thing that will happen but he wont disclose the info....if someone wants to help me out here, with these two things, eg_ their names, and proper facts it may make it clearer lol![/color]
[color=purple]with nostradamus isnt there also something about russia...not relating to what happend but ju, i remember you telling me something about russia or a country that had russian characteristics and something about the third great war :S...i think we were in borders reading a nostradamus book! ahhhh that steel brids thing...better not be liverpool![/color]
it sounds so so wrong, but i think i tend to class myself as a christian mainly because of some people in my life telling me that if i dont believe in god im going to hell. not a nice thing to think about. i believe in some of the basic teachings of christianity that we have all had to accept in life, well the majority of us moraly right people- such as stealing, murder etc. but studying religious studies at a-level, i came to a weird point. i had really strong christians in my class and really strong atheists. i am a fence sitter. i would like to believe in an after life, someone who created us...but if god is omnipotent, omni benevolent etc then why would he let the innocent suffer...is it free will? its a comfort to think that there is this almighty presence, and that in times of desperation religion caan be a really good thing, it binds people together and gives hope that we will see loved ones again. to be religious in my opinion is to be loving. i agree with you cookies, i think i am spiritual, and i follow what i think is right. i know right from wrong...but then humans can make mistakes. i dont think wars should be fought just because one person believes something different. we live in great countries that let you practise your own beliefs, i feel lucky that i have that right to choose. there are people in this world that have died because they thought differently, and thats sad.
right ppl may hate me even more now...but dya know what the main problem in the world is... Religion. only in the sense that the self righteous, arrogant, "religious leaders" of this world feel that they are the ones that are right, and if you dont belive in their way then your goin to hell. i know some very strongly devoted christians, muslims, you name it...and the more religious they think they are, the more arrogant and far from what i call true religious people are. if your religious, surely u should respect, love and honour fellow man...i dont see that coming from these people. ahem rant over, i appologise. yet again its 3 am and im back from boogying
[color=purple]I cant believe its september 11th already. time goes so quickly and yet that day will never leave me. i was coming home from school too, we hadnt been told about it. mum told me in the car and i watched the news when i got in, it was so upsetting. i rang julie who was on the way home from college, her friend thought i was joking. i met julie off the bus and filled her in...it was the most sickening, depressing thing i have ever seen.[/color]