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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by scyhigh99

  1. What's your deal!? That's the stupidest thing i ever heard. I don't have a Best Buy close 2 where i live, but when they had the special version of Born To Reign featuring "Nothing On My Mind," u better believe i drove half an hour 2 the closest Best Buy 2 go get it. I waz really sick that day 2!! Why settle 4 less? U act like half an hour is a huge sacrafice. Ahhhhhh, you actually sound upset (if you can sound anything on a message board). 30 minutes may not sound like that bigga deal, but it's comin out monday, rite? I got school, I got track after school, by the time i take the bus home, I got massive amounts of homework to do w/ 3 A.P. courses... Why am I even explaining this to you? lol Bottom line: screw Wal-Mart and their inside business deals. I don't have time to play into their hands. I will buy the album where it is convenient for me, and if I really want the bonus tracks, I'll download 'em (yeah, I said it! and relax, that only hurts wal-mart, and if i've learned anything from my friends doin their economics hwk in homeroom & study, wal-mart is a faceless, heartless coorperation that could stand to be taken down a peg)
  2. I refuse to go way outta my way to go to Wall-Mart to get L&F, just b/c they have the special deal w/ Interscope. I do want the bonus tracks. But I refuse to drive like 30 minutes instead of 2 b/c the record company has this ridiculous setup. This probably makes me excessively stubborn. Oh well lol.
  3. I'm seriously contemplating changing my custom member name from "Employee #8" to "The Smiley Nazi." :chuks: Would that be offensive to ppl who hadn't read this? :wiggle:
  4. I used to have Jazz as my favorite in my profile - heeeeeelarious - but I changed it to Geoffrey, not necessarily b/c he's even funnier, just b/c he's a british butler (just b/c), ridiculously sarcastic, and such an over-the-top character at times, I mean. Yeah. Does that even make sense? Perhaps not. :ridepony: :dancingcool:
  5. I'll be taking the same approach. I'm holding off on all of these review posts so I can make 1 obnoxiously huge review when I have the album, and not just the streaming tracks on Vh1 (still too lazy to find a download lol).
  6. My actual name is Scy. Or Dave. You decide.
  7. Just a thought, and I know I went on a related rant about this type of thing before... but why not at least take these "leftovers" and put them up on iTunes or Will's website for 50 cents or something? If they're already recorded, this costs the record company nothing, unlike the idea of putting them out on CD. And they could concievably make alot of money. Why not? Why doesn't anyone else think like this? Or is there some flaw in my logic I'm just not seeing?
  8. One bajillion-trillion dollars says it's real (Luda). Make that payable to "scyhigh99." Yes, that should do.
  9. The following smiley-face... ...has been severely misused and overused by various members of these JJFP fan boards here assembled. The "nono" smiley, as it is called, seems intensely dejected, dissapointed and angry, yet people regularly integrate it into their posts when they are merely expressing passing displeasure. I propose that we enact some type of "nono" restriction - each member would only get a certain allotment of the "nono" per week (1 or 2 would be more than reasonable). Such a bylaw would go far in preventing the type of flagrant smiley abuse that is plaguing various threads. As a clickable smiley enthusiast, I felt I could no longer remain silent on this issue...
  10. Way to break it down, Jonny. :thumb:
  11. Gosh, guys! Part of me says hey, you're taking a stand on what you feel is right. And that's cool, I suppose. But my thing is, there are enough areas of my life that are frustrating and require patience and restraint... music is certainly not one of em haha. The only song I "downloaded" was "Why," when it first came out on the forum, but that's mostly just outta laziness and not wanting to take the time to find copies of the rest. But I have listened to the whole album streaming on Vh1.com. Which, by the way, is totally legal, so it's not even a moral stand you're taking! Evidently, you just get that much of a rush from hearing it for the first time off of the physical compact disc! But then again, almost all of you listened to the radio snippets of Pump Ya Brakes and Party Starta! Confusion abounds. It's obviously your decision and everything, but I'm not sure I understand it. :dancingcool: (I'm very happy b/c I've listened to L&F... bwhahahahaaaaaaa!)
  12. I totally agree - hope I didn't make my point unclearly.
  13. I will probably write a ridiculously long review of each song at some point (dont you worry, it's comin! lol), but thanks for the link, and I just need to point out that the voice Will does on Mr. Nice Guy is definately the impression of Carlton he did on FPOBA.
  14. Great beat, great hook w/ Mary, great first verse... but after that 1st section about 9/11, I have the same criticism I do of Jadakiss's song (don't take this out of context, its about 1000000x better than his "why" track): it just seems like a laundry list of hateful things that suck. It's definately a good track, a voicing of frustation at the ignorance that seems to be far too prominant in the world, but as for the message... I dunno, I just think it's more of a AGHHHHHHH frustration track. Great track, but not as deep as some ppl are saying, as far as I can see. Don't mean to sound too negative (for the record, this might be my favorite Will Smith album ever) but just offerin up my thoughts on Why.
  15. Preliminary plans for 03-29-05... Wake up. Hop on the bus & play "Y'all Know" on my iPod. Fall asleep on the bus. Reluctantly wake up at my stop and go to homeroom. Classes. Caf study, aka eat a cinnamon bun and bitch about classes with fellow senior classmates. More classes. Catch the bus going back home. Pick up the album on the way home. Listen. Transcribe lyrics to "If You Can't Dance" for Hero and all the ppl at jazzyjefffreshprince.com. Dinner. Pretend to do homework while listening to Lost and Found. Chug a bottle of Poland Spring water. Watch Conan O'Brien and fall asleep.
  16. Wow... nice charity work, and who doesn't agree that the Fugees are (were) incredible? Very cool.
  17. I haven't downloaded these yet, but just wanted to comment on the ignorance when it comes to Jeff. I've heard a few jokes w/ Jeff as a punchline here and there - I think SNL's done one, I think Conan O'Brien has - and it kinda bugs me that they're usually based on the false idea that Jeff and Will bitterly broke apart and Jeff's this poor bum now or sumthin. For example, my favorite ESPN sportswriter (Bill Simmons) made the following crack in a column about a gambling excursion at NBA All-Star Weekend recently: "7:25 p.m. -- The proverbial angry ride to the airport. My cab driver can't even make eye contact with me -- I probably look like DJ Jazzy Jeff after "Hitch" made $43 million in its first weekend. Can you write off gambling losses to the IRS? Has anyone ever tried this?" This actually made me laugh for a second, but I was like, awwwwwwww comon now.
  18. 1. I'm not to cool with any criticism starting off with "You Americans..." (diehardwill: if you had your homecountry in your profile I would make some ridiculously broad comment about your nation's population here), but Lerkot's burger theory is interesting. I, myself, am more of a chicken-sandwich-kind-of-guy. Mmmmmm. 2. I agree with BigTed about closing any topics concerning 50 Cent. It seems like there is almost as much discussion about 50 as there is about Will & Jeff on these boards, and it's getting a tad bit old. Just a tad. In any case, I'm sure we'll all be more on topic once the album (finally) hits.
  19. I'm late, but :birthday: , man! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, cake
  20. FINALLY! We can put the inane battle/beef/fakelyrics conversation to rest! Hahahaha sounds pretty nice tho. Not sure I'm a huge fan of the guitar-heavy beat, but I only got a little clip so, we'll see. Can't wait till I can hear it all, these little snippets are teasing me :poke:
  21. 1. I do feel bad about BC, and not only b/c their early loss ruined my bracket... But u know what? They'll be back next year. (this is all I will say, b/c I could write a book on this topic, but I will restrain myself lol) 2. I absolutely crapped on my friend for picking Vermont over Cuse in his bracket. Woops. Needless to say, this friend has gotten back to me about this haha. 3. I, on the other hand, was berated for picking West Virginia over Wake. That's right, I called the W. Forest upset. I have also gotten back to ppl about this. 4. My new prediction is that Washington goes all the way. They are the only team that can rightfully play the disrespect card. They're a number 1 seed, but noone knows a thing about them, and noone cares that they don't. I just have a feeling they're gonna do it, even tho this has no basis in any understanding of what type of team they are. 5. Switching over to the pros, and clearly getting off topic, my Celtics are unbelievable. March Madness is nice, but the NBA is blowing my mind right now, b/c I've never seen Boston play such great basketball, except on ESPN classic haha. These guys are sick, and Toine is officially my hero forever. :ridepony:
  22. Yeah all the bonus downloads and different country versions and excluseivity stuff is total B.S., as far as I'm concerned (more ammo for my despisal of record companies). I will get the album where I get mostly all of my albums at my local mall and that will be that. Hopefully (I will throw this out there, too) someone who does get these extra tracks will share on these boards? :antlers:
  23. Block Party & How Da Beat Goes are my two favorite B2R tracks. Similarly smooth, and both remind me of summer - mostly b/c I got the album the summer it came out, and have rarely have listened to it since... yeah not a big B2R fan, once again lol.
  24. Let us assume there are two boxes on a table. In one box, there is a relatively normal turtle; in the other Adolf Hitler’s skull. You have to select one of these items for your home. If you select the turtle, you can’t give it away and you have to keep it alive for two years; if either of these parameters are not met you will be fined $999 by the state. If you select Hitler’s skull, you are required to display it in a semiprominent location in your living room for the same amount of time, although you will be paid a stipend of $120 per month for doing so. Display of the skull must be apolitical. Which option do you select?
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