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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by TopDawg14

  1. Entertainment Weekly predicted that Hancock will make $280.4 million and finish #3 on the summer movie list. I think it will open with about $150 million during the July 4th holiday. It will finish around $250 million in the U.S. and will make over $550 million worldwide.
  2. The rumors that people come up with are just laughable sometimes. He defends Tom Cruise & his individual right to practice a religion and all of a sudden Will's a Scientologist? Until we actually hear Will say he's a Scientologist then these rumors are just that - rumors. Even if he is one, more power to him. That's what it means to live in the U.S. We have freedom of religion.
  3. In this post alone, there were 5 Wayne lyrics that were just awful... and people are calling this dude the greatest mc alive????
  4. Noel Gallagher sounds like the old guy who says "back in my day they had real music". To even allow those words to come out of his mouth shows just how ignorant he is. So everybody is just supposed to respect him & Oasis and their genre of music while they piss on music that's not "guitar music?" He sounds like an idiot and I thought it was classic how Jay-Z owned him during his performance.
  5. "And I'm still Cole like Keisha's family" Lil Wayne, "Barry Bonds" Album: Graduation That's just one of a million metaphors that should've never been uttered... anywhere.
  6. Here's a Youtube clip of Will performing at the Mandela Birthday Concert Will Performs Switch/FPOBA
  7. Robin Thicke - Magic Can't wait for the new album!!!!
  8. 12. BET (and by extension its corporate owner) is on a mission to not only destroy urban music, but poison the perception of Black people in the process. If we were to use this network as a guide (and people unfortunately do), we would believe that "drug dealer > rapper > pimp" is a logical career path, alcoholic beverages can be used as bodysplash, women of exotic or indeterminate race are the standard of beauty, darker-skinned women are only valuable if they have a big ass and a tiny waist, a person's worth can only be determined by what they drive and what they wear, you ain't sh*t if you're over 30, and a week's worth of debauchery and decadence can be undone with a Sunday marathon of religious programming. It's funny because it's true. BET may be the single worst thing that could have happened to the hip-hop culture. 13. The Radio: Used to be, you would turn on the radio and hear a variety of artists with a variety of sounds. But due to the "Clear Channeling" of Urban Radio, you'll hear a T-Pain song followed by 15 minutes of commercials, followed by a song featuring T-Pain, some shucking and jiving by unbearable radio personalities for five minutes, then something that resembles a T-Pain song, but isn't because just about everyone sounds like T-Pain now. And it's probably a commercial. I don't listen to FM radio. It's irrelevant. It's a dinosaur that needs to die. The only thing radio is good for is if we captured terrorists and we needed information then let them listen to the radio. 15. Mainstream Hip Hop Publications: Back in the '90s, holding one of these rags in your hands was like holding a monthly Bible to all things Hip Hop and R&B. Now, they've all been relegated to chasing blogs and reiterating things we already knew weeks ahead instead of properly utilizing the print medium to do something unique. Changes in personnel and ownership aside, they were already marching towards irrelevance. Even the covers suck now, but you probably won't get the damn thing delivered on time in order to find out. I used to buy The Source & Vibe a lot. They're just advertising rags to me now. No real meat in these mags anymore. 18. Singing Rappers, Acting Rappers & Rapping Athletes: We'll keep this short. Every now and then you'll happen upon someone that has been able to organically transition from one career to another. Will and Latifah come to mind. To everyone else (coughCurtiscough), stay in your lane. Again, we don't begrudge anyone the chance to make some extra ends; it just shouldn't be at the expense of the audience. Just beacuse Will is Hollywood's #1 son doesn't mean that everyone can do it. 25. Teenagers: Young people have always had the power to determine trends in all genres of music, which is why corporations defer to them. However, today's teenagers seem to be slightly more insipid than they were in previous generations and definitely have a shorter attention span. Whether it's the teens themselves driving the garbage labels are releasing, or the labels that are leading teens down a path of ignorance, is totally up for debate. It's the chicken/egg question in its purest form. I think the big part of the problem is due to the parents of these teenagers. The first generation of hip-hop has the responsibility of showing these teens how to act & carry themselves. Kids are going to be drawn in to what's hot. It's the parents' responsibility to show them that this stuff is garbage. Unfortunately, a lot of their parents think this garbage is hot, too.
  9. Cool article. I hope this will put all of those Scientology rumors to rest but I doubt it. People are going to believe what they want to believe(like the fact that he & Jada are bisexual or the fact that they're swingers). I applaud his approach of brushing off the negativity. He has no one to answer to but God and his family.
  10. I read this blog article and thought I'd share it with others. What do you think about it? 25 Things That Killed(And Are Still Killing) Urban Music
  12. My thoughts on a Beverly Hills Cop 4?
  13. :2thumbs: :wickedwisdom: :Party_fest09: :Party_fest09: :birthday: Happy Birthday, man!!! Where have u been???
  14. Tim, I'm not making excuses for him. I'm just saying that he may have other things on his mind & heart other than music right now. I'm just saying that whatever he wants to do then I'm cool with it as long as he's cool with it. Personally, if he decides never to record again, it won't bother me because I have nearly 20 years worth of music from him & Jeff. If he does, great! I just don't think we should be gettin' all pissed because he doesn't want to do music right now. It's really all about what he feels and I say he shouldn't do music unless he feels it and wants to do it.
  15. It's definitely a different sound from Musiq. I'll say this - I'd rather hear Musiq over these types of beats than all of these wack rappers out right now.
  16. The BET Awards are really no different from other award shows. It's all just a popularity contest. Why even have a female rap award when there was no significant female rapper to make an impact? Missy won by default. I like Kanye but Lupe Fiasco should've been nominated & should've won best rap male. The male R&B list was really weak & DeVaughn should have won. I know Kanye won for best collabo but that song was his weakest collabo. If you're going to give it to him then give it to him for a better collabo(Homecoming feat. Chris Martin). The video of the year list was weak. And Will should've been nominated for I Am Legend. And I would've given male athlete to Chris Paul. It just seems like they just threw some names up there in a lot of these categories. The show itself was pretty bad too. Alicia's performance was real good though(it also helps that Alicia is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!). I liked how she got SWV, En Vogue & TLC to perform with her. Did I mention how BEAUTIFUL Alicia is?
  17. I don't think he's giving in to the "haters". I just think that he's put his energy into acting right now. When you put your energy into one thing and really excel at it then you'll make comments like that. I'm sure he believes he's a better actor at this point in his life. That doesn't mean he not a good rapper it just means he's devoted to the acting craft. I think we should just wait & see what happens. Who knows? He's got a lot more on his plate now than he did in '93. He didn't have the type of Hollywood clout that he has now. He had to continue to do music & TV because those were his avenues to get his name out there at that time. He only had 1 child instead of 3. He's dedicated to making his marriage to Jada last. All of these things(being Hollywood's #1 son, a devoted father & husband) may rank a little higher on his list than music right now and if it does, I wish him all the success in the world.
  18. Well Nas has spoken out on the new Shaq/Kobe beef. Here's what he said: Nas States His Feelings on Shaq/Kobe Feud!!!
  19. Tim, in a lot of cases people who win best actor awards are in movies that are not nominated for or win best picture. The only time this decade the best actor & best movie was from the same film was 2000(Gladiator). Both of Denzel Washington's Oscars came when the movie was not nominated for Best Movie(1989's Glory & 2001's Training Day). As a matter of fact, of Denzel's 5 Oscar nominations, none of the movies he's been nominated for has been nominated for best picture. Tom Hanks' 1st Oscar(1993's Philadelphia) came without that movie not being nominated for best picture. Same with Nicholas Cage in 1995. Forest Whitaker won for The Last King of Scotland in '06 while the movie was not nominated for best picture. You can give a really great performance and win an Oscar without that movie being nominated for best picture.
  20. Yeah the forum has been really buzzing lately. A lot of it has to with Hancock coming out July 2. A lot of it has to do with other entertainment news that's been coming out lately and lastly, we have some people on here with different views. That's a good thing because it encourages thoughtful debate. We can disagree without being disagreeable.
  21. I agree. We're all members of this forum for a reason. We love JJFP. I can understand some members' frustrations about Will not doing music I just don't happen to share in those frustrations. I like Ashley's approach to it. Just wait and see what he does. After all, Will turns 40 this year and the music business is crap right now. I think he should do music when he really, truly feels called to do it. Even if that means we get just 1 more album I'll take it because I'd rather hear a great album(like L&F) every few years as opposed to hearing certain rappers(Lil' Wayne, 50, etc.) constantly put out trash every year.
  22. Except for the language(Turntable let's tone down the language), Turntable is right here. Let Will do his thing. If acting is what he's focused on then that's what he's focused on. He never said he'd never rap again. He just said he's a better actor than rapper right now. And that may be true since he's done several movies since '05. He's put all his energy into acting. It's the reason why Newsweek called him "the most powerful actor in Hollywood". Acting has longetivity written all over it. At some point he's going to stop rapping. Yeah, I'd like to see him do more music but if acting is his thing right now then more power & success to him. If he never records again then I'll be fine as long as Will's cool with it.
  23. Sorry to say it AJ, but you are the only one who wants another album from Shaq.
  24. AJ, everything you just said is true. I love hip-hop and hip-hop is in me. And yeah, Ice-T has the right to call out this kid but the fact remains is that this is beneath Ice-T. Everybody knows Soulja Boy is wack and is a flash in the pan. Unfortunately you can get into the music business, make some cash and get out. The music business is the "drug game" for a lot of these rappers. It sucks that it's like this but it is. Soulja Boy won't be here in 2-3 years. No one will remember him. We'll hear that Superman song 5 years from now and be like, "who was the kid that made that wack song?" This is why Ice-T shouldn't have acknowledged this kid. You're only giving this kid more publicity than he deserves.
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