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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by TopDawg14

  1. Like the long-planned sequel to Independence Day, this is a bad idea.
  2. Robin Thicke feat. Pharrell - Wanna Love You Girl
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! :birthday: :Party_fest09:
  4. Ike: Put the damn wig on! HILARIOUS!!!! :3-laugh3: :rofl:
  5. Not really feeling the shirt but good to see him back at work. Can't wait for I Am Legend.
  6. Boyz II Men - It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday
  7. I always liked 99 Problems but lately my fave Jay-Z song is Beach Chair
  8. Boyz II Men - I Will Get There Prince of Egypt Soundtrack - 1998
  9. Well I want to throw a party. Hopefully this leads to the death of rap as we know it and a resurgence of real hip-hop. KRS-One said it best, the people are tired of the garbage. It's time for real hip-hop to be recognized and not the fake b.s. that's out there. Personally, I hope 50's album flops. That will spell the true end of this garbage.
  10. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Breaking The Girl
  11. That sounds real interesting. I'll have to remember to record it.
  12. What I can't understand is how this brat thinks it's unfair. I say they should have thrown her butt in with real criminals. If you brake the law then you should go to prison like everybody else. I'm so sick of her and all of her "friends". They are a bunch of pretentious little brats who don't know what it means to actually have to work for a living. I really want to go off but my nature as a gentleman will prevent me from doing so.
  13. IF YOU CAN'T DANCE - thought it was ehhh when I first heard it but it's comical to me now. It reminds me of a younger FP. I'm surprised that there were a lot of votes for Brand New Funk. That song is a classic hip-hop track!!!
  14. Ying Yang Twins - The Whisper Song(the clean version)
  15. Lil Jon' - Get Low Bonecrusher - Never Scared(Remix) Lil' Jon - Snap Ya Fingers G. Dep - Special Delivery(Remix) David Banner - Play
  16. I always liked Omar Epps as an actor. He is one of the most underrated actors in the business.
  17. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It was a cool birthday... aided by the fact I just bought the new 2007 Dodge Nitro!!
  18. Da Brakes and Julie are right. I actually did do number 4. I knew about number 5 but didn't participate in it.
  19. One of these did not happen: 1) met the late Florence Griffith-Joyner(Olympic Champion) 2) had my email read on a sports radio talk show 3) spoke before a large audience at a conference 4) mooned my next door neighbor 5) broke into my high school to help steal a school trophy
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