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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

JumpinJack AJ

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Everything posted by JumpinJack AJ

  1. "The Rain" is the most powerful track FP has ever done. Every single time i hear it, i'm like "WOW!!" The beat is perfect, pure-unadulterated Hip-Hop with the Jill Scott on the hook. The 1st verse is about very introspective about how pain and struggle is neccessary 2 grow, learn, and appriciate the good times. He kinda tells parents 2 let kids go thru' their own stuff instead of always jumping in cuz it'll benifit them when growing up. FP then talks about rising 2 fame and getting wrapped up in the flashy life that waz given 2 him thru' his 1st 2 records. He talks about how materialism kinda ran his life and that when the money and fame disappeared during And In This Corner..., he found himself alone and struggling. The end of the verse has him saying that in those dark times, u find out who u are and it changes u 4 the better so that u can stay away from the really negative things, and also deal with the smaller things that the go wrong that are beyond your own choices. The 2nd verse opens with him talking about a past love that really did him wrong and broke his heart (ooooohhh...i been there). "Never let the weather determine the man" means that just cuz u see somebody go thru' something bad dosen't mean they are a bad person, it's just that it's all part of God's plan and that it's benifiting them in some way. It's one of those things that means "sometimes bad things happen 2 good people." It goes on 2 talk about maintaining thru' struggle - "Follow my heart thru' the storm, my umbrella in hand." "thru' grey skys, i grew wise, on bended knee i fell, ever since then, the rain i never felt" is saying that it waz during one of FP's darkest hours that he put his trust in God and that it changed his life. The opening of verse 3 has FP seeing other people around him dealing struggle in their community but that they are maintaining cuz of their faith in something better - "it wazn't touchin' 'em, but the rain was comin' down." He then goes back 2 reinforce the idea that during in your darkest moments, are when u find out what's wrong with your life and how 2 fix it - "God started rappin' 2 me, he said 'pain is the mother of change, the rain must flow so the seeds of joy might grow." It then goes in2 keeping faith in God 2 keep yourself moving on when going thru' something - "don't be afraid, find shelter in me, the road of greatness thru' the valley of adversity." I think this song is one of the best songs ever recorded in history. It's just amazing and i've had this song on repeat a few times in my life just 2 keep me focused and moving on during a hard time in my life. At the end, the children singing with the sound of falling rain and thunder. Fresh Prince and Common Sense out did themselves when writing this song. And DJ Jazzy Jeff and Darren Heson created a flawless beat. I don't think there are any other songs in Hip-Hop where every single word means so much.
  2. Alot of good R-N-B has come out recently...and in perfect time 2 chrisen the spring and blaze thru' the summertime. Ain't nuttin' like cruisin' in your car with some new R-N-B blastin'....especially when u have a huney in the passenger seat...ha ha. Here's my sum-up and rating of some recent albums 4 those who like R-N-B or just good music in general. USHER "Confessions" I love this album. "Yeah!" has blown up. I'm not a fan of Lil' Jon's new stuff...but i do like this song. However, it isn't a good example of the album. The album finds itself in the mid-ground between adult neo-soul and striaght-R-N-B mixed with a dash of radio friendlyness. "Burn" is the new single, a powerful ballad about loving someone but realizing that it wazn't meant 2 be. I'm sure this album will run it's course 4 the next year or so like his past 2 monumental albums. "Confessions Part II,"Throwback," "Superstar" and "Truth Hurts" are some of the stand out trax in my opinion. TAMIA "More" Some people are just finding out about her since she did that track "Into You" last summer with Fabolous. Not many people know that it's actually a remix of her own song "So Into You" which waz the 2nd single off her debut album which blazed during the summer of 1998. Tamia gives staight R-N-B the quality that many straight-R-N-B albums have been missing in the past few years. It's just good music. No gimmicks or trends that will make it sound "so 2004" in a few years. Tracks like More, Smile, Officially Missing You (from last summer), and the current single "Questions" are flawless. This album waz supposed 2 come out last fall....but it waz definitly worth the wait. JANET "Damita-Jo" This dosen't totally change the game like her last few (which sound nothing like each other). This album is very much like All For You, just new...and really good. "I Want You" is the current single that starts things off. My Baby, Thinkin' 'Bout My Ex, Damita-Jo, Like You Don't Love Me, Spending Time With You are all good. CARL THOMAS ...i 4get the album title...opps! Anyways, that single "She Is" with L.L. Cool J is just some good retro-sampled track. The next single "Make It Alright" just dropped. Like Tamia's album, it's timeless R-N-B, no gimmicks or trends in the music. Don't let the Bad Boy name fool u, this cat has skills. "Dreamer" is one of my favs off the album. MARIO WINANS "Hurt No More" I love the single "I Don't Wanna Know." When i 1st heard it, i waz mad that they jacked the same sample that the Fugees used on "Ready or Not"...but the track is just 2 good 2 hold that against it 4ever. Love that song!! It's so smooth it makes butter hard as a rock. However, half of the album disappointed me cuz i expected smooth R-N-B but got alot of commercial R-N-B...which isn't bad, i just wanted more smoothed out trax. "Pretty Girl Bull$#*+" from the Bad Boys 2 soundtrack is on there (but defintly not one of the better trax). Good album tho.'
  3. I had 2 work 2day and only got 2 check on music store and couldn't find it. I'm gonna look 2morrow b4 my rehearsal and probably drive 2 the next town 2 see if i can find it there...i'll get it online this weekend if i can't find it.
  4. That's really tough but i went with "Holla Back" simply cuz it reminds me of something i would write. From Da South, Get Hyped, New Kids On The Block, Don't Fight The Feeling, and Lovely Days (the remixes) are all just really really good.
  5. Ha ha...i looked at the "Holla Back" credits the other day (one of the most "Fresh Prince" trax he's done since he's come back as a solo artist and he is credited as "Big Will" for background vocals...ha ha. I never liked that nickname tho'. It served it's purpose for BWS...but that era is over. I remember interviews back in 1997 when he waz announcing his return 2 Hip-Hop. When he waz asked if it would be under "Will Smith" or "Fresh Prince", he said that he left it blank on the paper work...ha ha. He said that old skool heads will always call him "Fresh Prince" and that newer fans will probably call him "Will Smith" so he didn't know what 2 put down. It waz an MTV interview i think.
  6. Eminem...hmmmmm. When he 1st came out, i thought he waz ill. He waz funny and creative. All the beats were good but not over-produced for radio success. I kinda liked his 2nd album but the beats started getting over-produced. Half of the lyrics were creative, the other half were just obnoxious and gimmicks just 2 get attention. After The Marshall Mathers LP, i stopped supporting him. The production dosen't impress me at all anymore and most of his lyrics are played-out trash. I did like "Lose Yourself" but when it got heavy radio airplay, the magic of the song died. The track he did 4 that 2Pac Ressurection album waz pretty good. I think he realized that he's have 2 write something good if he waz gonna lay the rap next 2 one of 2Pac's. I think the new D12 track is hilarious but i doubt the rest of the album will be worth a listen.
  7. Yeah, the trax are in order like that when i do it. Even b4 i put them on a CD, i go in2 each folder 2 make sure they are in order and fix them if they aren't. But after i make the CDs and pop them in, they are in no paticular order. One of my friends is gonna let me try out his CD-ripping software, hopefully that won't confuse my computer-illiterate butt. Thanx 4 the help, i may try your idea since it dosn't display the song titles on my stereo face when i skip trax (only the artist and album title).
  8. Ugh, this is driving me crazy!! All i wanna do is put the trax on these CDs in the order that they are in on the albums...AND IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!! Any suggestions? Here's and example of how i've labled them in hopes that they'd dump on 2 the CD in the right order...none of these ways have worked so let me know if any of u have any other ideas. --- Girls Ain't Nothing But Trouble Just One of Those Days --- a. Girls Ain't Nothing But Trouble b. Just One of Those Days --- 1. Girls Ain't Nothing But Trouble 2. Just One of Those Days --- 01. Girls Ain't Nothing But Trouble 02. Just One of Those Days
  9. 2 me, it kinda depends on what the style is. If it's slick radio-friendly Hip-Hop music, then Will Smith works fine. In that case, Fresh Prince wouldn't make much sense. However, if he's working on Hip-Hop music from the soul relying off alot of old skool 4mulas...then Fresh Prince would be fine. Of course, that name always looks even better next 2 "DJ Jazzy Jeff." I don't think seperating the emcee from the actor would make 2 much of a difference since he's so well known 2 the world. I think he can carry a legit solo career under the name "Will Smith." I just think that it's the music itself that should determine the title he goes by. Will's always called himself by both names so it dosen't bug me as long as the music speaks 4 itself.
  10. [quote=bigted,Apr 18 2004, 01:40 PM]Will doesn't tour because he has to take his time to study scripts and get himself ready for his movies.[/quote] That's true most of the time, but with Willennium, Will had more control over the album after the success of Big Willie Style...hence the improvement in quality of the music. Willennium waz when Will waz very focused on music and being a musician. Since the promotion waz messed up and the album wazn't represented properly, it didn't do nearly as well as it should have (but i is FAR from a flop). Will made that statement that he would put a tour 2gether when the album hit number one. Tim may have the article on the site...but i know he can back me up that Will said this. I hope FP is going thru' one of those times right now where he's very focused on music and ready 2 be a real artist this time rather than just doing an album when he can and only doing videos 4 it.
  11. [quote=TopDawg14,Apr 17 2004, 06:57 AM]AJ, I think you missed my point. What I was trying to say is that Will should forget about signing with some label that's concerned all about album sales and TRL appearances. That's what rap is about today - straight commercialism. It's all about "hot" beats and hooks. There is nothing that moves me in rap today. I remember how I felt the first time I heard Heavy D. & The Boyz "We Got Our Own Thang". I remember how I felt the very first time I heard Slick Rick's "Children's Story" or Kool Moe Dee's "I Go To Work". I can't remember the last time I felt like that. Will has said he wants an old-school vibe with his next album. I doubt that labels are looking for retro-vibes in rap. They want what's "hot". They want CDs that are going to move units and be on TRL everyday. If Will wants to release the album independently or through the internet then that's all good with me. I just want Will to continue to make music that he wants - and not what these labels want. I want Will to control his music and his image and not these stupid labels who don't know a thing about hip-hop.[/quote] No, i defintly agree with many of your points...but at the same time, Will just isn't the kind of artist 2 run his career like that. I would have no problem with an independent release, but Will has made it clear that he wants 2 be out there. It dosen't means he's all about the commercializm, but he is about being in the limelight. I could never see Will trying 2 be strictly an underground artist, that just isn't his style. And like i said in the other post, Will likes 2 know that he is appricated by us music fans. If he isn't doing well, he'll hang up the mic. With Willennium, he said he waz gonna tour when the album hit number one (knowing that thousands of people out there wanted 2 see him). It didn't happen so the tour never happened.
  12. [quote=lambertj3,Apr 17 2004, 01:23 PM]how sad top dawg you are missing out on west side connection, 50 cent , and eminem clearly the class of rap now unlike theses other commercial artist like the roots, how sad.[/quote] I hope this comment is suppossed 2 be a joke.
  13. Yeah, i catch Chappelle Show when i can. I think it's hilarious even tho' it's a bit explict sometimes...ha ha. My brother has the 1st season on DVD so i've been catching up on the episodes i've missed.
  14. WELCOME!! Glad 2 see u made it over here. I'm sure u've already found out that these boards are alot more active and have ALOT more news on them.
  15. Yeah, we are pretty desperate. I'd be happy with 2 sentences from one of his new songs...ha ha.
  16. I don't think going independent is what Will needs. Will isn't an underground kinda artist. Why he dose need 2 do what he wants 2 do, he needs 2 be promoted and put out there. Will isn't the kinda artist 2 be dropping albums for only a few thousand people. If Will isn't selling well, he just may hang up the mic...and i'd go out and buy a million albums myself if that's what it takes 2 keep him going. With this album, Will is doing what he wants. He's a free agent right now and his Overbrook team is putting the album 2gether. After his experience, i'm sure he'll sign with a label where he gets both creative control AND decent promotion. My main point is that Will isn't in the same place as P.E. and KRS-One. They are all legends and pioneers in Hip-Hop...but Will simply wouldn't work that way by dropping albums with no videos, single, or airplay.
  17. [quote=bigted,Apr 13 2004, 07:44 PM]He should join the underground label Koch Records 'cause that's the label KRS-ONE and Public Enemy are on. That would be a perfect fit for Will. Either that or Def Jam which remains loyal to their artists 'cause LL and Slick Rick are still on the label after almost 20 years! I heard on MTV say that Slick Rick is now working a new album since he was freed from prison. He and Will are good friends so Slick Rick could help bring Will to Def Jam.[/quote] I don't think Koch is a good idea simply cuz Public Enemy and KRS-One havn't been heard of in a long time. Koch can't put out millions of albums easily and even if they could, they don't have the resources 2 properly promote an album. Def Jam MIGHT be a good idea, however when L.L. Cool J droped 10, he said that his contract waz never updated since he signed with them in 1985 and that he was very UNDER PAID for most of his career. Since he did it 4 the love of music, he didn't try 2 get a new contract with them. Most artists who have been around for awhile or who are very successful would have requested 2 re-work their contract. Of course Will is an established name so i don't think they would try 2 give Will a jacked up contract. Whatever he signs with, it needs 2 be big enuff 2 hold Will as an artist.
  18. "Da Butta"...hummm...sometimes i think it's the weakest song on Willennium...sometimes i like it. It's produced by Kay-Gee...so i expected something really good, like the stuff he'd do for Naughty By Nature, Next, or Jahiem...but it's definitly not on that level. Very simple...not bad at all, just simple. Will's lyrics ain't bad at all, i'd just like 2 hear them over a different beat...or at least remixes this beat, beef it up a bit. I think Lil' Kim is wack and has no business on the track. There's just no chemistry between them even tho' they sounded like they were having fun. I think MC Lyte would be the perfect female 2 spit on that track (even tho' she waz already on "Who Am I." It's just one of those trax that u are either in the mood 4, or u aren't. My and my friends listen 2 it 2gether simply cuz we love Fresh Prince and cuz we used 2 say "butta" alot back in the day. It just means something is good 4 those of u who didn't know what it meant. BUTTA - good, hot, blazin'
  19. I didn't vote simply cuz it's 2 earley 2 guess on something like that. Spider-Man 2 has the edge tho' since it is a sequel which will drag in fans of the 1st movie (who saw it in theaters and those who later rented it). I, Robot is a sci-fi movie and those are hard 2 market and get interest sometimes. However, Will can carry alot of fans on his shoulders 2 come out and see it all by himself. With the right promotion, the movie can get alot of buzz itself. It's just 2 early 2 guess on something like this...it could go both ways.
  20. Tim, that waz beautiful...that darn near brought a tear 2 my eye. Poetic almost...ha ha. I agree 100%.
  21. I can help clear that up. USUALLY when an artist sells a double album, it counts as 2 sales even tho' they are part of the same album. 2pac has had 4 double albums released since he passed. On top of that, he is one of those band-wagon artists where they have a solid fanbase, but then they drop a song or album in which all of the commercial rap fans jump on them. He had a solid carreer and reputation in Hip-Hop before All Eyez On Me, but that's when all these band-wagon fans jumped on. It wasn't so much about how dope he waz or the lyrics he wrote, but that everybody else waz feeling him...so other people copied. Sadly, since his passing, they have desided 2 remix much of his material resulting in weaker more-modern production when the original versions are easily considered better (and timeless in their original form). I wouldn't say that the sales mean anything tho'...we could joke that Will didn't push over 9 millions albums until he became and solo artist. And most of us will agree that the bulk of his better music was before BWS (not 2 say that any of his albums aren't solid releases).
  22. Time dose the fly...the older u get, the faster it goes by. When "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" came out, i waz a senior in high skool. That last 6 years have flown by...but they seem like just yesterday in alot of ways.
  23. Welcome back!! (sorry 4 the delay, i don't check the off-topic board 2 often sometimes.)
  24. The 1st 5 boards are all JJ+FP, music, movies, TV. All these others are off-topic. It's not a big deal, it's just that some people (like myself) check the JJ+FP-related boards alot more than they do the off-topic boards.
  25. Man, i just ripped Rock The House 2 different ways. One with the trax labled 1st by letters and then with numbers in the front. It just throws the trax on there in no paticular order. If i don't have any control over the order of the tracklisting i'll just be making regular CDs 4 my ride. Right now i'm using Audiograbber, i'm gonna get some other software this week. Hopefully the other software will drop the trax on the CD in the order of the tracklisting. If that dosen't work, i'll only be making HUGE mix-CDs where i don't care about the order of what's on them. I guess i'm just 2 picky about my music.
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