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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

JumpinJack AJ

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Everything posted by JumpinJack AJ

  1. I'm saying, if u wanna see the album cover...it's there.
  2. Did i ever say i hate Trivia Games....they're so...trivial.
  3. Yeah, it important 2 hold it down 4 the ladies and let them know they are appricated...even if they aren't your girlfriend. My girlfriend's b-day waz 2 weeks ago. I took her 2 see 50 First Dates, got her a CD she wanted, Maid In Manhatten DVD, some roses, lots of cloths...AND A BIRD (don't ask me...she wanted it...ha ha). I also made her this fly poster that contained a whole bunch of small pictures of us all put 2gether.
  4. Right now my life is insanely busy but i love promoting JJ+FP when i can find the time. An online street team is basically a group of dedicated fans who go out and promote something all by themselves by making reviews, posts, etc all over the internet. It's knowing the fine line between a legit post and spamming...ha ha.
  5. I would be the one and only Super-Macadocious-Pimp, da JumpinJack AJ. Lover of fine huneyz, head-bobber 2 dope beats, and all around good guy (or at least i'd like 2 think so). I'm 23 years old, i'm in college (still), doing lots of theater (actor somewhat-extraordinare), and a photographer....not 2 mention creative writer. I live in Maryland, USA and only speak English (sometimes). I've been a fan of Hip-Hop since i waz really young and came up on a very positive Hip-Hop background. I have a beautiful, sweet girlfriend (that i dont' deserve) and a family that i need 2 learn 2 treat better. I'm blessed with a huge social life that has people of all walks of life in it. I've been a fan of JJ+FP since the early days and still call my favorite artists 2 this day.
  6. Man, this movie is magical...and i don't see how it'll ever be knocked from being my favorite movie of all time. I was 14 and a freshman in high skool when it came out. I remember when the commercials started airing cuz i waz so hyped. They always aired at late nite when i waz watching TV and had "Shy Guy" playing under them. This waz Will's 1st real lead role and it waz the perfect mix of action and comedy. Code Red had ran it's run, but me and my friends were still bumping it on a regular basis. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air waz doing amazingly well. And all of a sudden, this movie waz coming out and Will waz playing oppisite of Martin Lawrence. Martin's show waz probably my 2nd fav show at the time and it waz magic that they were doing a movie 2gether. I waz grounded at the time when the movie came out cuz i wazn't trying hard in skool at all. But i still managed 2 go with a huge group of friends (all fans of Fresh Prince). We had a blast seeing the movie and my brother got the soundtrack. I loved the soundtrack cuz it waz a clever mix of established artists (2Pac, Da Brat, Warren G., Xscape, Inner Circle, Babyface, Jermaine Dupri, Notorious B.I.G., etc) and new artists (Jon B., Diana King, Keith Martin, MN8, etc). Something about the movie and it's timing waz just incredible 2 me. I saw the movie at least 5 times in the theaters (often times with somebody who saw it with me that 1st time. The fact the sequel actually happend so many years down the road and turned out the way it did is amazing 2 me. I just watched the movie 2 nites ago with my one friend who had never seen it b4 (but saw BBII this summer). This movie never gets old.
  7. Here is my favs in order (4 da moment) 1. Bad Boys 2. Bad Boys II 3. Men In Black 4. Enemy of The State 5. The Legend of Bagger Vance 6. Men In Black II 7. Independence Day 8. Ali 9. Made In America 10. Six Degrees of Seperation
  8. Man, with this new movie on it's way, it reminds me of the days when me and Wes would work hard 2 put 2gether simple but effect street team sites 4 his movies that were designed 2 drag in more fans 2 the only JJ+FP community.
  9. One of my top favs waz the 2nd 2 last episode w/ William Shatner. U could tell this episode waz strictly 4 the cast 2 just goof off. When they go 2 the dentist and get all goofy on the laughing gas...man, that's just hilarious. :bowrofl:
  10. "For Da Love of Da Game" is still my fav. "Musik Lounge" and "Know Your Hood" are right under it along with "Rock Wit U" and "My Peoples"...man, i might have 2 put that album in right now.
  11. Go 2 www.CDnow.com, if u put in DJ Jazzy Jeff, u'll find it. It's one of those smokey pix of Jeff behind some turntables that waz used as promotion 4 The Magnificent and on posters advertising when Jeff waz playing somewhere.
  12. That's what i'm talking about y'all!!! The song is so dope. It's totally JJ+FP, but at the same time, i never expected the song 2 sound anything like this.
  13. Yeah, get some personality up on this board quick!!
  14. Here's what we know... Will has been working on the album for about a year. He has thought about releasing thru' the internet b4 releasing it commercially. He has worked with DJ Jazzy Jeff, Kel Spencer, 4 trax with Petey Pablo, and is eyeing a song he did with Mary J. Blige as the 1st single. The vibe is supposed 2 be retro Hip-Hop. Much of it waz recorded from his own trailor while shooting movies. He's waiting 4 the right time 2 release the album. He still has no label. He worked on stuff 4 the Sharkslayer soundtrack.
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