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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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analogue last won the day on December 23 2024

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About analogue

  • Birthday 09/24/1988

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    South Wales

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  1. As much as I'm loving these recent performances it's just not the same without Jeff.
  2. I have one question regarding these recent performances. Where's Jeff?
  3. Things have gone quiet about the new album. Will seems to be focused on promoting the newest season of Bel-Air now.
  4. Will just released a new Tiktok vid of him rehearsing for his upcoming tour!! (I assume Jeff will be there too). And he's asking what cities would you like him to vist, so let him know!
  5. I'm excited for the new album, but I think he really needs to go back to the more fun songs like MIB, Jiggy and Miami. The more serious/personal songs wouldn't go over so well IMO. And we've heard enough about his personal life anyway. In fact I'd say we've heard TOO MUCH about his personal life. And I really hope he leaves his family out of it.
  6. I don't know how to feel about Will swearing on the new album. I got no problems with swearing but to hear it coming out of Will's mouth on a hip hop track is gonna sound weird to me. Also seeing a Will Smith album with the Parental Guidiance sticker on it will look strange. I'm excited though
  7. End of this video says ''New music coming soon'' It's been 4 years since this video and still no sign of new music.
  8. No matter what Will does it'll never be enough for some people. He made a Youtube video apologizing and people said he only did that to save his own skin. But if he didn't say anything publicly about it those same people would be calling him a coward for not addressing it. In this situation Will is damned if does and damned if he doesn't.
  9. Happy FP said this up and apologized. I hope Chris will reach out to him too. Not getting my hopes up cause Chris isn't the nicest guy in the world
  10. Eminem has talent (When he chooses to use it) but I can't help but wonder if he would have gotten as popular as he is without all the shock value and controversy that came with his music.
  11. I don't like to say much as I'm just an outsider looking in, but that doesn't look like a healthy relationship at all. Will looks completely broken and Jada comes off as really abusive in that clip.
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