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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. im not ready to quit yet, i still need to kick Tims ass for cheating. Its not the first time, he took away the holiday option when i was just about to go away. I remmember these things and i always stay bitter!
  2. Cool, i should be here, unless its at some rediculous time of the morning which is likely lol.
  3. :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3: :3-laugh3:
  4. wow i killed 93 soldiers schnazz, thats gotta be some kind of record haha. The poor guys need some defence, u cant just let them sit and wait for me to kill them.
  5. Interesting, i really hope Will gets involved. He was gonna make that album of positive hip hop, since that didnt happen lets hope he does this instead.
  6. Happy Birthday! Must be nice to be 21! :thumbsup:
  7. i only managed to find the version with the bonus track on, does anyone have the skits its missing please, like kev said i dont get whats goin on with the story much lol.
  8. He sounds like vanilla ice lol, sorry. The scratchin is nice tho.
  9. Got it, click on the union jack and u can change it to usa. Is it the so so def remix we are talking about, if so i already have it lol
  10. nah i can only see the karioke version lol. im sure there is a way of getting on the usa itunes, i saw it once, i'll try and remmember how to do it.
  11. oh man nothing more annoying than some1 shooting u at the finish line. I wish i could play, mario kart is my fave game ever! If anyone has a spare nintendo can i have it lol.
  12. Ages ago some1 said Will was on a programme on E4 promoting POH in the UK. It was repeated today and he mentioned music so ive got an exact quote. Interviewer : Am i holding onto false hope wishing for more Will and just Jeff? Will : (laughs) Jeff and I actually launched MTV in South Africa a couple of years ago for the Nelson Mandella foundation, so it was our first time back on stage for a while, so we've been doing shows and we probably wont record again but im sure you'll see us here again, we were here 2 years ago, 2005 for the princes trust. But this interview was about 4-5 months ago, since then we've heard hes recording bnf with Jeff, but i dunno whats happerning anymore, from that it sounds like he just wants to do the odd performance and not record. Hes giving such mixed messages with this music, i dont even think he knows what he wants.
  13. Your up to something down there schnazz, saving attack turns and getting loads of soldiers, so u need to be stopped now. Plus u have loads of money and Tim and Max keep taking all mine, its just a natural food chain.
  14. Theres loads of people online, everyone in the chatroom!
  15. haha this doesnt help the argument of "white people cant dance", whats wrong with his wrists lol.
  16. aw thats sad, i did like watching it altho most of the time they aired it when i was in work, i saw a lot of the first 2 series, but i got lost after Tia said she was pregnant, then she dissapeared and i never found out what happened, then neesee was living with Robert, i had no clue what was going on to be honest, i missed too many important episodes out.
  17. Similar thing happened to me and im still bitter about it lol.
  18. jiggy mashed up with Imagination. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YL-nU3lCQU
  19. i think UK, France, Germany and Spain take away thier finances then see who wants to play silly games lol.
  20. Ok so he proposed November 97, married in December 97 and Jaden was born July 98, bit of a shotgun wedding there lol. thanx.
  21. We haven't even started to devour this summer's slate of blockbusters, and next summer is already shaping up to be quite the doozy. Amidst highly-anticipated flicks like The Dark Knight, Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk, Will Smith is gearing up to star in his own superhero-type role; however, this character doesn't come from the Marvel or DC universe. Instead, he's just some dude from Brooklyn ... who happens to be capable of kicking a tremendous amount of ass. In Tonight, He Comes, Smith will tackle a superhero who has fallen on hard times. No longer in the spotlight and itching for love and affection, our hero becomes a little too involved with a family in desperate need of some rescuing -- emotionally, that is. Directed by Peter Berg, pic also stars Charlize Theron (as a wife who begins an emotional affair with the superhero) and Jason Bateman (as a husband who wishes he can be more of a man for his family). On paper, it all sounds rather depressing -- kind of like a low-budget, character-driven indie, but with a big-budget, superhero sort of vibe. For those interested in whether the script works, Latino Review has posted their, well, review of it. Since it basically goes through the entire film, revealing spoiler-ish plot points and whatnot, I will say that they gave it a fairly disappointing C+. That said, I never put a lot of weight behind these script reviews; LR doesn't mention which draft this is and things are always changing. For example, according to the IMDb description, Bateman's character is a PR professional. However, in this review, the character is a night watchman at a department store. So, obviously, things have changed -- and since we have no idea which draft this is, it's impossible to tell which version is more accurate. As far as LR's overall opinion of the script, they say: "The story is definitely filled with action scenes and never boring. Sure to be interesting, the only thing I hope is they don't put some corny ass shiny suit on this superhero because he is almost like every other man; human." I will say that I love the everyman approach they're taking with Smith's character, but will it be enough to compete against the big guns? I guess we'll have to wait one more year to find out. http://www.cinematical.com/2007/05/10/scri...omes-is-online/
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