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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. thanx Tim. That gut roll sounds ...erm... attractive. :sick: And jonny the girls noticed the greys about 3 years ago, we are the first to notice things like that.
  2. my theory on this one and i discovered this once during a maths lesson. The earth is like in 3d and if u keep going, u obviously eventually come out back where u started. Well i think the universe is in what i can only explain as 4d, its just too hard for our brains to cope with. So if we kept going anyway around the universe u would eventually come out the other end. Probably has something to do with black holes too. I can try and explain that what but i cant explain why ashlee simpson still sells records. :sick: I cant answer too many of these bcoz i have to know things and if there is a question i dont know the answer to, it annoys me so much.
  3. BULL****!!!!!! Im gonna have to look it up for myself, theres no way it can be 24, thats rediculous!
  4. Im lovin lost at the moment but over here we are on about episode 13 (so nobody spoil anything if there is anything to spoil). Everytime we find out something new about the island, it just makes even more questions. Im trying to keep up with all of us, we've just got the second season here and im quite into it now. I watch a lot of scrubs dvd's too, i can identify with it being in a medical career. Im also watching Nick Cannon's wild n out. Thats about it at the moment, im more on the computer these days.
  5. He would never live on the street, a Loretta would take him in.....i take that back Will would rather live in the streets than with a Loretta. At least if the pic fooled your sister he looks convinsing as a homeless person.
  6. haha thats pretty mean, but if luda wants to act gangsta he can take a bit of frozen paintball lol. Nothing will ever be funnier than the peach fight Will had tho. :lolsign:
  7. thanx. Ok hands up, who had to read MJ's part in his voice in your head lol.
  8. cool, they keep bringing them out faster than i can watch them tho.
  9. the last thing i watched was "what not to wear". Its a British show were two woman help badly dressed woman and say things like "u have huge boobs so dont wear that low cut top". I was eating my tea and nothing better was on. :ponder:
  10. he looks like the devil with that beard. Your next challenge is to make him white. :lolsign:
  11. :word: dancing is creating a physical to the music and the beat. Nothing makes a song better than dancing to it.
  12. lets not forget tho, it could enter the bottom end of the top ten and then rise like switch.
  13. cool, we have a picture in our front room of our street from the air, its actually quite sad, nothing to do with me. thanx!
  14. She's this close **makes the 'this close' sign with my hand!!** :chuks: hahaha, its been so long since we've had a good ol' sock joke. :lolsign:
  15. i never used to like bow wow, i thought he was just some dumb kid, but i like him more as hes grown up, especially after let me hold u. And if he has Will as an influence he cant go far wrong.
  16. i think party starter is a great example of how promotion works. From what i hear its got little airplay and promotion and didnt enter the charts in the us. Then in the UK, its got airplay, some radio play, magazine and tv adverts. With this promo its due to have a top ten hit in the UK (touches wood). This is the same song which made little impact in some countries but is hopefully going to do well in others. Interscope need to learn a lesson from this and realise how important promotion is.
  17. sorry to hear that aj, i'll still keep all the friends and family in my thoughts.
  18. ah, it just gets better. I cant wait until sunday. If it does well it will look better for Will to tour here too!!! :yeah:
  19. thanx! great interview, apart from the interviewer was like a robot, she had no personality lol.
  20. yeah i think it has moderate success with sales at the moment but i agree with willjadafan, it has so much more potential. It is one of Wills best albums, so we cant compare it to the sales of bws bcoz they were different times with different promotion.
  21. sorry to be off topic but its gotta be said. That avatar u used to have jonny, the first time i saw it, i was thinkin, i know that from somewhere, then i saw the ps video again and i was like "omg its jonnys avatar" Ok it wasnt that important to form an off topic, i apologise. :therain:
  22. well im thinkin Will, will promote tell me why better than party starter. He must be almost finished filming by now and he has performances planned in december so hes obviously getting back to the music again.
  23. great! If this doesnt make the top ten im gonna be mad.
  24. "Now rule #3 is easy, please remember that you ain’t on “Beat Street” Sweet feet, you ain’t tryin’ to win no TV, another dude did a move No need to out do it haha im afraid i break that rule. Ive had many dance battles, mostly with the other person not actually realising. :gettinjiggywitit:
  25. mines got the video on it too! Only £2.97 from asda lol. It was number 12 on asda's chart, im not sure how that works since it only came out today, but i think switch was something silimiar to that too.
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