wow this post has touched a lot of topics.
First off about Kaynes porn collection, thats nothin, i kinda expect all guys to have a porn stash, but maybe thats me thinking little of guys lol..sorry. Its just something guys do, so why not Kayne.
This whole christianity mind control thingy is crazy. If that were true how come there are so many people that dont believe and have no religion at all. Both me and my brother were treated the same and were sent to sunday school from a young age and had to go to church too. I stopped going when i was about 11 and when i found my friends didnt believe, i lost interest in it and so did my brother. As ive grown older, with no-one pressuring me, i found my religion again by myself. Sometimes there was just no-one else to turn to. Nobody forced me into religion, i was just encouraged that way. My brother who was treated the same as me doesnt believe in it at all and thinks when u die u die.
I never speak to any1 about my relgion, in fact the most ive ever said is on this board. Ive mentioned before to people that i believe in the afterlife and then this person began telling me how its stupid to believe that. What right does anyone have to tell me what to believe. And so its best kept to myself and i never preach to anyone for what they should believe either.