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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. Time to vote in an hour, if there is a poor turnout your all in trouble, i missed out on going the gym for this. I'll turn all fat and flabby!
  2. my favourite is jam on it, i like greedy girls too. i havnt heard them all yet tho. u kinda sound like the sugarhill gang, especially when u steal half thier lyrics, haha im just kiddin. You've got a little fanbase forming on here cozmo.
  3. hahaha typhoon that shouldnt be funny but it really is!! :lolsign: i got electrified once but i did it on purpose which is worse. I was on work experiance (work for free as training for college) at a zoo. And the zoo keepers did something to the electric fence around a deers field, they needed to see if it worked so they sent me down the field to stick my hand on it, i did and yes it worked. I never went near that fence again! and is there some kind of a theme of little girls growing into jjfp fan men on this forum?
  4. ok we've never had that question before, i think u win the award for most original question.
  5. damn no wonder u guys always complain about things being late, u drop a project and move onto the next before its barely started. Its still all about lost and found.
  6. hmm ok, idea, what if we do it 2moro night, that way we give more notice for ppl coz i missed last nights. I say this time we need as many people as possible, that means unless you in school/college/work, its the middle of the night or all of your fingers are broken, we must vote. (sorry about the bossyness but its gotta be done). I think if 3-4 people vote we barely scratch the surface, we need at least 20 people to make any kind of difference. We cant give up now, we just need to re-think our line of attack!
  7. hey i hate boy bands as much as the next person but Justin is good. I saw him in concert twice haha, he was really good live tho. U should listen to his album theres some really good stuff on it. Ppl do exactly the same thing to Will and dont bother listening and ignoring the name.
  8. tell her to get her arse back here, im just kiddin, tell her i said hi.
  9. he obviously had a sex change when he grew up. That was hilarious! :lolsign:
  10. yesss hes got rid of that stupid moustache, im a happy woman!!! Hey if they did film the tell me why video at the time of the those pictures, it might not be a 7 month wait until its out!
  11. cool thanx for the info, Tim said u wouldnt mind answering stuff, one more question, are u really from outer space haha.
  12. im gonna get it, its a piece of history. It sucks that they didnt put summertime on but i think i got it on tape anyway.
  13. i think u enjoyed the pic more than us turntable lol, thanx. he does look like hes lost muscle, he used to be bigger than that during the 10 album.
  14. what day should we do it then? See last time it didnt work bcoz i think the only ppl that did it were me, jonny, bigted and a couple of ppl from ws.com voted a few times (sorry if i forgot any1), thats only a few hundred votes between us, i dont think we even scraped the surface. I dont know about the rest of you guys but im not ready to give up on trl yet.
  15. yeah i was wondering if that was a snippet of the video, like a promotional picture for it. You never know he might of filmed tell me why video before shooting the pursuit of happyness. i hope so coz even from a pic it looks good.
  16. This looks like im sucking up now but im really interested. How successful were u back in the day, when jam on it came out, it was the same year i was born so its probably why i havnt heard of u. Im guessin u were pretty successful since mos def covered u and Will sampled u. But did u have good chart success and stuff?
  17. Its too far for me but i heard your stuff Cozmo, i had no idea there was a celebrity in the house. I like what ive heard so far anyway.
  18. well there was this whole story about it. Will said that Janet seemed to want fpoba to be the aunt viv of bel air show, and that she was very cranky when pregnant and was very jelous of his success. Then she said in return it was bcoz of him she left the show and apparently he gave her the finger. So its a case of taking whoevers word for it. Ive worked with pregnant women before and ive wanted to give them the finger so i dont blame Will lol.
  19. cool lets hope ps does well in belgium, oz and the UK at least like switch did. You know we are gonna have to battle it out again for the highest chart position, so far Australia is in the lead followed by belguim, then we are last as always lol.
  20. i always think your gonna run out of ways to improve this site, but then u always come up with something else. It looks good so far!
  21. yeah i like the first one best too. They're cool pics.
  22. yeah thanx, its a bit late for the warning haha, i kinda guessed there was unsuitable stuff when it said porn for fat people and swinger links from around the world lol.
  23. my best friend has the game myst, we used to play on it but it sucked and we never actually got anywhere. I cant find the song for u tho, coz my friend has the game but its not loaded onto her new computer and i doubt she would bcoz it was a rubbish game, but theres another reply for u lol.
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