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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. if the bird starts harassing u AJ, please dont kill him!
  2. typhoon your a genious! you actually taught me something. Im a bit dyslexic so i see things and panic but your instructions were really easy and helpful. Thank u, i really appreciate that, it must have taken u ages.
  3. Happy Birthday!!!! :yeah: :gettinjiggywitit: :pony:
  4. He was number 8 today on the box as the eighth requested video of the day. :gettinjiggywitit:
  5. If u have them watch the box and kiss, you only ned to watch for about half an hour and it generally comes on one of them.
  6. crack? Butt crack or drug crack. Im sorry i dont know what crack is. I really wanna do this and help out but i cant do computers lol.
  7. Whitney Houtsons greatest hits - no-ones in so im having a good sing along.
  8. thanx, its probably not supposed to be but that scuffle with the taxi driver looks quite funny. The more i see the more im looking forward to this film.
  9. hmm i told u i had 2 braincells, im stuck on the part where u have to copy and paste the patch thingymagig. Can anyone tell me with words no longer than 2 syllables please lol. Or at least no computer jargon.
  10. oh i got another one, it was more embarassing for my brother than for me tho. I was getting dressed in my room and i needed some trousers from the airing cupboard which is on the landing outside my bedrrom. So i decided to nip out of my room wearing just a bra and knickers, as i got to the cupboard my brother came out of his room and saw me with very little on. He screamed and ran away and hasnt been the same since, i laughed but it was kinda embarassing.
  11. ok its cheating, but yes its for a good cause. but every1 else cheats when selling records, 50 cent puts naked woman in his videos, its the same thing lol. Im gonna put my 2 brain cells and follow wes's instructions and do this too. (remmember the time i tried to follow your instructions to a video up typhoon lol). :paperbag:
  12. haha thats an hilarious story. i constantly accidently let wild birds free in kennels at work. They are so damn hard to catch. Never try and catch seagulls and magpies tho coz when they bite it hurts like hell. In future if u need to catch birds, turn the light off and they dont seem to fly away, then grab them. :shrug:
  13. i have a book called "king of cool" im not sure if its the same one but its good. Its the best Will Smith book i have, lots more info than the others, its a good read.
  14. already living up to his name lol. welcome to the site.
  15. cool, i would have thought it would have been higher than that tho. fpoba is better for worldwide recognition than the other shows, over here hardly anyone watches the cosby show and ive never seen good times.
  16. i saw it twice again today and i didnt even watch much TV. This is a good start from as far as i can remmember its off to a better start than switch, but saying that switch was so long ago its hard to remmember lol.
  17. i was just on msn while on here and my friend said ps was on a programme called kiss (u vote for the videos), so i ran down (nearly killed myself on the way) and there it was. Its so much better on tv, poor mum got blasted out haha. Im excited now its on tv here. :gettinjiggywitit: scary thing is tho, i totally had a dream last night that it was on that channel *twighlight zone music plays*
  18. what do u need to install for it and is it easy? This would be brillient if a few of us had it on tuesdays attack.
  19. wow have some of u never been abroad? Ive been around Europe so far but im gonna go to america, australia and Kenya (on safari) when i can afford to. btw some of my friends dont like americans for some reason, i always stick up for u guys tho.
  20. do we have to vote within the hour on tuesday. If so we will have to work out all the time differences of different countries. We'll get the Lorettas invloved aswell, theres plenty of them. Then if we vote for the whole hour we can get hundreds of votes in. Yes thats right we need hundreds not about 10. Some1 knows how many votes u need to get a video on trl, if u know it can u post it.
  21. my whole life is an embarassment lol, so it would take too long to type. A minor one today was when a client came in to the vets that it kinda sexy haha, every1 knows i like him so i took his surname etc and then when i went to open the door to get our of reception the other nurse was holding onto the other side so i couldnt get out. I dont think he noticed tho bcoz i pretending to look around the dog food until she let go. Can i ask why u were wearing pj's to school lol.
  22. yeah i think i did too, it thanked me for something anyway.
  23. woohoo, i cant wait to see it on a tv. Im gonna have to start watching my music channels again.
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