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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. yeah why is it still in that list even tho it didnt even make the top ten. Anyways dont waste your time voting for it bcoz a few of us did about 700 votes one weekend and it still didnt make it, so as ted says its probably rigged lol.
  2. i think Tim avoids posts like this anyway so your wasting your time begging. There only used to be 10 original potnas so the odds of being one is a lot higher than it used to be.
  3. i think u all take it a bit to seriously lol. Hey if i played as much as you guys i could beat you, but unfortunatly i have a life haha!
  4. wow AJ thos tips look good to me. The gift thing is a great idea, we love that lol. I also think that the lines just end up corney. Only very few confident people can pull them off. What puts me off is: 1. funky breath, there is nothing worse than being in a noisy club and some guy trys to talk to u in your ear and it just smells nasty. 2. respect, some guy also told me i was "f***ing beautiful", i did not appreciate the swearing, im a lady lol. 3. Then the worse thing to do is to expect a girl to give it up that easy e.g condoms is the car as AJ pointed out. I went out on valentines day once and it was dinner in a hotel, i thought it was just dinner, but no the creep booked the hotel room without me knowing. Do i look like a slut. :jada: However i can only give advise as what not to do bcoz i only attract weirdos. :ShockRifle:
  5. Happy Birthday!!! :rockon: :drunk: :2thumbs: :yeah:
  6. if i wasnt a fan i wouldnt have bought the album off switch either, im not saying just release 1 single, the more the better. But why the rush, rushing things wont help sell anymore.
  7. haha these are pretty funny and u can see the resemblance in all of them, even the Hillary one.
  8. cool i cant wait to see it. and notice that diddy, p diddy, puffy whatever is there, hes stalking Will, i bet he features hiding behind a trash can behind Will.
  9. aw thats so nice cookies, we all need a bit of Will Smith in our lives. :word:
  10. hahaha made in America. "crash that ambulance into the building!"
  11. nah i dont think it would work like that. 50 cent put out so many sinlges recently im confused by how many hes had out, not that id buy his stuff anyway. If the singles fly by people will forget the songs easily and therefore forget that there is an album out there. Will just needs to keep steady sales over a few months, or years as it might be now. I know they have got low and i agree that ps needs to come out now, but i disagree with releasing them all together. You know what they say slow and steady wins the race. :dope:
  12. If u need money i probably wouldnt get involved in dodgy stuff like this. Nothing comes for free, the best way to get money is to work for it. I know your still in school in stuff but working hard gets you somewhere. I should know i often work 12 hour shifts and do college work in my lunch hour, i earned my money tho and that the best feeling knowing that u earned it by hard work. I did 209 hours this month and when u get paid by the hour it adds up.
  13. i havnt listened to it for a few weeks, i havnt really had time, ive only listened to the CDs in my car and i rotate them so i dont get bored of anything. I still get the songs in my head all the time, today it was Ms Holy Roller, it just popped in my head and stayed there all day.
  14. lol thats a good picture, that paprazzi better watch out tho incase he gets a bitch slap. and am i the only one worried that Will is err "turning" a few lads here?
  15. why are people mad at Will? Im really grateful for what he has done with lost and found. He could have been greedy and did a movie in the time it took to do the music and get himself another 20 mil, but no he didnt he lost out on millions to do this. So we should all be thankful we have what we have bcoz Will could have quit music a long time ago. Every1 just chill :davidblaine:
  16. to try and give this post a bit of oomph, i heard summertime on the radio a few months ago (whoop de doo i hear u all shout) but it was on a request show and it was a 9 year old kid that requested it. I thought it was pretty amazing that she chose a song that is older than her.
  17. ew i hope hes not in it, that mouth cant do anything for anyone. :shakehead: Can u post the list when u get it?
  18. didnt it work ok on the test one tho? It worked fine when me jonny and Dave were talking. I think its more the time of people in different countrys thats the problem.
  19. lol, well somehow i managed to get my best ever score under the pressure, i guess thats when i work best. Well done Tim! :dope: Max only got 94 on his best so u might be able to beat him if he goes thru.
  20. thanx that makes me feel better about my result haha.
  21. oh damn, i did so bad, i felt the pressure in having to do well in 3 goes, ive only done one so far but ouch.
  22. i caught the end of the video today, i actually turned to the channel just as run was finishing. It was actually quite good what i heard, it was very uplifting and kinda gospel. Although my favourite music is hip hop and RnB and glad that there is a pop song coming out, in this country at the moment it seems to have died. Im sick of listening to this coldplay, keane, scissor sisters **** every morning, its depressing.
  23. lol i thought madam Tusauds statues were meant to be good. He does look really gay. I cant believe it took them this long to make one of him too.
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