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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. hahaha they are so into it. That guy at 1.40 is off his face on something. And Will is doing the switch dance at 4.00 lol.
  2. That article does look good, im not getting my hopes up too much but it could happen. Im wondering with Will hanging with that other latin star, he might be trying to find a new sound out there. He did that with born to reign, im wondering if he went to Rio to find inspiration. Yeah im thinking too hard about this arnt i.
  3. It was from about 6 months ago or something, i really liked LA Reid too but he didnt come across too well in the show. The group left the show like the week after this or something, they were actually ok they just couldnt seem to find their sound.
  4. lol i remember watching this, i didnt like their version that much, they changed it too much in my opinion, i know they need to make it their own but the original is far better. I remember i had it in for LA Reid after this.
  5. Oh man, ok im coming but this date had better not change. Im off that weekend so at least it means no messing around with days off at work. Put me down as a yes.
  6. The sun says a lot of things, probably 10% of what that paper says is true. You never know they may have it right but its more likely that they have seen the same pictures we have seen and tried to make it into a story.
  7. I know theres a lot of hate for Kanye and he does act the fool, but i'd really like to see them work together. Does anyone know why Will is there? Looks like just sightseeing.
  8. Wow hes hanging round on that balcony a lot huh lol.
  9. Woah first the higher baby video, now this, what a great day hahaha!
  10. Woah what a find, how has this been hidden away from us for so long? This is why i love youtube!
  11. wow, i think thats the best thing for her really. Judging from her tumblr and her twitter she doesnt seem like the happiest kid, maybe im wrong you cant really tell with these melodramtic teens these days. I think she'll have a great singing career one day, she has a great voice, but shes right, she just needs to be 12 right now. Good on Will for not pushing her into it when she didnt wanna do it. Now Will, while you kids are out playing, give us an album lol.
  12. Wait Wills middle name is Carolle? What the heck i thought it was Christopher. Ive been a fan for 14 years and i never knew this. Im confused, is he serious?
  13. http://saulepleurant.tumblr.com/ Willows tumblr is so out there. She posts really cool pictures and put poetry and videos on there, but she also posts gory pics, gothic pics and the odd thing that isnt really suitable for a 12 year old. Enjoy! lol.
  14. Willow put this pic up on her tumblr too.
  15. hahaha Will is the most embarrassing dad!
  16. Some pics from Willows Tumblr. when I was like five I had an obsession with ducks… Hence this picture my old school bf
  17. That review is great, sounds really good, they dont mention that Will isnt in it much which i thought they would pick up on, lets hope he has more screen time than we are expecting. Either way it sounds like its just up my street, Will always does well with aliens.
  18. Im the same AJ, theres nothing wrong with that style but personally im not really into it. If he brought some fire he would actually be amazing for his age. I guess its just modern rap, he needs to get some JJFP out and have a listen.
  19. Im gonna go and see it but im sure i'll be mad. First we had to deal with no more music but at least we had movies, then he dissapears for years, comes back, does MIB3, then does 10 minutes in a film and hes stopped filming anything again. Give us something Will come on, we've been patient for years now.
  20. Apparently Will is only in the film for 5-10 minutes... i'll be pissed if thats true. I hope this isnt a way of tricking people into seeing a Will Smith film just to show of Jadens talents.
  21. That looks awesome!!!! I just hope Will has enough screen time, he has a fair bit in this trailer. Either way looks like its gonna be a good one. Its got a hunger games and avatar feel to it.
  22. Trey is like Will and Jeff mixed into one person.
  23. Sorry im at my mums birthday party tonight. Have fun!
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