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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. they delete that but it takes them a whole weekend to delete homophobic posts and posts full of swearing. :thatsux:
  2. no ive got some off another show. It was Dick Clarkes actual show, i cant remmember what its called. Alfonso was on it and was interviewed. It had a blooper of were Will kept hitting Carlton with a newspaper bcoz he kept doing his lines wrong. It was hilarious! Its never been shown on fpoba at the end or in the blooper show. I should dig it out of my collection and put it up, i have to look through hours and hours of Will Smith footage tho to get it.
  3. i say its the 5th of august today just to be difficult.
  4. yeah if its already on the charts i cant wait to see what it does when its properly released.
  5. noooooooooooooo dont leave us, we need you! I think u can definatly help increase our confidence in doing the podcast, well i cant speak for every1 else but if there is some1 that knows what they are doing that helps me learn. ah well just help us out when u can. Right so has any1 else got any DJ skills lol.
  6. haha thats great, it will be Wills second kissing award if he wins, now thats an achievement!
  7. Micheal Jackson, u wanna be startin somethin
  8. although this was pretty disapointing, the video was still funny. So thank u max for putting it up, i kinda expected at least 10 seconds of the ps vid BUT we found out what Will was wearing in the vid. Right now i wanna see this video so bad i'll take any info i can get. :lolsign:
  9. i couldnt help but join in, if ppl insult Will i just gotta jump in lol. I dont think that me insulting ppl will help promote but hey, im hopefully gonna start some real promo 2moro when i get some time.
  10. Just to make English ppl look even more stupid i have a question. Is the release date for party starter to the radio? bcoz u dont get singles do u, but saying that its already played on the radio. :hmm: Again the americans mix stuff up and have to do things differently lol. Oh and to continue this argument, we invnted the english language and so u should keep it the same in respect for using our language, that includes the way we write dates. :lolsign:
  11. Songs that make this album for me are shadow dreams, twinkle twinkle, Im looking for the one, the list could go on. Like Tim said there are no fillers so i guess thats what makes the album. To this day i will never understand why it didnt sell well. When i bought it i thought it was the best selling for jjfp until i heard different. One of lifes many questions.
  12. i love bloopers! Its better than what we got for season 1. I hope there are some unseen bloopers bcoz i know they excist, i taped some once off that Dick Clarke show.
  13. argh i just made a really good post over there and the thread was deleted just as i posted it. Prince said he heard that every1 from willsmith.com that came here got banned and i was gonna set him straight. I also made the point that its a joke and every1 there took it too seriously.
  14. lol thats great Tim, nice one of big_willie to post it over there. Prince is just up to his usual job of annoying us, he still cant get over the fact he was banned. Great blog tho Tim!
  15. thanx, yeah i had audio too but never got the neck dance joke without the vid.
  16. lol on that AFN one i dont think many ppl vote on it apart from us, Will is on 63% and his closest rival is 18%, nearly all the other artists are on 0%.
  17. The latest body to be discovered is 2003 UB313... The one I think you're referring to is a body they found a few years back they named Sedna... There wasn't too much buzz about that "planet/body" because it is smaller than Pluto, so they don't consider it a planet. The problem with this new "body/planet" they have found is that it is larger and farther away from the sun than Pluto. The debate about what exactly is a planet has been renewed because of this discovery. A lot of people don't consider Pluto a planet even though it is historically considered as such... science... gotta love it... ← thank u for clearing it up, i thought i was going slightly insane.
  18. im saving up for one at the moment after ive bought somethin else i need. i cant wait to get it, there are so many times that i think i wish i had my ipod right now. I think they are a genious invention for music lovers.
  19. thanx for the pics. Its so good to see good promo for a change.
  20. thanx, Jeff is definatly the best lol. i love at the end where it goes "you'll see Jay again my friend"
  21. i never thought there would be a discussion about maths on jjfp.com. Its a slow news month lol.
  22. Boom shake the room - memories of being in my garage and dancing around, me and my brother used to go in thier to play music and generally make noise without getting told off. I remmember thinking Will and Jeff must have been like gangsters lol. My cousin also used to play it at family parties in a mini disco room they made thier giant shed thing into. Summertime - mainly childhood summers, i played the song a lot on one holiday when i got a summer tape and the song was on it. i think it was the only tape i played all holiday. Wild Wild West - again of holidays. the first time i heard the song i was in our tent on a camping holiday, only we cheated and had a tv in the tent lol. It was there on that piece of grass i became a jjfp fan. The rain - i have memories of listening to it when i was miserable and it used to pick me up. i dont listen to it anymore when im sad coz it wrecks the song Switch - definatly the time i was a tad drunk and danced in the middle of the street to it. Street teaming to the extreme, i took it a bit too literally.
  23. thanx, i like it, has a different feel from the orginal.
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