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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. why did u change my post, thats not my order, i put willenium first not 3rd?
  2. aw that bone game is the type that i like. Non scary action/adventure. It looks cool.
  3. Some of us where trying to make the place better and emailing the staff about bad posts and members and marz asked the managment if they could make some of us mods. We havnt heard anything since so i guess they arnt going to. It would be great if they did, it wouldnt be perfect but we could clean that place up. Sometimes it takes marz a whole weekend to get an email and in that time the board has been trashed. Its not his fault tho coz its his job and he obviously needs time off, if we were mods tho, there would be some1 online to check it out every few hours.
  4. aaaahh it doesnt work at the moment, i wanna see u dance.
  5. how are u not falling off that chair? and do u always look that cool when your on the comp lol. I need to start dressing up when i come here and get up to the standard.
  6. Its what waiting for party starter does to you, im sure many weird posts recently are bcoz of it. We do need to chill and just wait and see what happens, Will is in charge a lot more so dont complain so much, hes knows what hes doing. Hes been in the business before some of us were even born. just to add another artist that released singles in a similar way, didnt aaliyah release "try again" off the aaliyah album and then about a year later "more than woman" came out.
  7. did any1 see that episode of the simpsons were Lisa rang the Corey hotline and it cost loads and Corey would say stuff like "here are some things that rhyme with Corey", it was probably like that lol. I'd still ring it tho. :lolsign:
  8. i think he has a lot more in him but as Kev said the first rappers are just turning 40. Its hard to tell how old a rapper can really be before they stop selling bcoz they are "too old". Will always manages to find a new sound and something else to rap about in each album so lets hope he can still do that.
  9. Some of the things ppl have said are slighty cheesy but i think Will can pull them off where other ppl couldnt. It comes across as funny to me other than cheesy, especially Mr Nice Guy, that song is hilarious, the how ya doin part just makes me laugh. I dont really like the barking that much tho. I think Will is just goofy as Lisa says in fpoba.
  10. yeah on the last ever episode were Will turns off the light and walks off, it was really sad but then when Carlton runs down the stairs with his pants down it makes it better lol.
  11. yeah ill try to be there too, but i have been invited out but im not sure if im able to go yet. I'll know later on in the week.
  12. yey finally a pic of Michelle, its better to look older than younger trust me. I agree with cookie tho, i would say u looked 20-23
  13. haha thats great kev, i love mario dancing, and i love your dancing even more. I dont really "get it" but i dont think im meant to, if i am then oh well. :lolsign:
  14. i probably wouldnt use this bcoz i cant remember most of my dreams so i have no idea what ppl would see. It would however be very good for the world, bcoz i have had a couple of dreams that have come true, one was when when concord crashed, it freaked me out a lot.
  15. yey my mic is working, i just fiddled about with some advance mic thing, to be honest i dont know what i did, but hey it works now and thats all that matters.
  16. they totally snubbed it over here, apart from a few channels.
  17. i saw the advert for it today, it makes me feel very old tho bcoz i have now 23!
  18. its a labec one (i didnt get it from poundland dont worry lol). Im gonna take it back to the shop 2moro and see if they have any suggestions or if they will exchange it.
  19. Im pretty lucky when it comes to friends, they havnt really turned thier backs on me. My best friend and i have been friends for about 15 years so we know a lot about each other and can trust each other. I know she has my back and i have hers whatever happens. A few friends just havnt contacted me and we have just drifted apart, especially when a lot of them went off to uni.
  20. well the British ppl will still post coz its cold outside even when its summer. People do tend to go out a lot more in the summer tho.
  21. I agree with kevs opening post. I dont think that the promo is as bad as ppl are making out. Ok if it was me i would have ps out now BUT i was only starting to want it out a few weeks ago. The singles are following a similar pattern to bws, i know that was a long time ago but i honestly believe that releasing stuff slowely over time can still work. Even if it doesnt, the album is so damn good it can do well without decent promotion. I mean a lot of ppl doubted switch, some fans, all radio, most video channels, now its one of Wills biggest hits. Being a fan of Will is good, bcoz i know that he will never lose, if his album doesnt do well hes gonna do everything he can to make it sell. Thats why after a career low with b2r he came back with lost and found and got his swagger back. Basically, ive learnt over time, never doubt Will. I have every faith in him and this album.
  22. well switch managed to be a hit with little airplay, maybe hes trying out something new andhaving a hit without a video lol. This looks very promising tho the way things are going *touch wood*.
  23. sorry to keep moaning at you, but in general, not just in here, u need to keep it clean, me and a few others have asked you to before. The word censor doesnt get it all as u can see. If u really have to say something put the stars in yourlself bcoz not every word gets picked up.
  24. was one of a few ppl that believed in me at freestyling in the first partners freestyle battle, then we went and won haha!
  25. have a nice time, im sure u wont miss anything to do with party starter lol.
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