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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. i was getting bored of my avatar and was thinking of changing, but now maybe i wont.
  2. a few i can think of now, is the one were they blackmail Hillary and she has to do those stupid things at the dinner table, the one with the hex, the blooper one even tho that isnt really a proper episode, and the one were they do the dance to apache.
  3. Things are going as i expected really , i think how well lost and found sells depends on how many singles get released, the more the better. oh and Fresh ta def watch your language. Keep it clean on here.
  4. ive downloaded the programme so ive just gotta get my microphone, 2moro or sat, whenever i can get to poundland lol.
  5. exactly lol. yeah stick around and im sure we will have it first.
  6. sorry gotta post this script from rainbow, it was never shown on TV so im guessing the script writers went a bit too far with the innuendos, enjoy! http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/rainbow_tv_episode.html
  7. no spongebob is great and hes not gay!!! Him and patrick are just close friends. If spongebob likes any1 its Sandy. What was that show, erm captain pugwash i think it was with Master Bates, i so did not get that when i was little, obviously coz i didnt know what mastibation was back then lol. Now rainbow (dunno if thats just British) zippy and George, they were gay. EDIT:sorry scy we have hijacked your post to discuss which cartoon character is gay. An interestin turn of events.
  8. quite likes Christina the teenage soft porn girl.
  9. Tin Tin, the cartoon (sorry the only pic i could find was of some biscuits or something) wasnt his dog called snowy or something. Ok this topic is strange. http://theimaginaryworld.com/tintin01.jpg
  10. Ashleys boyfriend when they play crazy golf wth Will and his date on Valentines day. "because its the size of a football field!"
  11. oh i hope they do potnas, i can just imagine every1 with thier right hand in the air.
  12. is this date for US, austrailia or everywhere? Its good to see it finally get released tho after the long wait.
  13. Lost is letting life flow along and not giving your future a care. Found is following a life long dream and never stopping till u get there.
  14. hahahaha yeah my accent is not cute. Its not fully scouse kev coz i live just outside Liverpool. I think the foreigners will hear it as english and the english will hear it as scouse. ive gotta get myself a microphone first tho, if i ever decided what to do, i will get one. Scy is gonna love the show tho if english ppl do it coz he thinks our accent is hilarious, u dont need to say anything funny coz he will just laugh anyway.
  15. i had a thought of why it could be so late. Well switch took a long time to catch on, after it had been out for a long time, maybe they will release party starter to radio and tv to get it to catch on before they release the single this time. I still think its a dumb idea tho.
  16. Switch peaked at number 4 in the UK, i cant remmember what lost and found got but it wasnt very high, 20 something i think.
  17. This is the stupidist thing ive heard since some1 was offended by sharktale.
  18. haha this is hilarious, ive never heard a boys convo like this before. Now u all have fetishes about her. right now own up, who bought the video (yes i went on the site) none nude my ass, shes wearing see through tops, ok im scarred for life! Its jonnys fault. ( no lesbian rumours please)
  19. yeah but he emailed some1 who is obviuosly a fan and said he didnt like it, he could have kept that info to himself, we didnt need to know that. Who am i kidding, im just bitter right now lol, so im gonna take it out on him. :whip3:
  20. im gonna cry now, everything was going so well (im my opinion), why have they gotta make such stupid decisions. i know we arnt exactly experianced in selling records, but we are the buying public and i know this is a BIG mistake. and i cant find a smilie that is crying so i will put the protest one up instead. :protest:
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