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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. James its not 100% true, its just what jonny heard on the radio after they played it, which makes less sence coz the radio must have the song now and they play it 3 months before its release??? What im gonna do, even tho im just 1 person, im gonna start requesting the song, u never know if its played a lot they might realise how dumb they are and change the release date back to August or whatever. :chuks:
  2. thanx. That paper was weird bcoz they said about the "open marriage" and then quoted Will saying jada was the only one for him.
  3. haha, your hilarious. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Hey there is nothing wrong with having nice skin, just let a brother take care of himself.
  4. OCTOBER!!!! i really hope thats not true. Ok i was one of the ppl that said milk switch, well switch is gone now, if we wait that long until party starter that will affect sales. I dont get why they would do that. Now is the perfect time for party starter and im getting really tired of searching for this vid.
  5. aw i think its the last week on the chart for switch, its down 10 to 38. It did well, a total of 17 weeks on the chart.
  6. who knows how many videos there will be, if Wills in control it might be more than we expect. Lost and found definatly deserves to sell more than bws.
  7. i wanna know what he puts on his skin coz hes silky smooth lol. I guess when your Rich u get the best products and treatment, thats why the queen mother lived until about 300 years old.
  8. plays American football (or just football as the Americans call it)
  9. yeah i would have to say i like both too. I do like music to be fun and not many ppl do that these days, its just to put on a song that makes u laugh and cheers u up. Thats why i like songs like wild wild west and jiggy, it is Will, its him being fun. However the more serious songs stand out a lot more for me. Things like the rain, tell me why, potnas are thought provoking, its another side to Will, and he really shows how intelligent he is. I think now ive grown older i appreciate the serious songs more, i want more of them but i dont want him to stop the fun. In times like these we need it. If i listened to tell me why all day, life would get depressing.
  10. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! :thatsux: I guess the state hip hop is in these days its enough to make any1 turn.
  11. lol jonny, yes she is clothed but she is definatly young, lets just say she has been blessed in the mammary department early. She looks like 15! :haha:
  12. Has appeared on UK TV shows such as the Bill and various TV adverts.
  13. after u said that i just had a weird thought, remmember when the Larry Elder show got cancelled and we said Will had cursed him bcoz of what he said in Mr Nice Guy. Well the curse continues with eminem...next Wendy Williams.
  14. her nickname is Ashley bcoz she looks like tatyana ali.
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Thats even worse!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  16. cool, ive been waiting for news like this since he started, i hope its true. After i heard "just lose it" i didnt think he could get any lower and i thought he was pocking fun at the ppl that actually bought that, then i heard "ass like that" and he achieved the impossible and got worse, whats the deal with that weird Indian type accent rapping (no offence to Indian ppl coz u dont sound like that).
  17. sorry but i had to, i found this and its hilarious for the rest of the pics go to: http://editorial.gettyimages.com/source/se...0%7c0&p=7&tag=1
  18. i found some pics of ww at ozzfest, i cant see any flying bottles of urine so i guess it all went well. http://www.wireimage.com/GalleryListing.as...==127171&nbc1=1
  19. oh so we arnt as fine as the spanish girls then. :thumbsdown: ← well i'm representin both and i say we're as "fine" as each other! ← :rofl:
  20. cool, i agree that Brad pitt should be in there too, i hope he hasnt had a nose job too lol.
  21. i like it, it fits really well. Good job!
  22. ....erinary nurse (sorry i have to correct that coz im not intelligent enought to be a vet.
  23. likes to call other males baby names.
  24. http://home.myspace.com/lil_ju_ju
  25. im gonna order it off the internet this time, boz last time u guys got it early that way. Thanx for the link.
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