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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. hey brakes my 21st is a week before yours, we can have a joint jjfp party lol. I might be going to disneyland paris for mine ( yeah i know its for kids but when i become a full adult i wanna make sure i keep the kid inside me lol), i havnt actually booked it yet tho, whoops.
  2. haha this is great, i guess switch is a song u dont really get sick of, ive heard it so much but if i dont hear it for a few days i get the urge to hear it again. long live switch!
  3. ive hated p diddy ever since lol. i dont think its that Will and diddy are friends, i think its just diddy follows Will everywhere and cant get rid of him. He only went to his party for the free food ( i made that last bit up btw).
  4. lol glad your back. We had to save you, nobody deserves to get stuck in ws.com for eternity.
  5. cool thanx for this Tim, I'll go if i can just get it to see Jeff, the rest is just mainly crappy dance and drugged up weirdos. I think its worth the risk tho.
  6. yeah just leave things as they are, if there are any probs Tim will know about it and sort it.
  7. nice pics kev, and dancing in houses is not silly, however dancing in the line to give blood and at the back of a bus is (from personal experiance).
  8. my thoughts are with you scyhigh, ive been in the same position too so i know how it affects the family.
  9. am i allowed to say both or is that being greedy .I wanna see party starter bcoz ive seen switch so much and ive only seen party starter live twice and it sounds great. i think it would be a great idea to do switch as every1 knows it and gets the crowd hyped, then go into party starter and start the promo and obviously please us lol.
  10. aaaahhh thats the one where they mention u Tim, thanx i missed downloading this at the time, i just listened to it.
  11. yeah or the film gave him the idea for the song. I always imagine hitch when i hear it.
  12. This all happened with switch when we put it up for every1 to share, only ppl made 1 post and took the song. We learnt from it and now we are much more careful with stuff we put up in here.
  13. the switch song fell in 2 by 2 hurrah ...hurrah. yes fell just another 2 places to 23, that makes a total of 13 weeks on the chart so far, only 1 song in the chart has been in longer and that was an unstopable charity record.
  14. haha! omg its sounds brillient. Will doesnt mind doing really dumb stuff to make ppl laugh..........even dressing up like Tina???? lmao.
  15. yep whatever gets put up in here any1 can take it, so we have to be careful what goes on here.
  16. me neither, ive done it before and its a not nice costly experiance.
  17. i didnt get a diss, he said something nice about me. :wink:
  18. yeah its like Will said, the rain has fallen but now your seeds of joy are gonna bloom. That song works in so many ways.
  19. im glad hes not doing it bcoz we dont have to listen while we wait for Will, but thats bad to pull out of a charity concert for some crappy movie (ive seen a clip and believe me, its gonna be crappy, i saw him act and ouch!)
  20. argh stupid asda! Im not shopping there anymore lol. Why not sell this DVD in the UK, thats just crazy. Our only hope is the internet, which doesnt look too promising. :shakehead:
  21. its seems lost and found is so good it can turn ppl that thought Will was always soft. These people were probably really stubbern and refused to listen, but after they heard it they cant help but love it. I really like that guy with carlton in his sig too, thats hilarious.
  22. lol what a loser! He cant talk he works in a fake sport for a living, no offence to any1 that likes wrestling.
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