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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. those figures are really interesting, i know code red wasnt a big seller but OMG thats so bad, what was wrong with ppl in those days. I think its great that lost and found has sold more than born to reign already. Lost and Found deserves to be up at the top with willenium and hes the dj (its never gonna pass big willie style).
  2. made in america "i never wanna hear u say the word flaccid again"
  3. Yeh sometimes you just gotta look over at that crowd loving it, and smiling that you know your the biggest JJFP fan in the room. :kekeke: and even better when every1 thinks they know all the words but they havnt perfected the stutter part like a real fan has lol.
  4. yey u can vote as much as u want. Im voting away!
  5. i dunno, we got the premier of the switch video first. He seems to be releasing things about the same time for the US and the UK at the moment.
  6. Happy Birthday!!! :wiggle: Hope u have a nice day.
  7. Independence day. "dont go shoving a man's private things into some hole"
  8. whether we like it or not another single isnt going to be released while switch is doing well. It never happens and im sure there is a reason for that. I dont know what your situation is like in the US, maybe it is time to release tell me why over there, but i know its not gonna get released over here yet. It would be a big mistake to do so. From songs ive heard in the past, generally when the next single is released they pretty much stop playing the previous one and focus on the new one. This is about switch as a single and its success and releasing tell me why, i feel will decrease its sales. I know lost and found is so much more important than switch, but i have every faith that L&F will sell. Switch took a long long time to catch on and i think so will the album and long term sales make big sales. Remmember Will said switch is the anaethesia before he hits them with the cold water and damn tell me why is gonna hit them hard.
  9. ahem.....Julie??!! :kekeke: ahh! :scared2: i'm sorry Michelle! u and Julie are almost like the same person 2 me. u both type similar and say similar things and live in the same part of the world so i guess that's how i got u mixed up. sorry! :juskiddin: leave me alone :tear: a girl makes 1 mistake after a hard days work and she gets ridiculed for the rest of her life.
  10. if Will ever sounded anything remotly like eminem "i'd jump off the empire state building and hope to catch my eyelid on a nail".
  11. i think he might be getting me back bcoz i got him and Jim mixed up, if not then HA! we're even. Thanx for the article Michelle! Im gonna go and play some online chess now. :speechless:
  12. i went with hes the dj bcoz of songs like lets get busy baby, but and in this corner was a close second bcoz there are so many funny songs in that album.
  13. i know everybody in that pic apart from whos that at the top left?
  14. i think Will did a great job with this album with keeping his old style but adding something deeper and new. He still has his story telling raps and he still uses humour like in here he comes and mr nice guy, but i agree he cant just keep making happy songs all the time and so he went deeper with tell me why and ms holly roller. This album has a perfect mix of fun and serious stuff.
  15. scyhigh can i ask u, do u make these questions up randomly in your head, or do u get them from somewhere?
  16. lol thats great! I love the way Will and Jeff are in it too with the master Tim in the middle lol, nice work AJ!
  17. nah that song is great, ive never heard another rapper do that stutter thing before, its great. How come i end up liking things that Will has done that no1 else likes, i mean im the person that thought wild wild west was hilarious (which it is).
  18. nope but it is a recent movie. Its a hard 1 sorry.
  19. ouch! ok stop the celebrations. Lost and found fell to number 38 from 25. Why is switch doing so well yet lost and found isnt?
  20. this poll was started before lost and found had graced our eardrums.
  21. i was only half listening to the album top 20,while doing homework but i didnt hear it, i'll try and find it tho.
  22. i dont think the mom is Will bcoz she basically looks nothing like Will lol.
  23. i like these: :fraggleno: :bugginout: :pukeback: :lolsign: :antlers: :wiggle: :fingersx: :wavey: :rbw: and finally these 2 bcoz they arenamed after me and my best friend: :julie: :kimmie:
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