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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. i think i only need to hear "grovers groove" and "i sleep better in some1 elses bed", im not even sure, ive lost track of what i need to hear. oh yeah and chosen 1 of course.
  2. cool, if Will is headlining they have to show a lot of him. I hope!
  3. i dont know there names but i really liked the one where carlton and Will bribe hillary and make her do all those things at the dinner tabe, i also really liked the one with the hex. Oh and my all time favourite is the blooper episode but i dont think that really counts coz there isnt a storyline.
  4. i love homebase, i think i like code red a little better but homebase comes second out of jjfp CDs. It has a great feel good vibe, its a really fun album.
  5. i dunno what my first post was coz it got deleted with the old site. :tear: I wish we could get that back to see how some of us "met"
  6. Ive seen him in the crowd of a lakers game too.
  7. ive been were u are so i know how it feels. U can sometimes find things on the internet ( if u can get to it ) that fix certain viruses. I couldnt fix mine so i went the easy way out and paid a man to come out and fix it bcoz i couldnt. Other ppl here will know more than me tho coz i havnt a clue sorry!
  8. There u go scyhigh, those ideas should keep you busy for the next few weeks, especially when its time to do a review on womens panties.
  9. lucky B******!! lol. Have a nice time and get plenty of pics ond gossip for us.
  10. how are u gonna say an oscar nominated actor isnt very good? Ok i think Will is better at rapping than acting but i still think hes a very good actor.
  11. well if it is on TV the next day, we will try our best to get up what they do show. Dont worry US guys this is all i get too, is any1 actually able to go to this?
  12. yes! and do u know what that means, the Uk is winning in the best chart position for switch lol. It also means radio didnt play it enough coz ppl didnt realise it was out for the frst 2 weeks. i cant wait until downloads are included too.
  13. i already posted this. its cool that your going tho!
  14. nah its just that ongoing joke that white ppl cant dance, which is completely untrue, i think i prove that all by myself lol.
  15. it cant be about his ex wife, he has to stay on good terms with her for the sake of Trey. Plus Trey doesnt wanna hear his dad say bad things about his mum.
  16. hey London peeps, this doesnt include me coz i cant get to London easily, but Will is headlining at the Nokia Urban music festival. i know tickets are £10 but they have been selling for ages and i think Will has only just been announced for being there so get tickets quick!!! http://www.kiss100.com/nav?page=kiss.page&...esource=2192182 i think this is a pretty big thing so it might be on TV, i'll try and hook the ppl up that cant go.
  17. i love mr nice guy its so funny it deserves number 1. lost and found is still number 1 and mr nice guy is still number 3. we need to get them both at the top.
  18. dont worry Will is back were he belongs with 211 votes and Mariah has 193. This is war Mariah fans!!! :touche:
  19. yey, i havnt even finished watching the first series yet tho lol. im only on the second disk! Hopefully i will be finnished by next year lol.
  20. omg i didnt know she was from swv. you learn somethign new everyday.
  21. i keep listening to this and i listen out for it but all i can hear is back up, i try to block out the beat but on my version i dont think he says it. trust me ive had this on pretty loud.
  22. woohoo, Will is 5 points ahead of the backstreet boys, we'd better keep voting to keep him there.
  23. i would say interscope is the lesser of 2 evils. Interscope havnt done a bad job at promotion but they could have done better.
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