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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. they should get jeff scratchin, a luda verse and release it, that would be perfect, not gonna happen tho. :tear:
  2. haha yeah i was like ppfff i dont this autograph i already have one lol. That lyrics booklet is really cool they should have included it instead of having to have print quality.
  3. lmao i saw this on top of the pops, they just anounced it now as an april fools joke. i believed it tho and was in histerics. The fools on them tho if its after 12, idiots.
  4. i really hope they play this on mtv base, if so hopefully i can get it online 4 u, or another UK person can! :thumb:
  5. yeah i think its great that every1 shares all there stuff, i wish i could share more but the only thing i know what to do is magazine articles lol. Its also why no news gets past us, we have ppl all around the world so we can get or hear most of the interviews Will does. There cant be many comunities like this 1 and im so glad its all about my fave artists. thanx 2 every1 invloved, my video and music section on my comp is packed full of stuff coz of u guys!!! :thumb: :ridepony:
  6. thier parents obviously give them too much pocket money for them to buy all these 50 cent Cds. Wil is the only 1 i actually like out of those artists.
  7. i got the email that said the album was out, like i didnt know that already.
  8. Akons new song lonley. this makes me laugh so much it sound like carltons singing the pollish (sp???)prince on hellium. :hilarious:
  9. yeah i thought he wouldnt do any more story telling coz hes kinda grown out of telling storys about freddy and stuff, but these story telling songs are really good.
  10. yeah b2r was different to this one, i dont think i can ever take this album out of my cd player.
  11. i never really saw the first seasons of fpoba but ithink i started watching them from season 5 when they were first aired. i think i was still into cartoons then and not really sitcoms. i remmember the first episode i saw was the one with shaft in it and those girls were singing "Will.. Will Smith" i thought iwas so funny and started watching. I also used to listen to my brothers tape and boom was on one of them, we used to play it really loud in the garage coz we were allowed, i actually used to think jjfp were pretty gangster coz they were rapping about a bomb lol. I was only 9 tho, i didnt know any better. I also had summertime on my best of summer tracks tape that i used to play all the time. At the time i didnt realise they were the same ppl that did boom lol.
  12. yeah i think the album will be like switch, its starts off slow but ppl hear about it. Im just waiting to see what happens when tell me why is out, thats gonna sell the album and also stop the misconception of Will as a "pop" artist.
  13. im really surprised no-one has voted for Mr Nice guy or here he comes. I didnt vote for them bcoz i voted for tell me why but i really like these tracks, i had here he comes in my head all day today.
  14. do u know what i dont get about these reviews, they used to say Will was weak and was pop, now hes slightly harder they say hes not real. What do u want from him???? I dont expect good reviews for Will anymore, they can go listen to 50 cent if they want while we enjoy some decent music. Its thier loss. oh i got another quote to "when u all that, u gonna get dissed!"
  15. i quite enjoyed pushing myself and not listening to it, plus the feeling of putting my cd in for the first time was great.
  16. i think some1 must have swapped the lost and found cd case round with encore. What is that guy on, its not even constructive critisim, thats just pure hatin.
  17. i love this, it grows on me the more i listen to it. Reminds me of myself, haha im just kiddin, im not a stalker. :speechless:
  18. to be honest snoop comes second to eminem when it comes to my least favourite rapper, i just dont like his voice, hes a bit creepy, but saying that i dont hate him quite as much as i used to, recently he is slighty less annoying. If it was my choice id have him off the track tho.
  19. yeah it does, i keep getting different songs in my head, then i think oh this is my fave song then i hear another 1 and think, no this ones just as good.
  20. cool thanx 4 that, just watch it pick up more speed when tell me why is released, im tellin you its gonna be like what thriller did for the thriller album.
  21. thanx Tim, i'll donate something in the next few days, no i really will i just have 6 pages of posts to get thru at the moment lol.
  22. your gonna love those tracks, i dont even know why Will was gonna leave them off.
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