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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. Welcome to the site, i think at this site we are all pretty much big fans of Will. :rock:
  2. Did he mention switch??? was it played?
  3. What ??? Do u mean "and in this corner" is cursed!!! :cya: :scared2: Eternal damnation if i keep the CD, i think its worth it.
  4. This is my first christmas with the song "family christmas", i love the part where he dances with his grandma lol.
  5. yeah i liked that digits track so i looked her up on the internet and was quite surprised to see she was white, i'll definatly give her stuff a listen, but probably won't admit that outside of this post lol.
  6. well ive been checking power 106's website and it isnt on the playlist yet, well at least it wasnt a few days ago. The more we wait tho, the more it worries me, but apparently all of Wills stuff gets deleyed, it must be for good reason.
  7. i guess 2pac met Will thru Jada. Jada and 2pac went to the same school or somethin, they might have gone out, im not sure but some1 here will know. Id be interested to know more myself.
  8. oh cool thanx! u saved me a few quid.
  9. I got the greatest hits first, but if your planning on getting them all i would say code red too. It has tonnes of fantastic songs on there.
  10. thanx, i saw the trailer when i went to see sharktale, it was so funny. The penguins crack me up. So many huge stars are doing voices for animated films these days, i guess it a big pay check for a few hours work lol, as long as they keep them comin.
  11. thanxAJ, i was gonna get this album as soon as it came out bcoz ive been looking forward to it, but i decided to wait a little bit longer and get it for Christmas. I love all of DC's stuff so i know i will really like the album, now i just have to find some ppl to come to the tour with me since most of my friends dont really like them. :sad6: Thanx 4 the "lose my breath" tip too, i will get the single as well as the album.
  12. Boyz to men - let it snow (the one from fpoba!) yes its time to get out your cheesy Christmas songs.
  13. Mine is Willenium, when i first got it , it hardly left my CD player (mainly bcoz i had just got into rap and didnt have many CDs). It didnt seem to get old either tho and i never got sick of it, but now i have the other jjfp CDs i put them in ciculation and listen to them equally.
  14. When i first heard brand new funk i thought it was ok, but as ive grown older ive learnt to apprieciate it. Then when i heard it live on the tape at I, Robot premier i liked it even more, its just got an amazing energy when its done live. So my feelings on it kinda sumarise what every1 said. :werd:
  15. i do think that he is one of the most talented rappers out at the moment but when u hear about the church thing and this it just puts u off. If he worked so hard for it then he should be happy with his success. He cant win every award he is nominated for, he will either have to deal with it or become even more of an idiot and lose his credibility.
  16. hahaha :roll: , i tried to save some of my friends from him, but it was too late! I even used Will to try to tempt them back into the light. I dont even bother listening to hisstuff anymore bcoz i know i will never like any of it. Maybe if i need a good laugh some time and im very bored.
  17. aw i thought this topic was the interview and i got all excited, damn u and your suspence. :kekeke:
  18. damn, i always miss the shows u r on. I saw the advert tho lol, i believe it is your best work. :kekeke:
  19. He still has a lot of fans here in Britain, i think in other european countries too. Nod ya head got to number 3 in britain, the album didnt sell as much but we all know why.
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