Im so confused thru all of this, i spoke to prince last night too and he told me he didnt do it. I think i believe him, but i think what we have all failed to mention much of is Dms involvement in all of this, i think if any1 its him that has done it, i could be wrong and it could be some1 completely different, like FuQ pointed out it could be that gangster takeover, i dunno.
I like every1 else used to really like him, then recently he changed, i wanna stick up 4 him, but if im wrong and he has done it i will feel like a bigger fool than i feel now. plus when DM said a lot of S*** to me, he just laughed. If it was "old prince" i would be behind him 100%, but things have changed.
I feel like c**p doin this and ive been thinkin it over a lot, it even took me about 15 mins to post this, thinkin how to put the right words. I think at least 4 a now a ban is the right thing, who knows we can try and build bridges again. So after much soul searching i can say im behind Tims decision, but im not totally against prince, time is a great healer and i hoping soon things will be better and we can all be a family again.