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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. I know its very likely to not be true, but imagine if it was how Will and Jada would feel. I cant follow the man for 12 years and not care about his feelings.
  2. Will Smith and Jada "OUR MARRIAGE IS INTACT" Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith just released a joint statement SHOOTING DOWN a report that they have separated. The statement reads, "Although we are reluctant to respond to these types of press reports, the rumors circulating about our relationship are completely false." The two add, "We are still together, and our marriage is intact." TMZ again tho im afraid, seems its not true but i need a better source than TMZ
  3. Oh God i hope this isnt true, i feel heartbroken for them if it is. Surely they cant they are so strong. The kids! We need the truth now! I cant believe this!
  4. OMG this is actually happening, im freaking out here! A song with Bruno Mars, this is gonna be big! Love the video of London Kev, i thought he lied to us lol. Also loving all the old faces coming back here after this news.
  5. Oh to be a Will Smith fan in 97 again. I love that everyone is back on the board, just shows how much the fans care about music.
  6. Fair play to you, i think you were probably the only one that still had faith, i think i completely gave up about a year ago. I still cant believe this, im with lena, i need to heart his from Will before i can believe it totally. I just never thought this would happen. As far as the people hes working with, of course i want Jeff and not that kid guy but im still happy whatever, im desperate for anything, im just glad hes back lol.
  7. NO WAYYYY!!!!!!!! There has been a few little things suggesting it may happen, this is the best news yet. If this happens i will be amazingly happy. You know AJ is gonna come here and say i told you so, but i dont care, its so worth it.
  8. Excuse me boys but im going to watch this video about 20 more times.
  9. They deserved it, they are scumbags that expect to get everything for free, he had to stop it somehow, innocent people were killed, injured and had their businesses ruined. I went out to the clubs last night, it was in kindof a posh area but there was police everywhere!
  10. It looks like it might be over, its all gone quiet, but i'd better not speak to soon, saturday night is when everyone is out in town drunk. It could all flare up again.
  11. haha wtf is he doing on the stage, he went all gangsta.
  12. They started in Liverpool and Birmingham last night too, luckily im just outside Liverpool so im safe but some of my friends have had action outside their houses. Its scary stuff, im staying indoors at night just incase. I think its gonna get worse tonight people have set up facebook groups to start new riots.
  13. Its crazy that it can happen in this day and age, what do they expect to achieve? I hope you and your family are safe Brakes! I have a few friends down there that are keeping on contact on facebook. Lets hope they stop this before someone gets killed.
  14. Ok who the hell films that and why did i watch it?
  15. Oh God, i had never seen a dog in a bag until i went to America, the next day i saw one with shoes one! Just let them walk!
  16. If that child puts the dog in a bag and walks round with it, i wont be happy. Its cute tho!
  17. hahahaha!!!! Was there alcohol being served at this thing, bcoz it sure looks like it.
  18. Im gutted i saw this on facebook but its only in the US, they so need to bring it to the UK, i heard u have kenan and kel and stuff too. Do they have sister sister and sabrina?
  19. Woo its been a while since Will has given a speech like that, i forgot how good they are! I think he heard everyone laughing at his grey beard too, hes dyed it lol.
  20. The forum looks nice, i like it a lot better than the old one, much brighter!
  21. lol he takes such good care of himself while hes filming then when hes off hes like whatever im grey lol. Why is Jada walking round the set with beauty too.
  22. hahaha hes too funny. Its so weird that Jada is pregnant with Jaden, i feel so old!
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