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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. k that was a weird chat, i stayed there for a total of 3 hrs, i was there 4 the whole chat!!!! Is it only me that thinks this is some kind of problem!!??!!?? Oh and Tim u missed the funniest thing, Prince showed us his disguise, id watch out if i were u, he is gonna take ur place at the premier. Watch out 4 those cupboards. :roll:
  2. great! i started to get a lil worried when Will wasnt on the I, Robot soundtrack or the first trailer. I'll look at the trailer now.
  3. lol i guess thats one way of putting it. i like the way all the interviewers are asking him about his music, there seems to be quite a bit of interest in it already and we havnt even heard anythin yet.
  4. ooh i loved westside and daily but i never heard anythin else from him, i'll definatly check this out.
  5. [color=purple]Happy Birthday[/color] :dancingcool:
  6. i saw a couple, but my computer is so slow i could only really hear the excitment and not c what was goin on, so i thought id leave them and not ruin the film since i cant c em. Thanx anyway tho!!!!
  7. woohoo thats great news!!! that song will be played pretty soon, omg i cant wait, i did not c that coming!!! :dancingcool: :dancingcool: :dancingcool: :dancingcool: :dancingcool: :dancingcool:
  8. [quote=Da Brakes,Jul 14 2004, 04:50 PM]"Will's my favourite rapper, lets go slap some reporters!"[/quote] hahahahahahahahaha :bowrofl: I think Will is a good role model he never says anythin bad about any1 in particular and tells kids to work hard and stuff, he inspired me and i turned out pretty successful if i dont say so myself lol. but i agree this is good advice but it means i will have no friends if i take it, no just kiddin my friends are great.
  9. im gonna tape it, or if i get too excited i might have to stay up lol. Yey i cant wait!!!
  10. me neither THANX!! ok i feel christmassy now lol.
  11. AND somewhere else???? Oh please come to the UK!!!!!!!!!
  12. thats great news!!! It said a special performance, i hope that means new stuff, just imagine Tim if u got there and it was a new song. Ok i dont think i need to get u any more excited lol.
  13. My wife and kids and friends, oh and big brother im so addicted to it.
  14. ok Letterman is on thursday morning 1.25 am on ITV2.
  15. I got a question about this american chopper programme, does it actually have Will in it or is it just about some guys with too much time on thier hands makin an ugly bike. Coz ive found its on the discovery channel every morning at 2am, but its a whole series of boring bikes, does any1 know which episode it is. Dont worry da brakes i got the Uk covered, i'll try my best to find when these programmes are aired here. for example i can find out when letterman is on if u have cable and the MTV programmes but the rest wont be shown here.
  16. yey i got my wicked wisdom cd 2day, im still listening to it now but i like it so far, apart from im not so sure about the rock trax. Better than all the rubbish music out at the mo tho. Cool to c its on overbrook too.
  17. make detailed notes for us foreigners guys lol.
  18. Its actually only 5 months away (sorry that was my bad), but we will here a new song b4 then, so we will prob here his first single in a bout 4 months, thats not long at all. The rest of this year is gonna be so cool, I, Robot to keep us busy 4 a while, then soon after its sharktale with hopefully a song on that, so the time is just gonna fly by. :dancingcool: :dancingcool: :dancingcool:
  19. if they were released at the same time i would say spiderman 2 would get to number 1, but if its been released a couple of weeks b4 I, Robot, then yeah its definalty gonna get number 1. :jig:
  20. i kinda expected it 2 be earlier but christmas is cool. There u go it came from his mouth so its gotta be official (unless he changes his mind). Only 6 months to go peeps, it aint that long. and it was also interesting to c that the prince thing wasnt true.
  21. yeah it shows how much she loves him tho, she just probably really glad that he wasnt seriously hurt.
  22. haha thanx 4 the link!! :thumb:
  23. ive never met them but its one of my ambitions and i plan to do everything i want to in my life, so even tho i havnt met them now, i know i will sometime in my life, unless i suddenly die lol.
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