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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. haha great shout out to Tim!!! Remember when AJ found dont fight the feeling and Jeff said he'd never heard of it lol.
  2. Cool! Yeah just let us know when u need us to vote.
  3. The poor girl lives in California and is touring the UK in March, she was probably freezing cold thats why she had a scalf on. Ive lived here all my life and still cant deal with the cold lol. And as for Wills tasche, i like it, i think it makes him look young, although i do prefer the goatie look.
  4. Nice to see hes actually filming again after the longest Christmas break ever!
  5. She always has tiny pants on with her legs wide open, she clearly doesnt have a penis.
  6. Yeah i mean im getting a bit frustrated bcoz its taking forever for Will to come out with anything new, we had to come to terms with the fact that he probably wont make another album but we thought we'd at least see plenty more films. But then i see it from another point of view, hes a dad, he wants to hang around with his kids. As a fan of Wills it sucks, bcoz im mostly interested in what Will is doing not the kids, but at the end of the day its his choice to do that, so what can we do. Anyway they are coming to Liverpool in a few days, i could maybe stalk them. I almost stalked him in New York bcoz i found what hotel he was staying in lol.
  7. omg that interview was hilarious, Willow is so funny. I love Scott Mills too, i bet he was worried about having to interview a 10 year old but Willow talks so much it wasnt a problem lol.
  8. You guys have just ruined both those songs for me.
  9. I think they are doing to MJ what they did to Will as far as poor promotion. I know obviously its a lot more difficult with MJ no longer with us but there was hardly any radio airplay and i think i saw the video on tv once, bcoz of that the single and album fell out of the charts over here pretty fast. They have taken too long releasing the second single. The problem is its not Billie Jean or thriller so people dont give a crap but whatever song they release, its far better than anything else in the chart and Michael didnt even finish them off properly.
  10. I like Hollywood tonight and behind the mask, i think they are good choices but i would prefer Monster, thats my favourite.
  11. woo i saw my name! Quite a few famous names in there too!
  12. Maybe its a woman thing, you guys just dont understand, seriously its one of my favourite albums ever. And say what u want about her, but her and Will will draw in a lot of people to see the film.
  13. lol Lerkot, forget Wills music career, this is the moment ive been waiting for.
  14. Without giving too much away did u think it was as good as the first/second? I loved the first one and i thought the second one was pretty funny but i know a lot people didnt like it so much, im hoping it does as well as those 2 and not get worse as the trilogy goes on.
  15. Are you all crazy her last album was the best one, you've all lost your minds, i think sasha fierce is one of my top ten albums of all time, i saw her live too, probably the best concert ive ever been too. I hope she does this, i love Beyonce, shes not the greatest actress but who cares, she was good enough in dreamgirls.
  16. Wasnt Will rumoured to be linked to this like 10 years ago?
  17. I love scrubs but im way behind bcoz i had to wait for the DVDs to come out, im still on season 8 so ive got a few yet to see lol. I still watch friends reruns all the time and i watch cougar town bcoz i miss friends and it reminds me of it. I love Glee at the moment, i think its brilliant. Theres not a lot of others i regulary watch, im too busy for much tv.
  18. So its looking like i can go to this one, i'll have to arrange a hotel nearby and stuff, but yeah wait until we see what other dates hes doing etc.
  19. I'll have to check at work, the thursday isnt a bank holiday tho is it, its the friday. Im gonna have to check the calendar and find out, i'll have to say overnight for that one.
  20. haha the picture of Willow sitting on Lady Gagas lap, Gaga looks really scared and thats saying something. Ive not seen the grammys yet, i think they are on tonight, i cant wait to see.
  21. wow hes growing up fast, he seems much more comfortable talking on tv too.
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