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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. cool, i really like the MTV movie awards coz they award films that normal ppl wanna c, instead of the oscars that award films that no1 has seen, yey i cant wait. thanx
  2. i agree with u Jim, i think if Will did take time off from movies and concentrate on his music he could definalty got multiplatinum again. I think his music does take a backseat and he needs 2 properly promote it without a movie hanging over it. Also i wanna c jjfp live so badly. I think it would be the best moment in my life, even if they just went to London over hear in the UK, i would pay a lot of money just 2 get down there 2 c them.
  3. hard 4 me to vote on this once since ive only heard holla back, lovely days and dont fight the feeling, but i doubt any of them could beat holla back, that is such a good song i cant believe its a B side.
  4. oh and here is the link if u wanna help me try to explain to these ppl how good an actor Will really is. [url="http://www.mysteryclock.com/forum/"]http://www.mysteryclock.com/forum/[/url]
  5. Ive been goin on that Alex Proyas site where u can ask him questions. A lot of his fans dont like the idea of Will being in the movie bcoz they think he is too much of a comidian and doesnt do serious roles so i tried to set them straight. I think even Alex is getting bored of them having a go at Will. Zer01ne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello all, Mr. Proyas, first I have to say I really liked Dark City. And I do still remember an MTV ad shot by you, dark and surreal, but it was pretty cool. I have seen how kindly you answered other people's questions, so I thought that you might answer this as well. I was wondering about how much control you really have about this "stellar" budget sci-fi movie. What I was thinking about is, having seen the second I,Robot trailer and reading through this topic, whether you really do have the power over this film to cut out most of Will Smith's funnyman scenes, or do you have to follow the movie studio's instructions on how much of that Will's "Fresh Prince" stuff will be left in the final cut. Like the final scene in trailer #1, when Will's Grandma(or mom) does that cute talk... I mean, this is not Men In Black, and nor is it Independence Day, for Christ's sake... I don't believe that it was your idea for the film to have such scenes, so now I wonder whether you can cut scenes like that from the movie, or will they stay? I am glad that there is another clever sci-fi movie so soon after The Matrix Trilogy, and I would not like to see those comic scenes in the movie, I'm sure most fans would not either. I hope you can answer me as I'm being very curious on these "insider" details. I know that you can't give it all away about 20 Century Fox and the producers and stuff like that, still whatever you can say about it, I would like to know. I hope to see a serious movie. Otherwise, Will Smith can easily pull it off as a serious actor, so there is really not much need for the jokes in a picture like this... On another note, I liked the first trailer's lines about the 3 laws of robotics better than the new one("we trust them with our lives... and so on). The first one's lines were really better and way more effective, this second one sounds a bit clichéd and might I say, corny to me... So I hope you can give away at least a few details on how much control over the overall tone of the movie (I mean the funny scenes) you have. Whatever way, I'm looking forward to the movie. This post has become too long now, but I hope you guys and especially Mr. Proyas will still read it. Bye all Alex Proyas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are quite right - I, ROBOT isn't MEN IN BLACK - it's a serious science fiction movie with some moments of humour, most of which were seen out of context in the first trailer, and none of which stops the film from being "clever" as you put it. I (along with many thousands of film-goers) enjoy seeing Will's comedic side, why on earth would I want to cut any of it out of the picture? Radewart ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I also enjoy Will's comedic ability, but if the film is totally serious then even a little "Fresh Prince" will seem out of place. I mean, the only serious film Will's done is "Ali" But in that role it still required Will to be funny because Ali liked to boast and joke around. I hoping to see Will's most mature performance in this flick! Julie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When ppl think of Will Smith they immediatly think of MIB and Wild Wild West but ppl never think of his more serious roles such as Ali, six degrees of separation and the legend of bagger vance. Will can do serious acting and can also be hilarious. He was nominated 4 an oscar 4 a reason. Plus i dont wanna go and c a film that takes itself too seriously, i for one wanna c a bit of humour in the movie. that way u get twice as many ppl seeing the movie, ppl like you that wanna c a serious film and ppl like me that wanna c humour. I think this film will appeal to a very wide audience this way. oh and i forgot also Will has done "where the day takes you" and "enemy of the state" as serious roles. Mr k ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree with Julie. I like Will Smith a lot. The fact that most of the stuff he's done was comedic and the fact that he's good at it I usually consider him as a comedic actor. But I've always known that he can be a great actor after seeing "Six Degrees Of Spearation" and "Ali". And I just really hate when people continue to bore the crap out everyone but asking about the whole Will Smith thing hundreds of times. Just read the previous posts by Mr Proyas and stop asking the same damn questions all over again. We know what we have to know, Will's in the movie, he has a few funny scenes. He is not the DIRECTOR of the movie, he doesn't set the tone of the whole picture. Get over it already. Radewart --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Enemy of the State" was a good movie, but it still had plenty of those Will Smith "moments", like when he was in the lingerie store. He was great in "Six Degrees of Seperation". birdyspoon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ well what do u expect then? A movie with no humor at all. In enemy of the state, Will is playing an everyday man. People joke around everyday don't you? The humor in Enemy of the State certainly isn't Men in Black and it didn't seem like a Will Smith shtick at all. Will is a comedian. Jokes will be put in movies here and there. Live with it.
  6. yeah but dont movies only take about 6 months? I not sure but they cant take that long. that leaves another 6 months in the year guys. thats plenty of time 2 promote his music. lol i think im being too optimistic but it could happen :dunno: :biggrin:
  7. im not that bothered either way, but i would probably say fresh prince bcoz its more old school. It also shows that Will has broken the ties from columbia and is doing his thing.
  8. yeah i remmember learning about the holocaust in history, it was so upsetting. When i was is holland i actually went to Anne Franks house and got her diary. I think it was probably the first time i cried when reading a book. I cant believe how some can do that to ppl just because of thier religion. The suffering that she had gone thru and then to think that millions more went thru the same thing.
  9. lol i agree i also wanna here this story. :biggrin:
  10. Ive not really joined in this convo so far bcoz i honestly dont know what record label would be best 4 Will, i think the majority of record labels end up screwing the artist over at some point, the best thing would b 4 Will to do his own label but i dont know how that would work and it would also take up a lot more of his time.
  11. Cool that sounds really interesting. ummm Dr Smith has a good ring to it lol. The annoying thing is, that u find out about these projects really early and it prob wont be out until about 2006 lol.
  12. [quote=fan 4ever,Apr 16 2004, 07:16 AM]i don't know why y'all are so hyped about this...you see Will 4 like 5 seconds..[/quote] bcoz we r getting really desperate 4 some new stuff lol. but yeah i hope Will gets the bug and remmembers how much he loves performing.did u notice too that he was wearing his fresh prince necklace that has the diamonds in it, how cool is that! Thanx 4 the link!!! :biggrin:
  13. i have a big problem with the trailer, and its that I CANT C IT!!! my stupid quicktime is broken, i spent an hour last night trying 2 fix it and coz im not a computer whizz i was unsuccessful. I dont know if any1 can help but when i try and get the trailer up the quicktime symbol comes up and then it cracks. But when i check on my comp it says quicktime is working ok. Can any1 help me???? :tear: :cussing:
  14. lol, u c the thing with Will's chat up lines is that its hard 4 other ppl to pull them off. Will can do them coz he has a certain confidence, but if any other guy barked at a women i can imagine she would be pretty scared lol. But yeah i always use Wills lines, especially parents just dont understand, and i use the rain too 4 ppl going thru bad times.
  15. oh no im gonna be 20 soon, thats really scary, i still get asked 4 ID in clubs (in the UK u only need 2 be 18 to get in). I think im still gonna act stupid tho, being old is boring, im definalty living my life 2 the full now, as Will says a saturday night is a terrible thing to waste, so i go out every weekend. Its tires me out but i wont be able 2 party in a few years. noooooooooooooooooooo!!! :eek4: :eek4: :eek4: :eek4:
  16. haha wot about: My love for you is like a river, its like a (something) inside that makes my soul shiver. one kiss from you is more precious than gold, so lets go get some bbq and get busy. haha classic!! :bowrofl:
  17. nah an ID4 2 wont work, that film was a one off, the second 1 surely cant be successful. Its like trying 2 do a titanic 2 lol. MIB 3 would work coz they can keep them going 4 a while, the whole alien organisation thing is great, they could keep on going with story lines 4 that forever, apart from i cant think of any right now 2 answer the question, but what do i know im not a writer lol.
  18. i thought it was ok, kinda 1 of the average tracks off Willenium, doesnt it just mean like butter, smooth and hot, i dunno thats what i always thought it meant. :dunno:
  19. i dont even like spiderman, its not just me being a woman either coz i really like action flicks. Its hard 2 tell tho if spiderman 2 will do better, coz even tho i dont like it, i know a lot of ppl do. I think it will be quite close tho.
  20. hey wild child dont worry about it, ive got plenty of male friends that have dressed up in womens clothes of their own accord lol. 1 was a school girl. then this other guy dressed up as a nun 4 halloween, he later chased my car down the road while wearing a corset and make up lol. it was so scary!
  21. i like Willenium a little better, mainly coz it has songs like the rain and potnas and im comin. but what i really like about bws is all the female vocals in it, its also slighty more pop that willenium which kinda introduces ppl to hip hop and gets them listening 2 more stuff.
  22. no the best list was on channel 4 a few years back. it was the top ten rap acts and there was no eminem, no 50 cent (even tho he wasnt around then). and guess who was number 1, yep big willie himself. It was compiled of record sales and things. I think salt and pepper where 2nd and 2pac and biggie where in there too. oh and of course run dmc. This was a few years bk tho, b4 hip hop went completely down the drain.
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