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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. Finally got it online, there was no need to make it that complicated, must of spent about 3 hours of my time looking up how to do it. Anyway heres my code: 3695-4987-2131
  2. Now all i need to do is find out what a algorythm is.
  3. Found another one, he was on Trever Nelson, its only part of it tho bcoz the original was on the 17th and its no longer available on listen again. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00h3...lson_24_01_2009 skip to 1:20.00
  4. The vet i work with can do it in under 2 minutes, i know bcoz i lost a £10 bet, i didnt pay him tho. I havnt got the patience to figure it out. I tried once and just got bored.
  5. i really wanna see the "Will Smith thing" again. Anyone can play roles like Ben Thomas but only Will can do that thing he does in MIB, Independance day etc. Im not saying he has to be funny every role, bcoz that would be boring and it is nice to see him do different things, but he hasnt been a fresh prince type character since Hitch. Being himself doesnt make him a great actor but at the end of the day its what people like to see and its how i like to see him the most. Ive had enough of him playing depressing people. Ben Thomas, Hancock, Robert Neville and Chris Gardener are all messed up people. Hes spent to much effort getting rid of his charisma like Tim said.
  6. What type of music will u play and i'll maybe think about listening lol.
  7. aw i had a go getting my wii online the other day and failed, i'll have another go and then kick your ass.
  8. Five news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i-t-mWge7c
  9. SPOILERS Just saw it. The start was so slow, it was just a bunch of random scenes that didnt fit in with another. i dont like films that go to and fro too much with time. It was like nothing really happened for an hour. Then finally the love story started and that was ok, then the last 10 minutes was great and i cried like a baby. I just think it all happened at the end, we finally see what happened in the accident at the same time Will commits suicide, its like they fit the whole movie into that last part. Dont get me wrong i did enjoy the end but it was a lot of watching to do to get to that point. Its one of my least favourite Will films, sorry. Oh and why did it make me cry so close to the end, i had to walk out the cinema with red eyes.
  10. and the great thing about youtube is, we can make the view counts go massive if we wanted and get it heard.
  11. Will on a boat on the Thames http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/video/Act...nd_Barack_Obama
  12. Ive just caught a very quick interview on mtv news where they asked Will about more music, he said. "i have no real plans to make more music, but i might creep something out on youtube." He then went on to say how he feels he needs to concentrate on acting again.
  13. i love the Obama song, this video is great. I cant believe he didnt know Will2k either, i could name at least about 12 of his hits in a minute.
  14. i dont know his favourite but i actually read the alchemist, is that sad. Its actually very good and helpful in life.
  15. Its another word for a lady garden, wang, bajingo or in technical terms a vagina.
  16. Thank God for bbc iplayer bcoz i was in work all day and i could hear Will on the radio in the background and i couldnt listen to it. It was torture, anyway here are some links and times. Chris Moyles show http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00gk...Show_15_01_2009 skip to 3:07. Its Will being his normal silly self, none of this deep stuff. woohoo. "i love the smell of wang" Im missing Sarah Cox here, i'll try and get hold of it. Edith Bowman http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00gk...wman_15_01_2009 skip to 1:39. Scott Mills http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00gk...ills_15_01_2009 skip to 1:32 . Will on a special edition of "oh whats occurring", i love this game anyway even when Wills not playing.
  17. LMAO! u work at Beaver village!!! i dunno if beaver means the same thing around the world as it does here.
  18. ive not heard this one thanx, these rare tracks keep popping up everywhere.
  19. i wouldnt say gun use is non existant, its nothing like America but we have a growing problem with knife and gun crime. I dunno why they have massive guns there, it kinda freaked me out too when i saw them, i guess to show terrorist scum whos boss. Ive never been to kent so i cant say whats there, not a lot i imagine lol. London is cool, you should visit the queen. im not really into that kind of thing but i quite enjoyed going there, the guards there have massive guns too lol.
  20. When your in the UK are u just in London or are u travelling round. Ive been to a few places in Spain but im sure the spanish people can tell u more about that.
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