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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. I've reinstalled it and got it working again. It says we get first dibs on tickets! I'm sure it means movie tickets but I can live in hope that if means concert tickets.
  2. Anyone else having trouble with this app. It's been a bit glitchy for the last few weeks, then it updated and I can no longer log in. Tried both Facebook and Twitter.
  3. IT was trending on twitter earlier on, people had only good things to say. im the same I knew very little about it, I thought it was like real life, not, I guess you would call it science fiction.
  4. Damn I was thinking he same thing as you Kev. Well Will isn't filming anything currently, hopefully he's spending his time in the studio.
  5. Id highly recommend this. It's set in the Bronx when disco was popular and hip hop was just beginning. Grandmaster flash is a character in it, but i believe the other characters are made up. They seem like the furious 5 but the story is a bit different than theirs. Great bit of hip hop history in it.
  6. Radar claimed to have "evidence", we have yet to see any. ( because they don't have any!)
  7. People have told you. Why don't you go see it for yourself.
  8. Did anyone see the scene after the credits, they've defo made space for a sequel. Its currently number 6 on Wills worldwide box office numbers.
  9. I still see the JJFP.com posts. I think Facebook just chooses certain people to post to. It might choose me because I read comments etc. I dunno how it works lol.
  10. Finally saw this. I loved it, best film I've seen in years. Will is his usual self but as a bad guy and Margot is amazing. It's really fast paced which I like. It definitely needs to be seen on the big screen.
  11. Where's Johnny5, he needs to make a music video like he did with "tell me why" haha.
  12. Can't wait to see this, need to finish off "stranger things" then I'm on it.
  13. Yeah Will was too nice, just took a load of insults. Margot was hilarious "you were the worst looking in I am legend, between the zombies and the dog".
  14. Btw love the little messages on the app. Woke up this morning and turned my iPad on to get a notification to say don't let plan b distract me from plan a. Nice way to start the day haha.
  15. Wait that's Willow? That's the best I've ever heard her. Anyone know of the male singer is. Thanks for the MP3 brakes, I'll stick in in my random Will iTunes folder.
  16. Sounds more like he decided he didn't want it on the soundtrack other than it didn't make the cut. Fair enough.
  17. Don't want to put negativity in here but a bunch of Trump supporters are writing horrible comments all over this app. Can you guys go and write nice comments to try and drown them out a bit. I'm sure they will give up soon and go back to dragging their knuckles along the floor. At at least they gave Will more downloads tho hey lol.
  18. I thought this post was a joke because I didn't see his post on Facebook. This is amazing, it's what you guys have been saying all along, just put something out for the fans on YouTube or an app. I think he needs to give this forum credit for the idea lol. That song had to be for suicide squad, he says suicide a lot! I wonder if it just didn't make the cut, which sucks because from what I've heard the actual soundtrack is garbage. I've only heard the track once but I like it, has Will's vibe but sounds modern. I wish he was on it more too, bit like fiesta, but hey more to come. He hasnt made is app just for photos and videos.
  19. I havnt been to a Jeff show in ages but I'm on holiday in October and I now have no money due to buying a house. I'm sure he'll do Spring shows, I must go to those. I need a Jeff fix.
  20. I think your all right with the he's scared thing. It was all looking so promising, then fiesta kinda did nothing apart from made a few news stories online. No-one played the song, it didn't enter the top 200 in the iTunes chart. I think that's mostly because he recorded with an unknown band, at least in the UK and Europe. I think that was the tester. If that song had been a success he would of donated more time to music. i think he's being vague because he doesn't know, or he's recorded stuff and doesn't feel its good enough. Interviewers are asking him and he has no real answer. As much as I want new music, his safer option music wise is to do these shows. People do love his old music. And people love 90's nostalgia.
  21. Well if people like it, if I like it, I consider it good. So yeah. I don't need someone to tell me if I'm going to like a movie. I'll be the judge of that.
  22. Guys sucide squad isn't even out yet. It's probably going to be the biggest movie of the year. It will certainly sell tickets, I'm just hoping people like it. If they do, eff the critics, who watches Oscar type films anyway. I've heard Will and Margot are the best part of this film, as long as Will brought his A game to it, he's fine.
  23. I rarely listen to reviews. If fans come out of the cinema and say it's bad, then I'm worried, until then, I still think this is Will's "comeback". Also listening to what Will says about Trump is amazing. He must feel passionate about it because he rarely slags anyone off.
  24. Didn't we go to a London show once and Jeff said Will nearly turned up. Fingers crossed for you AJ.
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