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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Da Brakes

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Da Brakes

  1. Its amazing what the tabloid press can do...
  2. Ha ha ha! Your humour will be your demise young caterpillar! :lol:
  3. I am so there! I'll book it straight away when its known! This potenially could be the show we've all been waiting for!
  4. I really do wanna read it after seeing the movie! Really just to see the comparisons...or lack thereof
  5. A lot of my friends that have been to see this say they weren't that impressed by it! Said they couoldn't quite put their finger on it! One of them seems to think it was the worst blockbuster he's seen and its the decline of Wills career......
  6. Just came back from watching it and I thoroughly loved it! The darkseekers are so freaky its unbelievable! I'm not sure what the ending was changed from since I didn't read any reviews before hand or read the book so I was totally fresh. I'd defo recommend it...not if your pregnant tho! There wasn't an empty seat at the cinema I was in!
  7. Self proclaimed??????????? More like FACT! Wait till you here the album!! :lol:
  8. This has got to be one of the most annoying threads ever. How can there be so much misunderstanding?? Seriously dude, are you not understanding what these guys are trying to explain? The thing is everyones viewpoint is the same! Its just getting lost somewhere!!
  9. For those who won't be fortunate enough to make it I'm sure they'll be a tour DVD out to buy!
  10. Exactly. Hiss fairy friends. Tinkerbell, Legolas and Pharell. I'm just trying to say that Lupe sounds to me like he is inb the clouds with his head all day. Didn't they say that about Will once?
  11. Yeah a lot of people I know have already seen it on pirate! Not good but I don't think it should hurt its chances too much!
  12. Thats what i like to hear! Further evidence that this tour will actually happen!
  13. K.smith thought that might be a good topic for a song so he took note of it in his imitation spiral note book. He put it away in his pocket and decided to move on to the...
  14. I second that!! Only people who need to revive their fail careers do these sort of things!
  15. how awesome would that be! Potentially the last time we see JJFP and we're all there to see it!
  16. grabbed him by his Fresh Prince chain and shook his head in shame! He then said...
  17. You'd think they'd capitalise on all these new Will movies coming out!
  18. Ha ha!! I missed this one! HE would have been one happy fella if he was on the show last week!!
  19. One of my favs off the mixtape! Wasn't sure if I was gonna like the beat but its defo gropwn on me!
  20. Its different! And thats what I like to see Will doing! Different roles!! I really can't wait to see how the full trailers develop
  21. I have to admit that was one heck of a verse! You deserve the win on this one! You just had so much ammunition on me!! Great job! You better go on to win it now!! :wiggle:
  22. Thats nice! I'm just the same! Was just wondering what you guys were like!
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