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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Da Brakes

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Everything posted by Da Brakes

  1. Yeah I remember watching that! I don't think I could co ordinate myself toplay it!
  2. Why can't it have the same release date worldwide!?!
  3. Cool picture man! It definitely doesn't look real!!
  4. Just listened to it all! Great job man! Wish I could freestyle! :2thumbs:
  5. Singers and rappers are diffferent! You can't compare that when talking about songwriting. All I'm saying is making alot of movies is no excuse for not writing all of your raps. Me personally would prefer Will to write ALL of his rhymes! You might be happy with it coming from Kel and Skillz but I'm not! :shakehead:
  6. Thats a poor excuse! Because he does movies he doesn't have to write all of his rhymes?! He's an emcee through and through. Its what he started out as , its what he is! LL has managed to write his rhymes and do movies. So does Mos Def and Cube! You don't have to be superman to act and write your own raps!
  7. No. I'd rather Will write ALL of his rhymes ALL of the time. He's proved he can do it throughout his JJFP era so why stop now? :shrug:
  8. But the thing is with Will its not really once in a while! The majority of stuff he's out over the past few years has had influence from either Skillz or Kel.
  9. Thats the truth!! I really frown when I hear that Will has co writers and stuff for his songs! Part of being a rapper is doing it yourself and people identifying/respecting your style. Not some ghostwriter! If your not good enough to write your own lyrics then to put it simply you shouldn't be rapping! :eusa_snooty:
  10. I really like the sound of Kel's voice as well!
  11. I do definitely think so! I think it had a huge factor in it! If Will wasn't cast as the ead then I don't think Jaden would have got the part off his own back. Not to say what I've seen so far isn't good but I do think that the fact that Will is his dad and the lead is why Jaden got the part!
  12. Exactly! I wasn't comparing the songs subject matter but making reference to Em's rhyme scheme, wordplay etc. Show me songs today Em has done with the same lyrical structure as his early work and I'll admit I'm wrong :chuks:
  13. I'm liking it! Can't wait to hear some audio from you!
  14. How long is this? It seems to cut out at about 26 seconds when I listen to it?
  15. I was just looking thru some freetyles I had on my computer and found this! What Cozmo said is sounding more and more true! Especially the fact that Em and Proof RIP sound the same with regards to style and lyrics! http://www.yousendit.com/download/MLkeCg2mz4N5TA%3D%3D
  16. Thanks for that piece of info Cozmo! Thats very interested indeed! :2thumbs:
  17. Correction. Eminem WAS major skilled correction eminem IS MAJORED SKILLED I honestly don't see how anyone can say that Em is still skilled! What was the last decent verse he put out when he wasn't babbling?? Look back over 'Infinite' 'SSLP' and 'MMLP' and tell me thats the same Em spitting today. Its incomparable! His rhyme scheme has fallen waaaaaaaaaaaay off, his subject matter, everything about him! I used to be the biggest Eminem fan back in the days when he was lyrical but not it annoys me now to listen to anything he is on! He is not the same rapper as he was early on in his career. FACT! Here is Em in my opinion at his peak: Jay Z feat Eminem - Renegades Since I'm in a position to talk to these kids and they listen I ain't no politician but I'll kick it with 'em a minute Cause see they call me a menace; and if the shoe fits I'll wear it But if it don't, then y'all can swallow the truth grin and bear it Now who's the king of these rude ludicrous lucrative lyrics Who could inherit the title, put the youth in hysterics Usin his music to steer it, sharin his views and his merits But there's a huge interference - they're sayin you shouldn't hear it Maybe it's hatred I spew, maybe it's food for the spirit Maybe it's beautiful music I made for you to just cherish But I'm debated disputed hated and viewed in America as a motherf***in drug addict - like you didn't experiment? Now now, that's when you start to stare at who's in the mirror and see yourself as a kid again, and you get embarrased And I got nothin to do but make you look stupid as parents You f***in do-gooders too bad you couldn't do good at marriage! (Ha ha!) And do you have any clue what I had to do to get here I don't think you do so stay tuned and keep your ears glued to the stereo Cause here we go - he's {*Jigga joint Jigga-chk-Jigga*} And I'm the sinister, Mr. Kiss-My-Ass it's just a And this is his recent offering Akon feat Eminem - Smack That Ooh! Looks like another club banger. They better hang on. When I throw this thang on. Get a little drink on. They goin' flip. [ these lyrics found on http://www.completealbumlyrics.com ] For this Akon ****. You can bank on it. Pedicure, manicure, kitty cat claws. The way she climbs up and down them poles. Lookin' like one of them Pretty Cat Dolls. Tryna hold my woody back through my drawers. Steps off stage, didn't think I saw her. Creeps up behind me and she's like, you're - I'm like, yeah I know, let's cut to the chase. No time to waste. Back to my place. Plus from the club to the crib's like a mile away. Or more like a palace, shall I say. And plus I got a pal. Every gal is game. In fact he's the one singing the song that's playing! (Akon!) Now look at the way the sentences are constructed and the rhyme pattern! You'd think two different rappers wrote and recorded this. Think what you want but to call the Eminem that is out now 'majorly skilled' is just plain wrong! :shakehead:
  18. Are you serious?? In my opinion 'Infinite', 'Slim Shady LP' and 'Marshall Mathers LP' were his best works! He was so creative and lyrical on those albums! Now he just babbles!
  19. http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/pages/live/a...d=1770&ct=5 I might actually have the real Christine Keeler come watch! :thumbsup:
  20. Maybe if you ask him nicely he might send them to you! He might have them written up on his computer!
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