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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Da Brakes

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Everything posted by Da Brakes

  1. And technically that wasnt the 1st film will was in! Wasn't it The Imagemaker. I think these questions are also way too easy
  3. Oh ok! thanks for that! dont show uo on my screen tho! :dunno:
  4. Wills first single is most likely to be him just rapping! But I want the kanye track to have a verse wid kanye on as well!!
  5. Vanilla - No Way, No Way Hanson - Mmmmbop Spice Girls To name a few!!
  6. [quote=mfuqua23,Aug 27 2004, 08:46 PM]Here it is. I'd like 2 thank Hero1 4 finding the story of Will's antics and this crazy inspiration.[/quote] It was actually me who found the story!!! Love the song! FUNNY!! Cleverly written! I always love parodies! :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
  7. Please do! I think I'm going crazy!!
  8. If thats what u like then its cool! People would laugh if they heard some of the stuff i listened to!
  9. [quote=Jazzy Julie,Aug 27 2004, 05:47 PM]i could do a better job myself, taping it off the TV. I will pass on this and wait until the official one comes out, i will be waiting a long time , but still. There are quite a few bids tho, if only warner would see how in demand it is.[/quote] Good advice!! I'd rather an official one than a knocked up one!!
  10. [quote=willreign,Aug 27 2004, 06:32 PM]Hitched is not what the chiken do with the eags?...[/quote]
  11. Some people do think like that and its a shame!
  12. I got all of mine from america from my cousin who went on holiday!! She had to do some serious hunting!! But she got em all! Got the rest in the uk!
  13. What is peoples definition of gangsta rap?
  14. Big Willie Style!! Loved that album! Every song could have been a hit! Thats what got me hooked on Will!! :music:
  15. I'd wanna see that! Hope Kanye has a verse on that track as well!!
  16. Nothing man! I guess that feature diesnt work for me!!
  17. [quote=Jazzy Julie,Aug 27 2004, 06:07 PM]i was 5th pretty much since we started then brakes over took. Now he is miles away. but its ok coz i like readin ur posts and u do me lots of favours, so i forgive u my child.[/quote] Y thank u!!! U make me laugh so much!! (love the time machine remark!!) I knows its an old post but it was still funny!! :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
  18. Hey people!! I'm the newest member to reach the 1,000 post mark!! Seemed like only yesterday that I signed up to this board! So here it goes.....the shout outs!!! [u][b]Tim[/b][/u] Three words! You da man!! Thank you for giving us such a great site and a place for all the Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince fans to hang out! I think I speak for every1 when I say this site is amazing! I mean without it we wouldn't know half as much stuff bout Will as we do now!! And thank you for that email u sent me when I hadn't posted in awhile just after the we changed forums! It showed me that you cared who was on your board and that you were thinking about members who had gone AWOL!! Cheers man! :tear: [u][b]AJ[/b][/u] What can I say man! Probably one of the most knowledgable persons on this board with regards to JJFP! Thanks for sharing all the information and knowledge with us over the years! I know that alot of exclusives have come from you! Really appreciate it man! Just one request!! Start posting in Numero Uno!! I'm sure alot of people would love to hear your opinions on their music and lyrics!! [u][b]Prince[/b][/u] You've been one of my good friends on this site and I can chat to u about anything!! Your not afraid to give constructive criticsm where its due!! I really appreciate all the advice and help you've given me (esp to do with my website [b][url="http://www.dabrakes.com"]www.dabrakes.com[/url][/b] ) I'll never forget when u told me how old you r!! I was so shocked! U have a serious talent man and I hope you utilise it to its full potential!! [u][b]Cookies[/b][/u] I haven’t had the chance to chat to u much but you seem like a really cool person! Your never one to judge anyone and u are always there for anyone who seems to be going thru things! I totally admire and respect that and hope that if I ever need anyone to chat to, I can holla at u!! [u][b]Jazzy Julie[/b][/u] Ha ha!! You’ve provided me with hours or laughter with your pix and all!! Your never ashamed to put them up! But that’s good tho!! Your willing to allow other people to laugh through your silliness! That’s good! Shame you couldn’t make it down to see Will in Leicester Square! You were one of the board posse members who I really wanted to meet! Hopefully when Will tours over here, the whole UK fan base, will get a chance to meet up. [u][b]Willreign[/b][/u] Don’t worry I aint forgot ya man!! I swear your one of my biggest fans on the board!!! Thank you so much for enjoying my music and sharing it with your friends!! Even tho they it was in a different language to what they were speaking, they still enjoyed it! Thanks for letting me know what they all said!! You need to start posting up your songs! The one I heard was really good! Even tho it was in Hebrew and I couldn’t understand it, I still appreciated it! Keep on writing and recording man! [u][b]Bigted/Mfuqua23[/b][/u] Again, thanks for all the support you’ve given me with regards to my music! Your always on the lookout for competitions and things I can enter and I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me! Both u guys are talented emcees and I wish u both the best with your careers! The game needs rappers like us right now so we cant give up our dream! Just think one day, people with be looking at us as their role models!! [u][b]DevilsJim89/WildWildWillenium[/b][/u] Two old timers when it comes to posting! I always love reading you guys post! Especially Jims!! They make me laugh!! Your so blunt but its so funny! Keep us all entertained guys!! [u][b]Daedalus Mortality[/b][/u] Now……………..you are certainly quite a character! Your one of the few people who are not afraid to be different and go against the grain! That’s so cool! You’re an individual and that’s exactly what we need! Don’t change or ever go with the flow!! Ha ha! Sorry if I’ve missed anyone out!! Don’t take it personal as Monica once said! But special shout outs to: Wild Child, KevTastic, Jonny (man juice) 5!!, the real big willie, sexywshgirl, TopDawg14, Fresh Princess, Kimmie, fan 4eva, Lambertj3, Vipa, Djsilvertiger! Peace Guys!!
  19. Believe me I've tried but I dont see nothin!! Give me a link to a post with a warning in and we'll see if that works!
  20. I think I might just do that!!
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