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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Da Brakes

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Everything posted by Da Brakes

  1. Ooooooo! I like! In no particular order! Thundercats Animaniacs Darkwing Duck Doug Captain Planet Inspector Gadget X-Men Not Cartoons Sister Sister Saved By The Bell Smart Guy Moesha
  2. We all have to meet up again! It'll be end of May so we should have good weather for it! Maybe Tim could make it over for this one?? Get the WHOLE gang together!
  3. I completely agree! I often watch Denzel films and wonder what Will would be like in those type of roles. It's interesting what you say about Will and his bankability as an actor. I think it may take his popularity to diminish slightly for him to realise "OK.... this isn't working....let me try something different". I should imagine at the moment he is thinking "If it ain't broke then don't try to fix it" The formula he has at the moment is working for him. He has manage to work his way up to being one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood whilst maintaining his "clean image". It's just a shame that the roles/movies haven't been the types of roles some of us would like to see
  4. And that is exactly why Will will not go out as one of the greats... Sometimes you have to just sit back and let other people do their thing.. If you do searches on the forum we have said for YEARS that we would like to see Will play a darker character for once..
  5. Yeah.. We may have heard our last full length album from Will. They may be a chance that some time in the future Will and Jeff will hook up on something (whether it be a TV special or a one off track) but I seriously doubt we will have a full on album. Will himself has given so many mixed messages. On the one hand he has said he is done with music, then at the Hancock premier he told Julie "Sure" when she said we need more music! Who know's these days? :relieved:
  6. Reading a lot of the comments about the movie indicates that people don't actually want Will for this part. I have seen a lot of love for Idris Elba for this role
  7. Less than a year now until we get to see it!
  8. Not done yet! But a step in the right direction! I'm sure they will get what they deserve
  9. Top job sir! Something about this reminds me of Em.. Especially the first few bars
  10. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Video-Stephen-Lawrence-Two-Men-To-Be-Tried-For-1993-Murder-In-London-Gary-Dobson-And-David-Norris/Article/201105315994371?f=rss ------------------------------- Two men are to face trial for the murder of London teenager Stephen Lawrence 18 years ago. Gary Dobson and David Norris have been charged with killing the 18-year-old at a bus stop in Eltham in 1993. Dobson, 35, and 34-year-old Norris were arrested last September but the development could not be reported until today for legal reasons. In 1996 Dobson, Luke Knight and Neil Acourt were tried for murder in a private prosecution brought by Mr Lawrence's parents at the Old Bailey. But the trial judge ruled that purported identification evidence was not admissible and the case collapsed. STEPHEN'S FATHER 'RELIEVED' BY RULING The jury was directed to acquit the defendants and not guilty verdicts were entered. Lord Chief Justice Lord Judge, sitting at the Court of Appeal in London with Mrs Justice Rafferty and Mr Justice Holroyde, said new scientific evidence has come to light that justifies the quashing of Dobson's original acquittal. The retrial of Dobson is possible because the rules on double jeopardy have changed - they previously stated a person could not be tried for the same offence twice. Lord Judge said no application to quash the acquittals of Neil Acourt and Luke Knight was before the court "but another suspect, who was not a defendant at the earlier trial, David Norris, was arrested in September 2010 and charged with murder". David Norris (L) and Gary Dobson ® The trial is due to be held at the Old Bailey in November, although another hearing has been scheduled in the next two months. Stephen's father Neville Lawrence said: "I am pleased now. I can relax. I was so tense last night." I've had to sit on the story for seven months, but now I can talk about two men who've been charged with the racist murder of black student Stephen Lawrence. Read Sky's crime correspondent Martin Brunt's blog His mother Doreen told reporters the judgement had "been a long time coming but we still have a long way to go". She added: "So, at this moment in time, all I can think about is Stephen and that perhaps somewhere down the line we will finally get justice for him." STEPHEN'S MOTHER: WE MIGHT FINALLY GET JUSTICE The judges described the 18-year-old student as a "young black man of great promise" killed "just because of the colour of his skin". He was stabbed twice in the torso on April 22, 1993, after being racially abused at the bus stop in southeast London. Today's ruling stated that it was a "calamitous crime". In a joint statement the Crown Prosecution Service and Metropolitan Police Service said they had "worked tirelessly with forensic scientists to review the evidence in this case. CHANGE IN DOUBLE JEOPARDY RULES AND NEW EVIDENCE PAVE WAY FOR TRIAL "A full forensic review was commenced in June 2006. New scientific evidence was found and on that basis the prosecution applied for a retrial. We welcome the Court of Appeal's decision. "In order to protect the investigation and ensure a fair trial, reporting restrictions were put in place in September 2010, which have now been partially lifted. "Our thoughts at this stage go to Stephen's family, who have never given up their quest to see justice for Stephen."
  11. Congrats again Tim! I will be downloading this! Great achievement!
  12. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/spain/8513028/British-woman-beheaded-in-front-of-tourists-on-Spanish-holiday-island-Tenerife.html ---------------------------------- The woman, who was described as being in her 60s, was in shop in the town of Arona, about 10 miles from the popular beach resort of Los Christianos, when she was brutally stabbed to and then decapitated. According to witnesses, the attacker, who is thought to be a homeless man of Bulgarian origin, entered the store, grabbed a knife and launched a frenzied and unprovoked attack on the woman. He then decapitated her before leaving the store carrying her head. Holidaymakers and locals on the Spanish island described their complete shock and horror after witnessing the scene, which took place at around 10.30am local time (9.30am GMT) on Friday. British journalist Colin Kirby, 50, who lives in Tenerife, was walking past the store when he saw the attacker emerging. He said he saw the man walking away carrying what he thought was a joke head and only realised the true horror of what he was witnessing when members of the public and security officers apprehended the man. Mr Kirby said: “It looked like he was carrying a prop from the Clash of the Titans but then I realised it wasn’t a joke. “He went to walk across the road and then some security spotted him and managed to grapple him to the ground. They had to fight off some of the locals who were trying to get to him.” Christina Perez, a legal representative at a nearby court, said a group of lawyers witnessed the man sprinting out of the store, carrying the head. “They saw the man running out of the supermarket with the head in his hands. "A security man from the complex ran after him and jumped on to him so he fell, and then he threw the head on to the road," she said. Ms Perez, 38, added that her frightened colleagues darted indoors for safety. “They were shocked. Some of them ran to the office and locked themselves in,” she said. “Everybody is shocked. It's a very safe area. You can usually go anywhere you want in the day or at night. This is really not normal.” Another witness described seeing the attacker drop the woman’s head to the pavement before he was detained by security officers and police. The woman said: “I saw a man running out with someone in his hands and a security guard chasing him. He threw it to the ground, it almost hit me, and what he had been carrying was a woman’s head.” The attack took place as scores of holiday makers browsed among the souvenir stores in the bustling shopping district of Arona. Some of those who witnessed the attack had to be treated for shock as the true horror of what they had seen began to sink in. There were reports that the weapon used was a knife taken from the store where the attack took place, but other witnesses claimed the man had been carrying a machete when he entered the shop.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmO4xdnf6Gk
  14. That controlling nature could be the hindrance from Will really excelling in the acting field
  15. Posted this one on my facebook! Freestyle at its finest. Scott Jackson killing it on the beatbox as well
  16. Perhaps this could thrust Will back into the forefront of actors in Hollywood...... I wanna hear more about the story tho
  17. Hope you have a fun-filled day!!
  18. http://www.youtube.com/jefftownes ------------------------------------------ Didn't know he had one! He'll be posting a video soon of a beat battle between Darnell and Skillz!! Thanks Ant for the heads up on this one!
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