when I got home I had 3 Messages on my phone...Message Number 1: *Click!*, message Number 2: *CLICK!*, message #3: *Click!*
And this isn't the first time this has happened..why do people decide to listen to the entire answering machine greeting, and then hang up AFTER the beep. If I didn't pick up after the 4th ring, or mid Greeting, I won't pick up at all. Just hang up and save me time deleting those...
That, and when someone calls you with a BLOCKED NUMBER, and leaves a mesage such as "Aye You know who it is..Call me back"....Alright 80% of the time I have no idea who you are(either because its hard to hear you, or just can't recognize the voice over the phone), or Don't have your number handy for whatever reason.... At least state your name or don't block the call, kid....
Ok ok..I'm done...haha.