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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Vipa

  1. Well, I would, but the closest record store to me is an hour away, and usually when I'm there, it's straight business, so i have no time to go to a shop...BUT, you know, I try too.
  2. It only seems like I made a topic with my las tone, like 2 months ago, but I hated that name from the Get-Go :kekeke: xVipaGTSx There it is....
  3. I think all the Info we got on that compilation album so far, is from AJs post (And he's a real trustworthy when it comes to stuff like this)...
  4. Not to sound Rude..but you do realize EVERY album leaks. So caling 50 a dumbass for this, is the same as claling everyone else a dumbass for it. And why is this on the Jazzy jeff/Fresh prince board? This a place to talk about JJFP, not hate on 50 cent (which is beocming tiresom anyhow)... Sorry, again not trying to sound rude, just..come on now.
  5. Yea, but that one they didn't win..They didn't even make the playoffs. That's one reaosn I was upset at people saying they had a better dynasty than the Dallas Cowboys of the 90s. Sean Salisbury even went as far as to say "The pats are the better tema, because Dallas blew out their oponents, where as the pats won in close games"..Where the hell is the logic in that!? Other than that, they're a good team..just didn't wnat them to go this year.
  6. That Indy/Pit Game had an amzing 4th quarter though. edge of my seat type action..I loved it.
  7. That's actually REALLY good, considering the only ones that beat it out is the Offical Site, and some Big Name Informative sites (Like Wikipedia)..Good stuff, Tim.
  8. Nice..Thanks. I seen those shows a couple of times, never saw FPOBA on it.
  9. I wanted a 4th OT...but it was a really good game no doubt. I bet no on expected it to be like that.
  10. That's the problem with today's NBA..While we have some good players, too many think that everything should be given to them, not earned by them.. I Halfly blame the Agents...In most cases of a player holding out or something, it was they agent in the back, telling them too, so he can make that extra dollar.
  11. Good stuff. Ima download this late on tonight...
  12. haha..Just noticed that. Obviously meant traded :lolsign:
  13. Steve Francis is on the Block, apaprently (Saw it on ESPN).. He's been upset with management since they tarded Catino MObely (Who was a really close friend to Franchise), Refused to play a few inghts ago, and was just suspended by the team... Wonder who will be willing to take on his contract.
  14. Similar Hi-Hat and Bassline... might have used the same smaple..The hats on the original sound the same..
  15. Licensed to Ill came out in 86, I don't know how muhc it sold, but i now that much.....
  16. DAMN! The Suns are in their second Three Overtime game this season...And this one is tied with 35 seconds left in 30T (Against denver)..This might go to 4.
  17. Well that depends on what you consider "Hip Hop". A lot of people will tell you that tHip Hop is the lifestyle, consisting of the 4 Elements, with Rap (Hip Hop Music) being one of those elements. And 50 HAD depth to his rhymes. I have his older mixtapes and he has some meaningful songs on there...He just stopped.
  18. Hmm...same account info and stuff? I'll see. I'm not positive wether i want a change or not, yet.
  19. How, why does this argument come up every week? People like different types of music, and for someone everyone here seems to hate...we sure talk about him a lot. The argument is getting tiresom....some of you need to relaize that some people ehre don't like mainstream music, and those people need to realize, that not everyone only listens to classic hip hop, and likes 50 cent, or whatever. Doesn't make either one any better or worse.
  20. What happened to my Blazers man :paperbag: I almost miss players like Bonzi and Rasheed...Hell, I don't car eif they fought with the coach everyday..We we're winning with them. But we're rebuilding right now, I have can wait. I'mm seeing so many good things (Darius MIles, Pre Injury, Juan Dixon, ETC)
  21. About Time! haha..Looks good man, good luck with it, and I'll mos Definitely check it out.
  22. hahhaa..I loved the first movie, and His British TV Series....They used to show it over her ein the US, but stopped some time ago. Funny show.
  23. Didn't Will once say Jokingly, that she lets him "Fantasize" about other women, but the second he Meets that girl, he has to stop? that kind of...Is the opposite of what we're talking about here.
  24. I can't even see a link for it, anymore...
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