Man i miss all the early 90s shows that channel had. It simply sucks now. I don't know, maybe it's because i've grown out of the channel, but i loved wtaching those shows back in the day.
He ain't taking shots at a jay z. He's trying to down play it what people are syaing is a beef between them 2. A lot of people are saying dear summer is a game diss (even though jay z said it isn't)
I got the acapella from
Essentially, you gotta sign up, they approve you, and when you're approved, you can download (10 acapellas per 30 days)
Hmmm, What link, the one I Posted, or the one on my soundclick? That one should go straight to my soundclick.
If MP3 or Hi-Fi don't work you, might have to sign up as a listener, to Soundclick.
Party Starter is overall the better song. Switch was performed a little too much, and all performances we're very similar, so i can see how people can get tired of it.
I Agree about the music thing. the last place i think aobut for music and DVDs is wal mart. so if no one here told me about the DVD, i wouldn't even know aobut it.
About Time! I've been waiting for his solo since i first heard Linkin Park. He did his thing on Collision course, with Jay Z (Especially on 99 Problems)..and with Common, Black Thought and Them featured on the album, it should be pretty good.