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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by VIsqo

  1. He sounds like a rapper from Dipset lol, but he gots the lyrics and the delivery and flow.. He can follow them beats pretty well too..
  2. Good for them!!! I hope they can really make it Big!
  3. It is pretty sad to hear this.. RIP
  4. lol!! I thought he went to disney when they shot supercalifragilistic whatever video, lol
  5. "The only color that matters is green"- Pacewon and Mr. Green album review Hey people.. I was out in the mall and I got into the music store to check out some albums. When I got there, I found a friend of mine who was checking out some music and he recomended me to get this 08 album from Pacewon that he bought almost a year ago. I heard pacewon like 7 years ago on a remix from a song, and I was like nah.. Im not sure I should be buying this.. But he convinced me so I took the album "the only color that matters its green" by Pacewon and Mr. Green home. When I got home I opened it to find out it was a DJ and emmce based album. I got a bit excited since we've been trying to get a new JJFP album lately. So I put it on the radio and pressed play. I got pretty surprised with the first song "four quaters". The production is flawless and the lyrics are hard. The children song was not my favorite, but then the eye of the needle got me off of my seat. Wow! what a song!! I didnt even know where these guys came from with such a well done track. "I need money" made me wanna go out and try to make it myself. "Let a shot go" was oldschool at its best, probably my second favorite track on the album. It was just plain fire with them lyrics over a simple beat that made me nod my head all track long.. "Hip Hop" is a tribute to good music, a MUST LISTEN song that brings back some of the basics from a dying genre.. After that I didnt pay much attention to the following songs because they didnt match that one 'till I reached the called: "She can be so cold" and it was love at first listen! Wow, I was missing story telling like this! A nice simple beat, that hook is sampled, but the lyrics and the format of the song took me back to some experiences Ive lived and made me end up wanting to listen to this song several times more.. In the end we find a song called "The Joker" that didnt win me over, maybe because then I found out it was directed to Eminem, maybe because If Eminem would have replied to this he Would have "Ether"d Pacewon, maybe because it was too full of punchlines and it wasnt paired with the rest of the albums.. I dont know, but after I listened to it I wanted to go back a few tracks and get Let a shot go another try. The album is short. The production is basic but really fun to listen, and the Lyrics are from simple to raw depending on the song, but the Album is definitelly a "SHOULD GET". Give them a try, these guys can really go hard on a next album, I think its worth following.. Well, this has been my first review on an album. I was following AJ's plan to make more reviews. I hope Yall like it and If u have the album or get it later, I wish yall can make another review of it for the people who doesnt know it. Here I have some sites with reviews and some cool videos, try them out to see if u like them. http://artofrhyme.com/reviews/Pace-Won-&-Mr.-Green_The-Only-Color-That-Matters-Is-Green/117/ http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/reviews/id.1013/title.pacewon-mr-green-the-only-color-that-matters-is-green http://www.amazon.com/Only-Color-Matters-Green-Explicit/dp/B001C7HB4I/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t http://www.youtube.com/user/greenhiphop Here are the videos from some of the songs, feel free to try them out to see of u dig it.
  6. http://videos.onsmash.com/v/9K9ZhuLGrlxnBFwn Jay West- The Language.. At first I didnt like the song, but with the video it got better and grew on me..
  7. Fresh daily- Untucked nunchucks http://videos.onsmash.com/v/HVseJ5gIiTSZiMcb Instead of critisize commercial hip hop right now I decided to take sometime to check out some underground rappers this week and Ive been able to find some pretty appealing songs, here is one of them.
  8. http://videos.onsmash.com/v/TgNeb4fn9zVpZSqs I just bought this album and thought I would share this song with yall. These guys are really good story tellers yall should give them a listen Pacewon ft Mr Green- She can be so cold
  9. Hey, I dont think he will dare to sing in there, lol
  10. We need to fnd new ways to convince people to join. Ive tried the forums, the profiles, the invitations, and the only thing that has activelly worked was to invite them personally by sending them messages to join because of me.. Till my friend told me that was a bit creepy.. lol. Now we have to find a new way to do this..
  11. I wanna own this album and see if it meets the hype!
  12. He has maintaing a high rank in hip hop since the 90's and we gotta respect that
  13. Lol, this must be an old commercial, but its good they had images of MIB (BETTER TIMES/)
  14. Forever- Drake, Kanye, Wayne and Eminem.. Only Drake's and Eminem's verses are good..
  15. 350000 on its second week, he is gonna reach platinum pretty soon people!
  16. I didnt even know it was today! Happy bday Will!!!
  17. Jeff looks a lil scared of the Biz too. Maybe is all the sweating.. lol
  18. Ok, I supported Ale's link post on all the groups, lol, maybe if people see that other people like the idea, they will join the cause too!
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