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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by VIsqo

  1. Happy bday mr Romano! Uve been a great addition to the group! Great to have u here and wishing ya a happy day!
  2. Yeah son! HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Jada is sincerely the best
  4. The bad thing is that I really think that Will may deserve this more than Rakim since Ra hasnt been doing a lot for hip hop in about 10 years... so sad..
  5. lol, the moves on this offseason have been pretty interesting..
  6. he just looks really different in there
  7. I fully recommend this to everyone, its highly entertaining and highly interesting, IM BROKE AND IM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT!!!
  8. In here Jay talks about the Blueprint 3, music nowadays, his old records, the Game feud, and other interesting stuff hapenning in his life right now, listen to it. http://www.rapbasement.com/videos/69383/JayZ-QuesTions-Games-Motive-For-Dissing-Him.html
  9. I guess thats not a hook, because it is mad long. I liked Jay on it, his verse were on point as usually, but Rihanna sounded kinda annoying and the beat was kinda loud. Thanks for bringing this!
  10. Hey hey! A lil piece of history right there! thanks for bringing this
  11. Hey Kev I thought it was the San Antonio Spurs lol.
  12. hey hey! Happy bday Princess Julie! Have a great day and enjoy it as much as u can!
  13. This topic has turned to be a great one! I think they all have been pretty impacting to their type of music, but to music in general there must be one to choose..
  14. Id love to take a look at this, I hope u find it Tim
  15. I think Bob marley made a greatest impact because he made reggae famous in the whole world, only by himself, meanwhile all the others are just good expression of them already famous music styles..
  16. With a big lineup like that I wish it was me on the concert! Cool pictures son, I hope u enjoyed it!
  17. Hey hey, Im digging this track! ur new album is gonna be tha bomb!
  18. Lol, perhaps the women in here have been voting a lot for Will. My sister wanted to subscribe the page and vote for him because he is "cute"...Oh and she didnt had no idea of who were the other ones..
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