House MD is not even near from scrubs kid. We cant even compare the 3 shows since they are not even in the same range or area for that matter. Scrubs was a comedy show, a clever one, not a sitcom, just hilarious. House MD is a weird show in which they try all the options posible to find the real problem. If u are a doctor u know that most of the things that happen in this show are not applicable to real life medicine practice since it is unpractical to treat a patient for 8 different diseases till u find the right one in the end of the day.. HawThorne is about nurses, this is a completely different scenario from what we have seen before(scrubs -residents, ER- emergenciologists, House MD investigative groups, ect)
I think the show is new and creative and u should give it a try at least. If u in the end do not like it, then u are not obligated to continue following it. But at least give it an oportunity to get to u. I love chocolate chips icecream, but it doesnt mean that if they dont have it in the shop I wont be eating ice cream then..