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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by VIsqo

  1. lol, now it seems that it wasnt truth at all...He aint coming back at music. It was just a dumb rumour as people in here say.
  2. Damn people! whats going on with u? Im just finding out with yall that this was fake.. I just saw it, thought it was legitimate since I have him in myspace and all, and decided to bring yall the news. I wasnt messing with yall. Damn.
  3. Nice videos Ale! I think he is done promoting Seven Pounds now...
  4. Well we just need to see if he brings any news on it...
  5. People, I just woke up and got into Twitter where Will said he is going to make another album that is going to be released sometime next year!!!! Quote: Just got done eating mcdonalds!!! You guys spoke and I responded. I will be making another album which will be released sometime in 2010 Check the news yourself here: http://twitter.com/willsmithcomedy
  6. This is just sooo funny when uve heard the original one, thx for bringing it! lol
  7. Tell me about it, I used to hate college on my bdays
  8. Im not a fan of Royce, but here the guy has something good. The video seems classic and the story is kinda interesting too.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqmJgfh1nwU
  9. the third song is when to stand up. I heard it on my friends house long time ago. He didnt diss Will there, but mentioned him anyways. here u have the lyrics, the song in youtube has an awful quality by the way..
  10. Have a great one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wickedwisdom: :lolsign: :2thumbs:
  11. Well the Clipse, one of my fave groups all time do it. They still talking as if they where in the corners selling, when the only thing they selling right now is albums...But 50 is a lucky guy, and he works a lot which we cant deny. He simply has got to evolve with the times.. Not an evolution like Kanye or Waybe with their 808 and rock album, but an evolution like Jay from reasonable doubt to the black album to american gangster, something like that. Im not a fan of 50 but I still listen to his first album and I consider it really good regardless of what many people might think of it.. Evolution, thats the word that can make it better. Have u listen to 50 tracks in the era before Eminem? you people should, so that u can see that the guy actually can throw a couple good verses..
  12. Im not a producer or nothing like that but turn I thjink u are not giving exactly a good description of what u really want here..
  13. Thats the main problem with 50 now adays. Jay Z talks about things he used to do, or things other people do nowadays. He brings homage to his town and friends in every song. 50 keeps on talking about killing and gangsta stuff as if he was still in the hood, but he couldnt be farther away.. He doesnt talk good things about new york, he doesnt even care..His credibility is dying everyday more..
  14. 2 Seater- R. Kelly............The guy proving he can rap, even when not that good..
  15. remember the video for Forgot about Dre??
  16. Tomorrow there is a news conference with Alex where he is going to answer to the press about all them questions. This should be interesting..
  17. Eminem hasnt mentioned Will in any other song. As a matter of facts after Bow Wow made his stupid remarks about Will, nobody else has even thought about starting any beef with him, perhaps because people are forgetting about him singing or perhaps because people are giving and showing him more respect with the years. Anyways, Eminem Mentioned Will in 3 songs, and with no apparent reason..
  18. OMG, What is on his mind??????????????? well, it definitely should be better than a IAL prequel though..
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