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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by VIsqo

  1. Aww man, why would you do that? I mean, wow, its like we could care less but we just dont... lol, man, cmon that and ur sarcastic uninteresting topics about urself are the things that indentify you, without thos you would be pnly the guy with the avatar that's never coming... In another way, I always thought it was used in a wrong way when you were attacking someone (which u do a lot), so I agree with u there. God Bless all of you that wont use his name on vain..
  2. It will be down a point because Im more than 86% sure I aint gon see it!
  3. Negativity will always keep us down.... I bet it wont drop that much!!!
  4. I enjoyed it a lot too, theres only a few people out there complaiting.
  5. now that was funny! lol, Naija Boy tell em!
  6. Wow, I didnt knwo it was that difficult. In here u can find lizzards everywhere, in the trees, in the houses, outside in the patio, everywhere, and since there are lots of mosquitos and flies, u only need to put a piece of meat somewhere so that the flies come and then u put ur lizzard to get his food. At least thats what my cousin used to do with his before it died from "accidental squashing disease". Anywhays, it seems like lots of dedication for such a little ugly animal, lol.
  7. Rap.about.com Tha Carter III Terminates G-Unit on Sight Wednesday July 9, 2008 For those of you who were hoping you'd heard the last of Lil Wayne's Tha Carter III, I have some ... um, bad news. Carter III is right back on top of the Billboard 200 chart this week, despite a 25% dip in sales. C-3 moved an unprecedented 156,000 copies to bring it's release-to-date sales to 1.68 million. G-Unit's latest album, on the other hand, debuted 3 spots behind Tha Carter. T.O.S. (Terminate on Sight) docked at No. 4 with 102,000. That doesn't sound like such a terrible flop, right? Well, compared to the group's 2003's debut, Beg For Mercy, which arrived at No. 1 with 377,000, it's an embarrassment. I'm surprised to see that G-Unit stans who typically buy all things 50 Cent-related have chosen to jump ship this time. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ I thought that the G-unit cd was gonna do better on its debut, But im guess that people are finnally done with them like they should have 4 years ago.. The thing that surprises me the most is how Lil Wayne is still sellin that much with his Carter 3. I guess that when Nas new cd comes out this is gonna turn for good._
  8. I like this song, it has a nice twist to it that make it enjoyable. Common is the man.
  9. Wow Cookie, You should go out with Will in his interviews because I bet u can promote the movie better than anyone else I know!
  10. Well, that must be in Australia, cause over here most people liked it. Found it a real challenge for Will to do this role and the action scenes people thought were really good, even those that dont like Will.
  11. A lizzard should be mad easy to maintain. They dont eat that much, they dont smell, kill all them bugs and they are ugly and cool. Have to be careful not to squash them with ur shoe while walking, like a friend of mine did.. RIP Tito.. lol (sorry bout that Luigi my man)
  12. In the words of the wise 50: " this is how we do" lol, Im trying people, Im trying.. Im making sooner or later a topic about one of yall so that u can join the club. Have the nicest of the dayz!
  13. Im not sure about that seven pounds movie. I think it was a bad idea at this time, in which Will is still in his prime and doing big blockbusters box office deals.
  14. lol, how could somebody expect me not to laugh when Tiger says stuff like this all the time! I know we have had our differences, but u the man.
  15. http://youtube.com/watch?v=LEBlCLIwk6Y&feature=related Here is the video for Hero to help out a little with the topic, I think is pretty good and shows Nas going back to his roots.
  16. This is great news! I think it has been a fantastic start for hancock. Maybe not what people xpected from it, but pretty good actually. The critics were not nice with the reviews of the movie, and the changing of pace and the pg13 problem didnt help out a lot either, but its still standing on its feet and I think it will surpass the 200 mil in the US.
  17. Oh, ya I definitely think his support for the radical minister is what splits him from many. I just think it's awesome, in hindsight, that he gave so many good records on his mixtape: Legendary (Mike Tyson), Esco Lets Go, Be a N Too, even his freestyle on "Cops keep firing." Go listen to the album people, even you Rams! haha. Visqo, where's your critique? You were waiting for it, right? Well, as always I like your reviews which I think are pretty insightful and detailed. I havent listened to it yet, this time I want to buy this album first (this will be the second Nas album I buy) and I want to listen to it closely and feel it. I want to try everysong first from my point of view and then I might be able to give you an answer on that. But this may be your best review in a long time Bob, real good!
  18. Tiger, man, dont be mean 2 our new member.
  19. Wow, I never noticed this till yall mentioned it. Now that I see my posts, I think yall right, I smile at most of the posts, maybe because most of them make me laugh. I actually write down the first thing I think when i read some of the stuff posted in here, sometimes without giving an insightful opinnion as I should... If u want to I can limit myself to be a "window shopper" like this guy said days ago he has become in the forum, and Ill post in selected topics in which I have a long and more meaningful comment to make. By the way, I dont recall never ever mentioning the word DEF! in a post unless I was saying it along with JAM. Maybe Im wrong. Im actually happy because you took your time to make a post about me and my replies. This is mad funny, except for the New England remark (that was uncalled for ,Bob, lol), and I really thought that Tiger was gonna take more advantage of it, but thanks for brinnging this up, Ill try to take it and learn from it. Peace.
  20. Es un problema poder escribir aqui porque mi ingles no es tan bueno. I dont know a lot about animals, maybe thats why I dont know about the odor yall talking about.
  21. thats right man, she used to be kinda weird
  22. I dont know how can u people be castrating all animals out there! thats just inhumane!
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