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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by VIsqo

  1. Did u hear the remix? lol, and that song is number 4 in the billboard top 100 right now. People are dying out there to get the Carter 3, but it just keeps getting delayed, maybe because he hasnt been able to pay those ghost writers for the rights to his songs...
  2. Lol I dont know what I would do if in here rains for more than 2 days. I think I would become crazy or sumthing..
  3. Oh Jesus Christ Tiger, ur insane, lol
  4. I use those songs to hang out in the car with the Boys.
  5. Man dont get me started about them seahawks, lol
  6. He was injured and had to be evaluated.. I think seattle is a really talented team, at least in baseball, lol, and they have a big shot to win the west in the AL but they have to work on that bullpen of theirs...
  7. I know that communication is important. Everybody say it all the time. But for me is not easy to sit and talk about what I feel all the time. I mean, with the guys we dont talk about feelings, unless we are feeling happy or mad. If we are sad, we only say it once. Girls are so easy to feel a thousand emotions over a thing and is easier to them to express them feelings. To me is really hard, and harder when is the first time, like when i realised I was in love the first time, it took me all of my balls to say it to her..
  8. lol, thanks Cookie, you have been really helpful to me. I will follow your advise and give her a little time. I think we both need a little time to recover and to think and to miss each other..
  9. I didnt know he used to be a member. Ow u banning people you...
  10. I think it is crazy everywhere nowadays...
  11. This video is pretty popular everywhere now. In here I have shown it to everybody!
  12. lol, tight is not the word we are looking for turn...
  13. lol, Lambert, why dont u sign in to the forum? we need people like u in here...
  14. I think it was both, but I wanted to solve them all. As a man, I always try to find the solution to every problem we have, and if I cant find it then I just ignore it. She got tired of the situation we were living, and she didnt want to try and solve it because she thought it would only get worse, i guess..
  15. A friend of mine from this forum has a song in her myspace profile that really helps me make my days..
  16. Those are really cool wallpapers!!!!!!!!
  17. Wayne strikes again people!!! For all of you who thought that this song couldnt get more annoying, well, guess again because now theres a remix with T- Pain that is way more hurtful to well trained ears. A lot of people actually like this and are praying for them to make a video of this nonsense. Here I give you: Lollipop remix http://youtube.com/watch?v=H9mRL8C9MCM
  18. I usually have two kinds of friends.. My Boys and the girls. My boys are always there to talk about sports, money, medicine, girls, music, and all that. Then there are the girls with whom I talk about more serious matters like relationships, things of the heart and the mind... My best friend is a girl. We share everything that happens to us. We share all of our secrets and fears. Everything... My other best friend is a Boy. He and I talk about everything else, we go out have fun, joke around a lot, diss on each other and have a good time every time.. In these particularly difficult times for me, my friend Rossy, she has been there for me emotionally and my friend Sadiasept have been there for me to cheer me up and not letting me go down.. Thats why you always need all kinds of friends..
  19. Tell me about it!, In here, Santo Domingo, we have the sunniest of the days at noon and all of the sudden and coming like from nowhere, it rains like for about an hour. Its so crazy the weather in here too. We only have 2 seasons in here: Summer and Hell. We have summer for about 3/4 of the year and the other quarter we have the hurricane season that I call hell...
  20. I just lost cueto in the fantasy league... thats sad.
  21. I never said it wasnt... But he did lose, and 50 really wanted that first place Lambert..
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