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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by VIsqo

  1. A friend of mine from this forum has a song in her myspace profile that really helps me make my days..
  2. Those are really cool wallpapers!!!!!!!!
  3. Wayne strikes again people!!! For all of you who thought that this song couldnt get more annoying, well, guess again because now theres a remix with T- Pain that is way more hurtful to well trained ears. A lot of people actually like this and are praying for them to make a video of this nonsense. Here I give you: Lollipop remix http://youtube.com/watch?v=H9mRL8C9MCM
  4. I usually have two kinds of friends.. My Boys and the girls. My boys are always there to talk about sports, money, medicine, girls, music, and all that. Then there are the girls with whom I talk about more serious matters like relationships, things of the heart and the mind... My best friend is a girl. We share everything that happens to us. We share all of our secrets and fears. Everything... My other best friend is a Boy. He and I talk about everything else, we go out have fun, joke around a lot, diss on each other and have a good time every time.. In these particularly difficult times for me, my friend Rossy, she has been there for me emotionally and my friend Sadiasept have been there for me to cheer me up and not letting me go down.. Thats why you always need all kinds of friends..
  5. Tell me about it!, In here, Santo Domingo, we have the sunniest of the days at noon and all of the sudden and coming like from nowhere, it rains like for about an hour. Its so crazy the weather in here too. We only have 2 seasons in here: Summer and Hell. We have summer for about 3/4 of the year and the other quarter we have the hurricane season that I call hell...
  6. I just lost cueto in the fantasy league... thats sad.
  7. I never said it wasnt... But he did lose, and 50 really wanted that first place Lambert..
  8. LoL, well, I think bad boys 3 might be a great idea for a next summer blockbuster movie. I mean 2009 summer
  9. I knoW Lambert, I know... lol, Mims havent bring us anything new to be hating about. We have Florida now.
  10. I heard that Morrow is going to be back soon, and he is going to be a lot of help.
  11. Oh and dont worry Tiger, U dont have to talk to her anymore...
  12. Well, we talked, and she is right. We have to give this a rest before we end up killing each other. I can tell she still loves me a lot, she just cant stand me right now because we were having soo many little problems and when reunited they make up for a big big one. We decided to take some time apart... Im really sad right now, but at least now I understand a little why she did it, and even though Im not thrilled about it, I cant say Im going to stop her, because deep down inside, I know she is right...
  13. We were having problems lately, and today, like out of nowhere she decided that we are better off alone. I talked to her but she wouldnt reason. She just said bye. I have called her like a zilion times, I went to her house and she wasnt there, left messages on her phone, I have done everything I know I can do and Havent been able to talk to her again. She said she was tired of the relationship and our problems. I was tired too of our problems, but that didnt mean I was gonna quit on her. Well she did to me. And dont worry, I know Tiger is a good kid.
  14. I havent heard any new news about it... But I truly hope he makes a new comedy...
  15. Thx Ale, I really apreciate that.
  16. Ive been having problems lately. My girlfriend broke up with me, my bestfriend got a job outta state and he left, my other friends are busy with their lives, Tiger keeps makin those dumb jokes, I mean, this is the time when I need people in here. Anyways, Im happy u people are finally writing something.
  17. Since 7 am nobody have brought us nothing interesting, where are u people? and what are u doing today?
  18. I never heard of that rumor before...
  19. i actually liked this is why im hott, I think we should bring back the topic of crappy songs we are guilty of liking
  20. Well, it seems like the season has started in a way we didnt expect, with the red sox, mets and yankees and detroit losing... lets see how it continues...
  21. Im not pretty sure, but Seigel started dissin Kanye provoking some kinde of beef there, but Im not sure about it. Anyways, theres rumors that Jay and Beyonce finally tied the knot yesterday: http://omg.yahoo.com/beyonce-and-jay-z-get-married/news/7992
  22. I know the feeling, In the hospital, when Im working in the surgical emergency room, I have to be giving stitches a lot, sometimes with out proper anesthesia, and the screaming and the crying is pretty disturbing. I think is one of the worst parts of medicine.. I like your story of breaking ur hand and let it heal because you are dumb like that... Man, whenever someone breaks a bone, he needs medical treatment, because if you dont get it then it might just heal the way its not supposed to and then, like happened once to a guy in the hospital I work in, we had to break his radial bone again just to put it in a cast and let it reheal the right way. Now, that is something that really hurts...
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