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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by VIsqo

  1. Theres still no words from his new album....
  2. It has become a really popular song everywhere, even when the video is crappy and the voice coder is extremely a bad choice for him, I guess its what people are diggin nowadays, and T- pain seems to be making a lot of hits with that.
  3. Why dont u people just give it rest....
  4. Lol, people how do you get so excited over this, it doesnt seem to be 'that' good...
  5. It makes it not a completely waste of the money...
  6. http://briankim.net/blog/2006/08/how-to-have-a-great-day/ There you go, read this and practice it. Its paying great benefics for me everyday!
  7. http://us.i1.yimg.com/videogames.yahoo.com...arcraft/1186366
  8. Man, noooooooooooooo, cmon, Im just kidding, close that...
  9. I dont know if hes making a video for this....
  10. Hes actually living in Santo Domingo, 2 houses from mine...
  11. 800 mil is a lot of money, Theres not a way he can surpass that with the type of movies hes making nowadays...
  12. I think it hasnt have the attention as his other songs on the radio, but its a good song.
  13. Obama is unstopable now!!!!
  14. Well, I guess Boston Legal good episodes are going to be back!
  15. Have you heard this one? For me it might be Lupe's Best solo work so far.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=Csy2XRlWMWE What do you think about it?
  16. I just hope that the collabos with Lupe and Pharrell come soon, it seems like a really good team..
  17. Did somebody see her performance at the Grammys? http://youtube.com/watch?v=Qm8-OjJPG0Q I actually think it was pretty good!!
  18. This has gotten a lot of popularity in the last 2 weeks, but Jay hasnt really said nothing about what would it be. It seems to be a left over from American Gangster though...
  19. I havent been able to go see it yet. People say that its amazing..
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