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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by VIsqo

  1. Lets call it a hunch, trust me.
  2. Its not an oscar, but something is something and is better than nothing! lol.
  3. Wel, lets see. Next year oscars are not gonna be as interesting as next year grammys, thats for sure.
  4. Well maybe it is, because he really looks kinda weird and we could all see it when he was presenting in the oscars, he looked pretty different. Anyways, Jada looks gorgeous, and better with the years.
  5. In Less than A year Will Smith has grown old, skinny and kinda weird, all at once. In just one year. Here I have the proof, Will on last years oscars and him in the ones this years, check out the differences and tell me what do u think about the change of image. Here he is, in the 2005 oscars, 2006 oscars, and 2007 oscars, tell me about this.
  6. Jaden was pretty funny in the oscar and I know that Will was having a good time like he always does
  7. But Will is seemingly looking for an Oscar since a while ago and he wont stop till he get it. This loss separates him even more from music because now he will put more energy on his acting, and there are gonna be a lot less funny movies and more drama, till he get it.
  8. yeah, thats true, but thats the way he is, just wait on my post tomorrow when i show u all the difference between will this year and last year in the oscars
  9. Well I dont know about u people but I do think that this is a great night for Will and I know that even though he doesnt win, he will feel proud of being there because thats were ur hard work and dedication takes u, and someday, he will win it, u can bet the farm on it.
  10. We´ve all seem bad boys and MIB, we all love em, but who would u rather see toguether doing movies? Tommy Lee jones with Will or Martin Lawrence with Will? And if you have another suggestion of another partner, feel free to add it too. :thumbsup:
  11. I really prefer the remix then the original one
  12. Well its the day of friendship too, so next valentine day instead of being sad of being lonely go for ur friends and have a ball, thats what its just about.
  13. Im with ya, I just hope they do it, but lets see about the box office in this one, and maybe, who knows, a soundtrack, a new cd, and maybe an mtv award or something, bad boys 3 should be great
  14. LOL, thats crazy, he should do a lot of movies, And back them up with good soundtracks and thats it.
  15. Well, its great news, its simply great news, he should come back for the 20th anniversary
  16. Today is valentine´s day, the day of friendship and love, and I wish you all the best not only for today, for everyday of this year and the rest of your long lives. Be happy, be friendly, be warm and care for each other, thats the real way and the easiest one to find happiness in life. Happy valentine´s day to all of you and to all of us, and to the whole world!
  17. I wanna hear his new cd, i know its gonna be the bomb and its gonna bring back people interest in writing here. He just need to wait.
  18. Im sorry to bring up old posts again, its just that this is an amazing song and i wanted to show my appreciation to it. First of all I simply loved the way Will was talking on the song and as he was talking, he narrated the things he loved about Jada and the way he loves her. I dedicated this song to my girlfriend and she just couldnt resist. Its so amazingly smooth and sweet and it has the tone and the flow of one of the best Will Smith romantic songs, If not the best. Maybe the people who dont like it havent see it from this point of view, or Maybe its just that they dont like this type of songs, or maybe is the lilltle things he do, or Maybe is just you.. Lol. If you hear this song carefully you can sense that thats the real Will Talking, he expresses hes tenderness and even a lil bit of jealousy, he smiles, he even talk a lil bit about their story toguether. Maybe has got to be one of the most understimated songs of Will and MAYBE one of the ones with bigger potential to attract different kind of fans to his music. Its another clear sign of the diversity of his creativeness and the romantic side he doesnt show in his big hits. Im done now, what do you think?
  19. Well, next year they might perform s, we still have to have faith
  20. Dont worry, I believe theres a lot of topics to talk about, I mean, here comes the Oscars, and the legend movie, and, well...., lots of stuff.
  21. He didnt present or perform, I didnt even see him there.
  22. Im here Julie, but since Will is not giving me a lot to talk about, Ive been doing anything big on the forum.
  23. yeah, me either, and would u imagine Will in the matrix with talco in his face and fighting martial arts in the air? silly huh?
  24. I speak spanish as my first language since I live in Dominican Republic, but since I write songs and poetry and saw all of the great talents posted in this board I wanted to write something in english and show it here too. This poem was dedicated for my girlfriend Raysa and it goes a little something like this: Shes flat out hot and sexy Shes gentle and smooth to my problems shes the exit and shes really looking good. Shes has a gorgeus smile her lips are like a snack sometimes I sit and stare at the perfection of her "back". She sits on my lap she wants things to be clean she hates to take a nap and my god she loves to drink! Shes funny and loves to laugh she thinks Im a good lover we love to spend our time just looking at each other. Shes creative and smart she says shes only mine she dresses as a model and looks really, really FINE. Sometimes we take a cab sometimes we take the bus my love, my dreams and time are just for the two of us. Victor Gomez I hope you like it.
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